DMN Blog: T.O.: Road to Glendale goes through Dallas


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T.O.: Road to Glendale goes through Dallas
On his weekly radio appearance on 790 the Ticket in Miami, Cowboys WR Terrell Owens took out his scouting hat, put it on and pinpointed where the Eagles' decline since winning the NFC Championship three years ago came from.

"It’s so evident that ever since I left nothing’s been going right there," said Owens. "I’m not saying I’m the sole reason, but when I was there we were very successful. Now it seems like everything’s snowballing."

And as for Donovan McNabb's comments recently? The ones about anyone wanting the NFC East crown having to knock it from Philly's head.

"I think that’s just wishful thinking, he has to be the only one that’s thinking that way," Owens continued. "The road to Super Bowl has to come through Dallas, Texas -- it has to come through D-Town. We’ll have see how things come out, but it doesn’t seem like things are faring too well up there in Philly country."

No get-well cards are forthcoming, either.

"I can’t say I feel sorry for them," Owens said. "Obviously, with coach Reid's situation, I wish him well, hopefully he can get his kids and his fam situation back in order. But other than that, I'm happy to be in the situation I’m in."

As for a situation he's not in, T.O. was indeed asked for his take on the Patriots-Colts game this weekend. He held back, saying, "I don't care."

But he did take issue with something that host Dan LeBetard said -- particularly that the game is the most hyped of the season.

"No, it isn’t," Owens retorted. "Our game was the most hyped of the regular season. The only one's talking about that game are you guys."

OK, T.O. Cool. So that would explain the email I got on Tuesday with the subject heading "RECORD 36.5 HOURS OF PATRIOTS-COLTS COVERAGE ON NFL NETWORK THIS WEEK‏" from the league itself.

Stay tuned -- we'll be hitting you with T.O.'s debut as a gossip columnist in a minute.

Posted by Albert Breer at 4:18 PM (E-mail this entry)

Terrell "Cronkite" Owens
As promised, Part 2 of Terrell Owens' wildly entertaining spot on 790 the Ticket in Miami.

To open the interview, Owens was asked about Tony Romo's antics over the bye week. And T.O. explained things pretty clearly. But before any of that, he wanted to offer his congrats to his favorite QB.

"I’m all for it," Owens said of the contract. "I’m happy for him. I told him congratulations. I’ll be looking forward to go out to dinner here soon … the tab’s on him."

Owens then detailed how things happened over the last week.

He said that he and Romo went to Las Vegas after the team broke for some time off on Thursday. From there, T.O. went to Miami and Romo to Los Angeles. And when Romo got to LA, the Britney Spears situation arose.

"He told me they went out, and the venue they were at , Britney Spears just happened to be there," Owens reported. "She got wind that Tony was there or he got wind she was there and they ran into each other. All it was, was a simple meet-and-greet."

Yes, T.O. said, he did hear the lap dance rumors and, yes, he had an explanation for that too.

"He did tell me there was a photo op," Owens said. "And you know how loose those girls are. She just hopped in his lap to take the picture."

Then, Owens showed genuine concern for Spears, saying, "She needs to take some steps to better her situation and she’s not doing that." But fear not, Owens added, the star QB won't be entangling involving himself in "her situation."

"There's nothing to it," Owens said. "You gotta just take it for whatever it's worth. Take it from me, I’m the inside scoop to Tony Romo."

Owens also said that he's heard Romo speak of Sophia Bush, but didn't want to pry, although he did say he do some more "investigative work" for 790. And in finishing off his "report", the receiver's fondest wish was that he could back in time and be at his quarterback's side through all this.

"I was like, ‘Man, maybe I should’ve been there, I could’ve taken heat off of him.’"

Posted by Albert Breer at 4:31 PM (E-mail this entry)


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This is one of the rare times that I agree with TO and his gave a very well thought out interview, props to TO.


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Man, you can really tell that TO is very fond of Romo and enjoys playing with him thats good. Not trying to make this a knee jerk Owens made me happy so we should resign him, but what are the chances that Owens gets another extension with us? You would think that with Glenns knee problems its only a matter of when is he done, but we have all these young WR and will need a vet to ease the progression do you think Jerry gives the money as long as Owens keeps his attitude the same.


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WoodysGirl;1740965 said:
"It’s so evident that ever since I left nothing’s been going right there," said Owens. "I’m not saying I’m the sole reason, but when I was there we were very successful. Now it seems like everything’s snowballing."

And as for Donovan McNabb's comments recently? The ones about anyone wanting the NFC East crown having to knock it from Philly's head.

"I think that’s just wishful thinking, he has to be the only one that’s thinking that way," Owens continued. "The road to Super Bowl has to come through Dallas, Texas -- it has to come through D-Town. We’ll have see how things come out, but it doesn’t seem like things are faring too well up there in Philly country."

No get-well cards are forthcoming, either.

"I can’t say I feel sorry for them," Owens said. "Obviously, with coach Reid's situation, I wish him well, hopefully he can get his kids and his fam situation back in order. But other than that, I'm happy to be in the situation I’m in."

Up until the other day when McNabb said "he didnt regret anything on the way he handled the TO situation" Owens had nothing but well wishes to McNabb and Reid and Eagles organization.....

Now that McNabb started with that nonsense... TO has hardened up again....

Good! Flock them!

I hope we Slaughter them.... to the Brink at the Linc!

Bob Sacamano

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03EBZ06;1740976 said:
This is one of the rare times that I agree with TO and his gave a very well thought out interview, props to TO.


oh wait, you said "well thought out", not "well spoken", my bad *takes off PC hat*

btw, Owens is a funny dude, "I'm your inside scoop on Tony Romo"


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WoodysGirl;1740965 said:
"He did tell me there was a photo op," Owens said. "And you know how loose those girls are. She just hopped in his lap to take the picture."

So where the hell is it? We must get our hands on that baby. :laugh2:


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I'm mixed on this-I hope they're not getting way over their heads. OTOH-this team has PLAYED SCARED against the Eagles since Reid took over.

If anything-all they're doing is responding to McNabb's relentless comments. Maybe they should tone it done, but OTOH, their attitude SEEMS to be different, that's for sure!


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BoysRule2;1741290 said:
I'm mixed on this-I hope they're not getting way over their hands. OTOH-this team has PLAYED SCARED against the Eagles since Reid took over.

If anything-all they're doing is responding to McNabb's relentless comments. Maybe they should tone it done, but OTOH, their attitude SEEMS to be different, that's for sure!

Did you just use both hands? :lmao:


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BoysRule2 said:
I'm mixed on this-I hope they're not getting way over their heads. OTOH-this team has PLAYED SCARED against the Eagles since Reid took over.

If anything-all they're doing is responding to McNabb's relentless comments. Maybe they should tone it done, but OTOH, their attitude SEEMS to be different, that's for sure!
YoMick;1741291 said:
Did you just use both heads? :lmao:


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Bob Sacamano;1741118 said:

oh wait, you said "well thought out", not "well spoken", my bad *takes off PC hat*

btw, Owens is a funny dude, "I'm your inside scoop on Tony Romo"

I like the way he is handling himself this year, last year, no so much.


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I'm hoping he has a huge day. Nothing would please me more than for him to get to do a couple of good celebrations in front of that crowd. Hopefully one will be his Eagles "wing flap" celebration. Oh imagine the absolute hatred he would draw from the crowd. It would bring me so much joy.


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What if T.O ran to the 50 yard line and flapped his wings ???!!!!!! lol espn would never stop showing that. Skip would have a heart attack


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Ozzu;1741322 said:
I'm hoping he has a huge day. Nothing would please me more than for him to get to do a couple of good celebrations in front of that crowd. Hopefully one will be his Eagles "wing flap" celebration. Oh imagine the absolute hatred he would draw from the crowd. It would bring me so much joy.

His days of the endzone celebration are likely gone. In the NE/Minny games, he did almost nothing.

I don't buy that he's a "changed" person, but obviously, he's probably tired of all the BS he created for himself and his team throughout his career. He knows it's put up or shut up now.


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I'll say this for TO, he's a funny guy. But the other thing that always comes across is how much he and Romo really seem to like each other. Now, I'm not going to lie, I give Tony a ton of credit for that, but TO seems to also understand that Tony isn't trying to steal his "star" as others QBs have (cough McNabb). Regardless, it sure seems like a good fit.