Dallas Cowboys New Fan Song


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This is going to be a hard year. It’d be hilarious if Dallas won the East again.


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This is going to be a hard year. It’d be hilarious if Dallas won the East again.
With the problems Philly is having I wouldn’t rule out us repeating in the NFC East. However, even if the team wins 14-15 games in the regular season fans will struggle to have any faith it will lead to playoff success. After the egg the Cowboys laid in the playoffs it’s going to be difficult to get excited about regular season wins. My faith in the organization is at an all time low.


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With the problems Philly is having I wouldn’t rule out us repeating in the NFC East. However, even if the team wins 14-15 games in the regular season fans will struggle to have any faith it will lead to playoff success. After the egg the Cowboys laid in the playoffs it’s going to be difficult to get excited about regular season wins. My faith in the organization is at an all time low.
KJJ---you know i was one of biggest HOMER....sunday cured that....was thinking exact same thing....even a killer regular season for us means nothing....when

you lose in most humiliating way and worse loss of all time and allow first 7th seed to advance....that bad taste does not leave


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KJJ---you know i was one of biggest HOMER....sunday cured that....was thinking exact same thing....even a killer regular season for us means nothing....when

you lose in most humiliating way and worse loss of all time and allow first 7th seed to advance....that bad taste does not leave
I’m sure once the wounds heal you’ll be back to your homer ways with your Plat guarantees. :thumbup:


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I’m sure once the wounds heal you’ll be back to your homer ways with your Plat guarantees. :thumbup:
KJJ--- i can see how you might think that....and i am a bit crazy....so time will tell?....will i revert back to Homerism and PLATS and all of that?....gosh i sure hope not

dont i even have an assemblence of self respect????.....but i am old and crazy?....if i do it cause my mind is on the Aikman and Staubach years.....but i dont think

even those thoughts can overcome the most embarrassing of all time playoff loss....and Jerrry who had to be so drunk on Johnnie Walker blue label to say such

words and get FAT MIKE to say "buy into us"?.....i would tie both them down and barf on them....that is the only "into us" thing i will do....you dont c r a p on your

fanbase like you did and it be OK.....time for the fans to revolt....i am presently holding up an SAS sign...Stephen A Smith.....i can see why he hates cowboy fans

cause many are like me....in truth we are a dumpster fire....but we want to pretend with FAT Mike and Jerry...aww man we are so good....SAS always says...just a

matter of time....if something can go wrong it will go wrong for cowboys....and it always does....but the fans stay blind loyalty.....i hope i saw the Light on this one??


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Know how many breaths are needed on a trumpet to show 'em one's stuff? About 578...


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KJJ---you know i was one of biggest HOMER....sunday cured that....was thinking exact same thing....even a killer regular season for us means nothing....when

you lose in most humiliating way and worse loss of all time and allow first 7th seed to advance....that bad taste does not leave
Give up on kids who are learning here as well?


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With the problems Philly is having I wouldn’t rule out us repeating in the NFC East. However, even if the team wins 14-15 games in the regular season fans will struggle to have any faith it will lead to playoff success. After the egg the Cowboys laid in the playoffs it’s going to be difficult to get excited about regular season wins. My faith in the organization is at an all time low.
KJJ--- are you sure????....maybe as time passes the grass will start looking greener?....sure good ol Jerry keeps it all same ol same ol.....maybe the wishful

thinking might creep back in?....can i ask were you even alive when Dallas won 3 out of 4 superbowls in 90's?....if you were....it could work against you....but

as i remember you stayed pretty negative during regular season....i use to think what a Kill Joy....but i was wrong.....you were trying to help the fan base...but

we are very crazy and should all be in a looney bin....i just hope sunday was the "shock treatment" that worked.....been looking for a Quinn post-game time

video and cant find one.....hope he runs to Seattle...he is part of the 2 worst playoff and superbowl losses in all of history...lets do it again Jerry:flagwave:


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KJJ--- are you sure????....maybe as time passes the grass will start looking greener?....sure good ol Jerry keeps it all same ol same ol.....maybe the wishful
As long as Jerry is running the team I don’t expect the grass to get any greener. It’s been pretty darn green during the regular season but turns dormant once the playoffs start.


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new theme song for MM...better yet, its the new fan motto.