Dak using his legs to keep the chains moving


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Glad to see along with his passing game that he is using his legs like he did early in his career I believe he has like 140 yd rushing so far this year and two touchdowns.
Looks like he is on a pace to eclipse his previous season records.
That said I think he feels confident in his leg and we will need his ability to run to get further in the playoffs.
After watching the eagles and the bills it reaffirmed my thoughts on the importance of a quarterback who could run the ball when necessary and thank goodness we have it
Well my first thought is I messed up the title by hitting send before I looked at what the phone printed but by all means everyone make sure they crucify me over it before they comment about Daks running game. Lol


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He also throws very well while on the run. If his receivers continue to adjust and make it easier for him to find someone to throw to when he scrambles, it'll benefit the offense quite a bit.
Yes he seems to have a really good rhythm when he runs and his timing almost like a guy running down the court pulling up and taking a jump shot hitting nothing but net.
I believe it was the last game against the commanders where he even threw back across his body and was accurate.

big dog cowboy

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Having a mobile QB is important for the offense. When Dak wouldn't run it was hurting the offense because the defense knew he wasn't going anywhere. We've all seen enough football to know how much it changes the defense when it doesn't have to account for running QB's.


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I think it's important for Dak to use his legs but I want him to move the pocket especially against teams like 49ers. He also must get into the habit of going to his playmakers in big situations. He needs to trust Lamb and Ferguson to come down with the ball even under sticky coverage.


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I think it's important for Dak to use his legs but I want him to move the pocket especially against teams like 49ers. He also must get into the habit of going to his playmakers in big situations. He needs to trust Lamb and Ferguson to come down with the ball even under sticky coverage.
Why on Earth would he do that? They never do.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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He is not as mobile as some, but he is competent at extending plays and running enough to make it an effective part of the offense
Bold> That is the beauty of it. It is not necessary for Dak Prescott to be a gazelle or even mimic Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen, Jalen Hurts, etc. He should not force himself to stand inside the pocket like the Statue of Liberty if he wants to buy a few extra seconds by scrambling. The same goes whenever the defense has everyone covered but is leaving wide open terrain for him to run and pick up five or so yards.

On a related note but not from a scientific point-of-view, I think Prescott alleviates some early game gitters when he is forced to scramble left or right in order to make a throw. Those throws on the move seem to me to be more accurate early in games than when he is standing stock still in the pocket.

Personally, I would like for Mike McCarthy to scheme a few roll out passes for the first drive of each game. I think that would burn off some of that extra pent up energy from the very start. Prescott has shown he can be deadly with the ball when he appears to hit his comfort zone. The coaches should help him get there right off the bat in my opinion.


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The threat of having a QB that can move (doesn't mean a run first QB), keeps the defense pegged on the ground for a fraction of a second longer than the regular pocket passing QB. Not only does the defense have to account for the play either being a run or pass, now they have to keep an eye on the QB. Dak is nowhere near as agile as he used to be but he can still make a run for a crucial 3rd and 7. This makes our offense so much better and it's what we need to do more with Romo but really never did.


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On a related note but not from a scientific point-of-view, I think Prescott alleviates some early game gitters when he is forced to scramble left or right in order to make a throw. Those throws on the move seem to me to be more accurate early in games than when he is standing stock still in the pocket.
He is definitely better after he takes a hit. Always has been.


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Glad to see along with his passing game that he is using his legs like he did early in his career I believe he has like 140 yd rushing so far this year and two touchdowns.
Looks like he is on a pace to eclipse his previous season records.
That said I think he feels confident in his leg and we will need his ability to run to get further in the playoffs.
After watching the eagles and the bills it reaffirmed my thoughts on the importance of a quarterback who could run the ball when necessary and thank goodness we have it
Well my first thought is I messed up the title by hitting send before I looked at what the phone printed but by all means everyone make sure they crucify me over it before they comment about Daks running game. Lol
Strong agreement. I think he needs to take off running at least twice per game to give defenses something else to think about.


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I think he's finally back to running with the same confidence as before the major angle injury 2-3 years ago and something happened after the 49ers game. He took a brutal beating from fans and even some of his most loyal media followers. I wonder if one of his close-circle confidants ( MM or maybe his brother) gave him some cold hard truth about playing scared and leaving way too many plays on the field. Either way, he's been a different player since ..........in a good way.


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He also throws very well while on the run. If his receivers continue to adjust and make it easier for him to find someone to throw to when he scrambles, it'll benefit the offense quite a bit.
Not to mention it opens up different angles on the receivers which otherwise would normally be covered by the defender from the pocket. It's why running QBs always do better and it's about time the coaches let him get back to his natural style of play. (I'm assuming it was the coaches who tried to stop him running in the first place like they did Romo.)


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He is one of the more accurate passer on the run. Go look at some of his highlight (50 yard bomb to Beasley vs the Gints).
Against teams with a good pass rush, he needs to get out of the pocket quickly and try to make a play on the run if his first option isn't open.
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Bold> That is the beauty of it. It is not necessary for Dak Prescott to be a gazelle or even mimic Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen, Jalen Hurts, etc. He should not force himself to stand inside the pocket like the Statue of Liberty if he wants to buy a few extra seconds by scrambling. The same goes whenever the defense has everyone covered but is leaving wide open terrain for him to run and pick up five or so yards.

On a related note but not from a scientific point-of-view, I think Prescott alleviates some early game gitters when he is forced to scramble left or right in order to make a throw. Those throws on the move seem to me to be more accurate early in games than when he is standing stock still in the pocket.

Personally, I would like for Mike McCarthy to scheme a few roll out passes for the first drive of each game. I think that would burn off some of that extra pent up energy from the very start. Prescott has shown he can be deadly with the ball when he appears to hit his comfort zone. The coaches should help him get there right off the bat in my opinion.
This is another reason to stay ahead of the chains, then the QB runs don't have to maximize the yardage and then take a pounding at the end, just short runs for the first down and slide, take what he can get and slide, stay ahead of the chains and limit the big hits.


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Josh Allen was the blue print. I don't want Dak out there trying to run defenders over but 3rd and 3 is better than taking sacks. Designed runs are even better. When those corners turn their backs run right behind them.


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I don't want to rely on Dak's legs. Instead, we need better playcalling and play designs, and the receivers need to win on their routes.

If he needs to escape on occasion or in key moments, fine...but I do think it's a bit too easy sometimes to rely on a QB's athleticism when really all these broken plays are a sign that the offense is not executing in rhythm. I'd rather the QB use his legs in a planned fashion, like bootlegs, or a timely QB draw.

I always get nervous when I see the QB holding onto the ball too long on consecutive plays, trying to escape and make a play...especially against the better defensive lines. It's magic and exhilarating when it works, but we all moan and groan when the QB gets hit and fumbles, or worse, they go down in a heap and get injured.

Crisp execution of the offense (pre-snap reads!) is what I look for. When I see a lot of Broken Play big plays, I often cringe, even when it works...as that doesn't mean the offense is a "success" in my eyes. Instead, the overall offense seems broken to me, even though individual players could be having great success in the scramble drill. And then the QB gets comfortable holding onto the ball and escaping, until calamity happens.


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Glad to see along with his passing game that he is using his legs like he did early in his career I believe he has like 140 yd rushing so far this year and two touchdowns.
Looks like he is on a pace to eclipse his previous season records.
That said I think he feels confident in his leg and we will need his ability to run to get further in the playoffs.
After watching the eagles and the bills it reaffirmed my thoughts on the importance of a quarterback who could run the ball when necessary and thank goodness we have it
Well my first thought is I messed up the title by hitting send before I looked at what the phone printed but by all means everyone make sure they crucify me over it before they comment about Daks running game. Lol
I think Garrett and Moore prevented Dak from running much after the injury. That and Dak’s mentally over the injury now and with MM as OC, this is the result. He’s no Lamar Jackson, but QB’s really don’t need to be. They just need to know when to run, and when to throw TD passes. Dak‘s 2nd in the NFL TD’s.