Video: Cowherd: Why Jerry Jones knows he can win games without Zeke


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Good vid.. Makes a lot of good points about the organization.

Also, he goes on to talk about Daniel Jones in New York. From what I’ve seen from Jones he actually looks really good. I didn’t watch him much during the draft process but I remember hearing a stat about his completion percentage over 5 yards and it was so low that I just didn’t bother to even give a 2nd thought about the guy.



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Good vid.. Makes a lot of good points about the organization.

Also, he goes on to talk about Daniel Jones in New York. From what I’ve seen from Jones he actually looks really good. I didn’t watch him much during the draft process but I remember hearing a stat about his completion percentage over 5 yards and it was so low that I just didn’t bother to even give a 2nd thought about the guy.

Jones is good - reminds me of Elway.

Their CREATIVE Play design does NOT remind me of Garret. :clap::grin:


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If Jones knows then why is he doing everything possible to sign him? lol Colin changes his mind about everything. If the Cowboys struggle without Zeke, he'll get amnesia and trash Jerry. lol

Probably! Of course, many fans are predictably negative no matter what the Cowboys do. Not saying that’s you, I just expect criticism and handwringing in any scenario.


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If Jones knows then why is he doing everything possible to sign him? lol Colin changes his mind about everything. If the Cowboys struggle without Zeke, he'll get amnesia and trash Jerry. lol

What gave you the impression Jerry was doing everything possible to sign him?

We’re 7 days from kickoff and Zeke isn’t signed. Seems like if Jerry met Zekes demands he would be here.

The game check fines are coming.. 230k a week.. Jerry will get the deal Jerry wants.

PA Cowboy Fan

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What gave you the impression Jerry was doing everything possible to sign him?

We’re 7 days from kickoff and Zeke isn’t signed. Seems like if Jerry met Zekes demands he would be here.

The game check fines are coming.. 230k a week.. Jerry will get the deal Jerry wants.
Because he's negotiating with him. They say it's the second highest RB contract. If Jerry was doing things on his terms he'd tell Zeke to stay out . We are playing this season without you. And yet he isn't. Instead he's mumbling a lot which tells me he's frustrated or drunk as usual. And no fines are ever going to be paid. Once Zeke is signed it will be all forgiven and Zeke knows that.


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Because he's negotiating with him. They say it's the second highest RB contract. If Jerry was doing things on his terms he'd tell Zeke to stay out . We are playing this season without you. And yet he isn't. Instead he's mumbling a lot which tells me he's frustrated or drunk as usual. And no fines are ever going to be paid. Once Zeke is signed it will be all forgiven and Zeke knows that.

Zeke has to show up by week 10 regardless and it will cost him 4 million dollars because there is a 2 million dollar bonus in there somewhere that was reported on the radio.

Everyone knows the Cowboys have all the leverage but for some reason some of you guys think Zeke has it.

Zeke will sign a deal that will be easy to get out of and look pretty reasonable after inflation.

Dallas will not be as stupid as the Rams were and get stuck with a deal they can’t get out of. Especially with a guy that has a target on his chest by the league.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Zeke has to show up by week 10 regardless and it will cost him 4 million dollars because there is a 2 million dollar bonus in there somewhere that was reported on the radio.

Everyone knows the Cowboys have all the leverage but for some reason some of you guys think Zeke has it.

Zeke will sign a deal that will be easy to get out of and look pretty reasonable after inflation.

Dallas will not be as stupid as the Rams were and get stuck with a deal they can’t get out of. Especially with a guy that has a target on his chest by the league.
:laugh: People keep saying that but a person with no leverage just sits and the club goes on without him.

Not saying Zeke will get all he wants but he'll get a lot of it. Both sides will claim victory as it should be. Zeke will pay no fines and the way it looks he could be signed at any moment. This was always going to happen. People that kept saying he's getting traded or other nonsense had no clue. This team is a SB contender with Zeke. Without him they aren't and that's why Jerry is negotiating with him. He knows that. A person with no leverage would have Jerry just laughing at him.


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:laugh: People keep saying that but a person with no leverage just sits and the club goes on without him.

Not saying Zeke will get all he wants but he'll get a lot of it. Both sides will claim victory as it should be. Zeke will pay no fines and the way it looks he could be signed at any moment. This was always going to happen. People that kept saying he's getting traded or other nonsense had no clue. This team is a SB contender with Zeke. Without him they aren't and that's why Jerry is negotiating with him. He knows that. A person with no leverage would have Jerry just laughing at him.

You can get Zeke cheaper today then you can tomorrow.

It’s smarter to sign him to your terms today then to his terms tomorrow when he can just walk or do whatever.

Of course they want Zeke.


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Because he's negotiating with him. They say it's the second highest RB contract. If Jerry was doing things on his terms he'd tell Zeke to stay out . We are playing this season without you. And yet he isn't. Instead he's mumbling a lot which tells me he's frustrated or drunk as usual. And no fines are ever going to be paid. Once Zeke is signed it will be all forgiven and Zeke knows that.
Jerry may not fine him but missing game checks will bring things to a point where all parties can meet on common ground. Zeke had all the leverage until now. It is swinging the other way.
I'm sure Zekes agent told him that he would make him the highest paid RB in the NFL and they have been clinging to that dream, but now things are starting to get real.
This week is when the negotiations start to become real.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Jerry may not fine him but missing game checks will bring things to a point where all parties can meet on common ground. Zeke had all the leverage until now. It is swinging the other way.
I'm sure Zekes agent told him that he would make him the highest paid RB in the NFL and they have been clinging to that dream, but now things are starting to get real.
This week is when the negotiations start to become real.
Actually I think the Cowboys had all the leverage until next week . It's the games that matter. If the Cowboys struggle Zeke's leverage goes up . If the Cowboys do fine than his leverage goes down. I don't think either party wanted to find out the truth.


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Zeke has to show up by week 10 regardless and it will cost him 4 million dollars because there is a 2 million dollar bonus in there somewhere that was reported on the radio.

Everyone knows the Cowboys have all the leverage but for some reason some of you guys think Zeke has it.

Zeke will sign a deal that will be easy to get out of and look pretty reasonable after inflation.

Dallas will not be as stupid as the Rams were and get stuck with a deal they can’t get out of. Especially with a guy that has a target on his chest by the league.
What does inflation have to do with it? Inflation today is almost non-existent.


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What does inflation have to do with it? Inflation today is almost non-existent.

Running back market will rise and Zekes contract will look better tomorrow then it will today.

When the Rams gave Gurley a stupid contract all of the other top tier RBs that had long term deals became peanuts in comparison.

If the Giants get stupid with Saquon then Zeke’s contract will not look so bad.

2 years from now when Zeke actually has real leverage he could have an open market competing for his service and get no telling how much.


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What gave you the impression Jerry was doing everything possible to sign him?

We’re 7 days from kickoff and Zeke isn’t signed. Seems like if Jerry met Zekes demands he would be here.

The game check fines are coming.. 230k a week.. Jerry will get the deal Jerry wants.


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Running back market will rise and Zekes contract will look better tomorrow then it will today.

When the Rams gave Gurley a stupid contract all of the other top tier RBs that had long term deals became peanuts in comparison.

If the Giants get stupid with Saquon then Zeke’s contract will not look so bad.

2 years from now when Zeke actually has real leverage he could have an open market competing for his service and get no telling how much.
No, it won't. There has always been 2 or 3 RB's in the league that are head and shoulders better than the rest. They don't set the market for the rest, they are outliers. Stupid contracts like the one Gurley was given hasn't done squat to rise the RB market. Zeke and Saquon will be no different. They are the 2 or 3 outliers that are elite in the league. Meanwhile, the RB market remains what it has been for years, which is what the league wants. It's a passing league where QBs and WRs reign supreme. By the way, you did not answer my question about inflation.


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What gave you the impression Jerry was doing everything possible to sign him?

We’re 7 days from kickoff and Zeke isn’t signed. Seems like if Jerry met Zekes demands he would be here.

The game check fines are coming.. 230k a week.. Jerry will get the deal Jerry wants.

Exactly. Jerry is going to do it his way.

Just take what you're offered and shut up, Zeke.


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Yes I’ve seen that. Someone is caving on their demands.. With the leverage Dallas has the odds are it’s Zeke.
exactly. ZEKE is likely the guy caving on this. I can almost assure everyone of that. I think he just wants to put it behind him and play. This will get done by later this evening.