Dez Bryant and the Lockout


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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We have heard it many times this season. "He doesn't run more than [insert number here] routes." "He has the physical tools but needs to learn the nuances of being a receiver."

I think the lockout might have hurt Dez Bryant more than anyone. Think about it.

He comes in as a rookie last year and goes through the NFL acclimation every rookie goes through. However a rookie's offseason when he comes in is never the same as a normal offseason. They have to play catch up and learn on the fly. The only position that does not seem to be hampered by this is running back.

But then, Dez's first chance at a real offseason is ruined because of the Lockout. He goes into his second NFL offseason, and really his only true offseason since rookies always come in late, without being able to get any workouts and conditioning in. This is when most rookies work themselves into that NFL body they'll have the rest of their careers. Plus he isn't able to work with his new WR coach on the small technicalities in the position and honing his ability into what it can be. He loses out at the extra hours he would have gotten in a regular offseason to work and learn his craft.

So here's basically a rookie with a little bit of game experience coming into this season. No OTAs, no minicamps, no workouts. Dez Bryant is a power bludgeoning warhammer. I can't wait until he has a real offseason to sharpen himself into a finely tuned precision war-machine.
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All that no OTA's, no minicamps, no training camp for Dez and yet he's still most likely gonna have himself a 1,000 yard season. Pretty scary if you ask me. This kid is gonna special.*


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Why can't he work on his routes during the season?

Didn't Michael Irvin used to run routes after practice with Jason Garrett all the time?

I'm sure Jimmy Robinson would be glad to coach him and McGee can throw him the ball.


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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Eskimo;4296221 said:
Why can't he work on his routes during the season?

Didn't Michael Irvin used to run routes after practice with Jason Garrett all the time?

I'm sure Jimmy Robinson would be glad to coach him and McGee can throw him the ball.

I'm sure he does. It does not compare to the pure work a player gets from the offseason, though. Most of the regular season is dedicated to game planning, not sharpening skills. How many times have we seen a player in the NFL explode in their 2nd or 3rd year after a good offseason? Jason Witten is the example that comes to mind from his rookie to second year.


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I love the guy but if the criticisms are even remotely accurate it has more to do with laziness than anything.

Almost two NFL seasons in and he's got 3 routes in the arsenal?

People expect minimal activity over the course of 3-4 months to be the magic bullet?

I doubt you could find anyone who would claim he's physically incapable of running ANY route.

So what does that leave?
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Hoofbite;4296236 said:
I love the guy but if the criticisms are even remotely accurate it has more to do with laziness than anything.

Almost two NFL seasons in and he's got 3 routes in the arsenal?

People expect minimal activity over the course of 3-4 months to be the magic bullet?

I doubt you could find anyone who would claim he's physically incapable of running ANY route.

So what does that leave?

Gotta love a guy behind a computer questioning a guy's work ethic.


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Dallas Cowboys Fan;4296220 said:
All that no OTA's, no minicamps, no training camp for Dez and yet he's still most likely gonna have himself a 1,000 yard season. Pretty scary if you ask me. This kid is gonna special.*

Pretty much sums up my opinion as well. :beer2:


Dez is a beast and we are so lucky to have him.


if you ain't first, you're last
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Thought I read somewhere that between College and the pros, he has only played like 35 games, He missed his rookie Training camp with an injury plus had the lockout ruin this years, so the sky's the limit still for him.


AegonTheConqueror-Now bend the knee
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Tell that 2 Sean Lee, he seems to have gained knowledge of his position without an offseason.

Not sayin.........just sayin

The Natural

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Dallas Cowboys Fan;4296238 said:
Gotta love a guy behind a computer questioning a guy's work ethic.

I think the crazier thing is people actually running with the idea that he only knows 3 routes, I mean really? Folks dont really believe that do you :rolleyes:


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CowboyMike;4296219 said:
We have heard it many times this season. "He doesn't run more than [insert number here] routes." "He has the physical tools but needs to learn the nuances of being a receiver."

I think the lockout might have hurt Dez Bryant more than anyone. Think about it.

He comes in as a rookie last year and goes through the NFL acclimation every rookie goes through. However a rookie's offseason when he comes in is never the same as a normal offseason. They have to play catch up and learn on the fly. The only position that does not seem to be hampered by this is running back.

But then, Dez's first chance at a real offseason is ruined because of the Lockout. He goes into his second NFL offseason, and really his only true offseason since rookies always come in late, without being able to get any workouts and conditioning in. This is when most rookies work themselves into that NFL body they'll have the rest of their careers. Plus he isn't able to work with his new WR coach on the small technicalities in the position and honing his ability into what it can be. He loses out at the extra hours he would have gotten in a regular offseason to work and learn his craft.

So here's basically a rookie with a little bit of game experience coming into this season. No OTAs, no minicamps, no workouts. Dez Bryant is a power bludgeoning warhammer. I can't wait until he has a real offseason to sharpen himself into a finely tuned precision war-machine.

:laugh2: :laugh2:

my god, when will you guys get done making excuses for this guy

there are rookie WRs making significant plays for their teams all over the NFL, like julio jones and A J Green, did they have minicamps?

maybe it is the usual people always to blame on this message board, perhaps it is the referees or the media holding him back

what about laurent robinson who came in the middle of the season and has had no training camp at all?

stop with the excuses

this guy either is not smart enough or does not work hard enough

take you pick


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Dallas Cowboys Fan;4296238 said:
Gotta love a guy behind a computer questioning a guy's work ethic.

gotta love how so many excuses are used for him. There is no excuse for not knowing more than 3 routes by this time. NONE.

And why have other rookie WRs performed well- they ALL did not have camps either nor were in many cases even part of unofficial workouts. And they are Rookies and Dez is not.

Galian Beast

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TheDallasDon;4296276 said:
Tell that 2 Sean Lee, he seems to have gained knowledge of his position without an offseason.

Not sayin.........just sayin


Sean Lee had 5 years of college football, 4 years and a redshirt year where he was basically a coach. 2005-2009, with the redshirt in 2008.

Dez Bryant had what amounts to 2 years of college football. He had a freshmen and sophomore year. He was suspended 3 games into his junior year, and declared for the nfl his senior year.

If people can't understand how big of a difference 2 years and 5 years is... I'm not sure what to tell you.

Then Dez comes into training camp and gets hurt. This is the primary point of skill development for him...

Then he has an abbreviated season, getting hurt in the 10th or 12th game.

He has hurt his leg, so this is a huge setback for his offseason. He is working on rehab, not route running.

Flash forward, reduced training camp due to the nfl lockout...

Also got hurt in the first game of the season, and missed i don't know 3-4 weeks of practices?

I think the fact that Dez is still fairly productive despite his short comings, is a credit to his ability.

With all that being said, clearly he still has to grow, and he has enormous room to do so.

He has a 56% completion rating with Tony Romo. I think that can only go up with Miles Austin returning.


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I have no need to make excuses for Dez I think he is a very good young WR who is going to get better. Irvin was not putting up 1,000 yards hell he was not a top 10 WR until his 4th year. I don't care what other WR are doing or not doing I only care that Dez continue to work and improve. He has great talent and in my opinion a very good coach in Jimmy Robinson.