Deadwood uses foul language?

I am sooooo suprised :eek:

I quit watching Deadwood not too long ago. It wasnt really because of the language, that doesnt really "bother me" but I don't think the wife was crazy about it. Oh well no HBO for me until the Sopranos comes back
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› said:
I am sooooo suprised :eek:

I quit watching Deadwood not too long ago. It wasnt really because of the language, that doesnt really "bother me" but I don't think the wife was crazy about it. Oh well no HBO for me until the Sopranos comes back
The only reason I still have HBO is for shows like Deadwood, Carnivale and The Sopranos.
Yeagermeister said:
The only reason I still have HBO is for shows like Deadwood, Carnivale and The Sopranos.
do they show anything else?
maybe some boxing fights.
Yeagermeister said:
The only reason I still have HBO is for shows like Deadwood, Carnivale and The Sopranos.

Right on. HBO TV makes network TV look like amateur stuff even though I've read that HBO has a smidgen of the budget that big networks such as ABC or NBC employ. BTW, I read that HBO cancelled Carnivale. :( I guess the ratings never picked up on that one. At the same time, they renewed Deadwood for season three. I can't wait for that new series, Rome. I'm a history nut and I love any show that takes place in ancient times.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Right on. HBO TV makes network TV look like amateur stuff even though I've read that HBO has a smidgen of the budget that big networks such as ABC or NBC employ. BTW, I read that HBO cancelled Carnivale. :( I guess the ratings never picked up on that one. At the same time, they renewed Deadwood for season three. I can't wait for that new series, Rome. I'm a history nut and I love any show that takes place in ancient times.

Good news for the deadwood...I was wondering about it, kind of figured they would get picked up again as it has done so well...but you never know until you hear it.

Never got to see carnivale the first season and tried to watch some of the second season but had no clue about the characters and missed to much to get into it, so I can't say it bothers me if it got canned.

However like you I am very interested in seeing the new Rome series, it looks like it may be pretty good.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Right on. HBO TV makes network TV look like amateur stuff even though I've read that HBO has a smidgen of the budget that big networks such as ABC or NBC employ. BTW, I read that HBO cancelled Carnivale. :( I guess the ratings never picked up on that one. At the same time, they renewed Deadwood for season three. I can't wait for that new series, Rome. I'm a history nut and I love any show that takes place in ancient times.
No big shock on Carnivale. It was a weird show.

I was pretty sure Deadwood would be back. This season should start to pick up now that Al is back on his feet...literally :D
By the way, anyone enjoy watching Charlie beat the living $%* out of Francis Wolcott last night? :)
TruBlueCowboy said:
By the way, anyone enjoy watching Charlie beat the living $%* out of Francis Wolcott last night? :)

Yes I have to say I did.

But not as much as Jane telling the commissioner what to do when he was in the jail cell can complained of being thirsty on the episode before lol.
TruBlueCowboy said:
By the way, anyone enjoy watching Charlie beat the living $%* out of Francis Wolcott last night? :)
I was saying DAYUM who knew Charlie could kick butt like that but then it was only Wolcott. That guy has played two of the biggest wusses in that series.....Jack McColl and Wolcott lol

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