Draft Magazines

The Sporting News is out and I personally like the way it's laid out.
Espn has a new one out and it's pretty good too.
I read on here that PFW has one out but I've not seen it. But I live in the sticks so I'm not surprised.
virtually all the one's available on the newstands are out now...The Sporting News, Pro Football Weekly (magazine and book version), Street & Smith's and ESPN...I picked up all but S&S, but after looking at it I decided it wasnt worth it

the others I know about are all mail order versions

Sporting News releases their magazine before the combine info comes out. Probably just so they can be one of the first on the newsstand. I am not going to get theirs anymore due to this. Every magazine is a picture of draft thought at a slice of time, but the combine info is essential for clues to the draft.
From my post in the Draft Zone:

Here are some of my favorite draft guides:

Draft Insiders - Frank Coyle puts out a pretty comprehensive draft guide. He's not always on target with his rankings or picks but he has info on most players that end up in training camp - even the un-drafted ones.

NFL Draft Blitz - Jterrell turned me on to this last year and its worth checking out. It, like Draft Insiders, provides a comprehensive listing of players and evaluations. IIRC last year's guide was over 700 pages.

Ourlads - Nice guide with some well written player evaluations. This guide isn't as deep as either of the previous guides but worth picking up.

GMJR - I bought this guide last year for the first time and it impressed me with the number of players profiled. The book was several hundred pages thick and rates positions differently than others do. Worth checking out if you have $31 to spend.

I didn’t list Kiper’s guide, the Sporting News or Pro Football Weekly. To me they generally aren’t worth the money. The Sporting News prints their guide early and while it looks pretty it doesn’t have much substance. Since Joel passed PFW has gone down in quality every year and Mel just doesn’t do much for me.
I have bought all of them except for Street and Smith's, which I vowed I would not waste my money on again after last year.

For a debut magazine, ESPN has them all beaten, including the Sporting News who has been doing it for a while now. It has the most information, by far.

And it doesn't insult my intelligence like the Pro Football Weekly one which lists Michael Robinson as the fifth best wide receiver.
I like Sporting News, personally.

Street and Smith gives you a 7-round mock and has nice slick color pages.

ESPN is too busy. I don't like its presentation, but good information.

Really, you can get the information on the Internet, but I just like having a copy in hand.

I got all four (Pro Football Weekly, Sporting News, ESPN and Street and Smith). I'm just a draft nut. :D
CrazyCowboy said:
Check the internet.....more up to date.

Yes, that is true.

But it is difficult to surf the internet while dropping off friends at the pool.

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