News: Cowboys Only Have Themselves To Blame For All Their Suspended Players


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Cowboys Only Have Themselves To Blame For All Their Suspended Players

When news broke about a possible suspension of Cowboys defensive lineman, David Irving, you could hear the chatter of Cowboys Nation, “here we go again!” Like a broken record, Dallas is looking at having another player miss some football games. Some fans are questioning the leadership on the team, suggesting that Cowboys coach Jason Garrett is too soft and isn’t delivering the message needed to steer his players away from trouble. Others are saying that the Cowboys bring this on themselves with all the high-risk decisions they make as several of these players had huge red flags prior to coming to Dallas. And that didn’t stop the organization from signing them anyway. Then there are some that feel the blame lies with the individual player, which is true, but when you have so many different players involved, how can you not begin to think there is some other underlying root cause?...


...Jon Machota was recently asked about this and he did a little finger pointing. Is there a culture embedded in the Cowboys that makes Dallas more susceptible to violations we routinely see like Randy Gregory and now David Irving? How could their "vaunted" mentoring program continue to miss this type of conduct?

Jon Machota: I wouldn't say it's a culture thing as much as it is they take chances on players more than other organizations. Some of Jerry Jones' biggest gambles in life have provided him with his greatest rewards. I don't see that philosophy changing any time soon. Whether it's an off the field issue or an injury concern, if the Cowboys feel like the potential reward far outweighs the risk, they're going to roll the dice...
I think the suspensions are being overplayed. It's primarily two players we took chances on, McClain and Gregory, because the risk wasn't too steep. Other than that, we knew Hardy was going to be suspended when he signed with us, so that leaves Lawrence and Irving as "surprises." Two surprises in three years isn't really that bad.
I think the suspensions are being overplayed. It's primarily two players we took chances on, McClain and Gregory, because the risk wasn't too steep. Other than that, we knew Hardy was going to be suspended when he signed with us, so that leaves Lawrence and Irving as "surprises." Two surprises in three years isn't really that bad.
If you take out all the guys that have been suspended, they haven't had anyone suspended. Not too bad
If you take out all the guys that have been suspended, they haven't had anyone suspended. Not too bad

Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks for clearing up what I was trying to say.
I think the suspensions are being overplayed. It's primarily two players we took chances on, McClain and Gregory, because the risk wasn't too steep. Other than that, we knew Hardy was going to be suspended when he signed with us, so that leaves Lawrence and Irving as "surprises." Two surprises in three years isn't really that bad.
Everyone of age is responsible for their own behavior. But leasing a lemon is a good way to end up driving a lemon.

I don't mind taking chances on lemons as long as they are cheap. McClain was clearly a problematic player when we acquired him, but it didn't cost us much to try to get something out of him at a time when we weren't investing much in the defense. There also was good reason to take a risk on Gregory's talent at the end of the second round although that risk absolutely did not pay off. Hardy was a pay-as-you-go risk who we didn't think was the locker-room problem that he proved to be. None of those panned out like we hoped, but there have certainly been risks in the history of this franchise that have.

To me, it always will come down to price. The Gregory gamble ultimately cost more than it was worth, so I hope that we won't do that again. The McClain and Hardy gambles didn't really hurt us costwise.
Gregory and McClain make up the vast majority of our suspension over the last 2 years.

I was OK with the risks taken and the costs associated at the time.

I believe his was in 2014, but even if you add him it's still not much outside of McClain and Gregory, certainly not more than most other teams. Those two players skew the average, and rightly so, because they are clearly two knuckleheads we took a shot with. (Throw Hardy in there with them.)

These were get-rich-quick schemes for a defense badly in need of some talent. Now, that we've turned our attention to building the defense, I think we'll see less of these kind of moves, although I never put it past Jones to try to take a chance.
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Jerry Jones is a gambling man and like to take risks. There is nothing wrong with that, imo. Charles Haley was a huge risk especially in the locker room but that paid off. I applaud Jerry for giving people second and third chances but there comes a time when you have to cut bait. For Gregory that time might be coming in the next year if he can't get it together. I just want these guys to become productive citizens. Football should be the least of their worry.
People need to just come to terms with this. It's going to happen under Jerry Jones. And it's small potatoes as long as we're not gambling with high draft picks anymore. That's what was expensive.
I think the suspensions are being overplayed. It's primarily two players we took chances on, McClain and Gregory, because the risk wasn't too steep. Other than that, we knew Hardy was going to be suspended when he signed with us, so that leaves Lawrence and Irving as "surprises." Two surprises in three years isn't really that bad.

The facts are for several years we have been bottomfeeders when it came to defensive players..

especially on the DL.

These guys are on the edge with their contributions as many were rejects from their former teams.

Marinelli has been trying to get by with less talent but better coaching.

That goes just so far.
They were shopping from the bargain bin at the Island of Misfit Toys. Drafting and coaching better should eliminate the desperation that led to those choices.
There's no excuse for the McClain one. You could tell he didn't care. Walked away with abother 3 mil for doing nothing.
When you draft or sign a free agent there are always risks. Sometimes they pay off sometimes they don't. Dallas fans act is if Dallas is the only team that take risks. They would all be wrong. Every team does it almost every year but it is always Dallas in the news. Jerry has taken a number of risk that paid off although you would believe that it was the head coaches that did it. Sure Gregory, maybe Irving are risks but so was Owens, so was Dak for that matter considering we tried very hard not to draft him and if we fans are honest, who saw that he would become the starter and a great one last year. If you raised you hand, I call liar, liar pants on fire.

Risks are always part of the game from players to plays to wins and losses. It is just in Dallas it is news all the time.
I don't mind taking chances on lemons as long as they are cheap. McClain was clearly a problematic player when we acquired him, but it didn't cost us much to try to get something out of him at a time when we weren't investing much in the defense. There also was good reason to take a risk on Gregory's talent at the end of the second round although that risk absolutely did not pay off. Hardy was a pay-as-you-go risk who we didn't think was the locker-room problem that he proved to be. None of those panned out like we hoped, but there have certainly been risks in the history of this franchise that have.

To me, it always will come down to price. The Gregory gamble ultimately cost more than it was worth, so I hope that we won't do that again. The McClain and Hardy gambles didn't really hurt us costwise.

They also take up a roster spot. At times it doesn't matter but you never know when you're going to release someone who will be a solid player.
Taco Charlton will be the next knucklehead on that list. Mark my words. I would much rather have an overachiever like T.J. Watt, than an underachiever like Charlton any day.
I take the Charlie Casserly attitude toward risky players. Don't draft them. History is the best measure of future behavior...period.

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