Eagles at the crossroads...


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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The eagles have come to a crossroads in their season. It has nothing to do with their record or even a player, but rather a personnel move.

With the suspension of Owens, the eagles have effectively removed his negative antics to the back-burner for four weeks. But what happens after the minimum suspension runs it's course?

From what I have been reading, once Owens serves his suspension he is allowed back at the facility and access to his teammates. More than likely, in typical Terrell fashion, he will once again start the negativity in retaliation for the $800,000 missing from his lowly pauper bank account.

He realizes that his chances to don the winged helmet again and having a slice of that 9 million dollar pie next year are about as likely as a Lombardi in the eagles trophy-case. Here-in is where Philly's problem lies.

If they keep TO around their season could very well tank if he gets his poison talons into a few of his buddies, especially Trotter. And after McNabb's statements, that relationship will never be repaired and cause alot of animosity and tension in the locker room.

They don't want to cut him now as in the off-season they probably hope to get a mid to late-round pick or maybe a young player in return. If they do allow him to stay and he is allowed back at the facilty, he could cause problems late in the season while the eagles could possibly be making a play-off run.

Here are three scenarios in regards to what could transpire with Owens and the eagles... and like Woody Hayes used to say about passing "Three things can happen and two of them are bad"...

#1 The eagles hold on to Owens, he remains relatively quiet and they acquire a few crumbs for him in the off-season.

This is what they are hoping will happen.

#2 Owens become a disruptive again during his suspension via the media and the eagles cut him immediately. There is still time for many teams that fancy themselves a possible play-off contender to pick him up.

A lower tier team hovering around .500 would likely take a shot at him. Philly would have to absorb the cap hit but he would likely go to a team that doesn't figure into Philly's playoff chances.

#3 Owens becomes disruptive after his suspension and the eagles have to part ways with him LATE in the season.

This is their worst nightmare. Along with absorbing the cap hit, by then Owens possibly would be picked up by a team prepared to make a legitimate run at the playoffs. Interestingly enough, Philly's entire last half of the season is against NFC teams. Six games against legitimate playoff contenders (Dallas, NYFG, Seattle, NYFG, St. Louis and Washington) and two games against non-factors (Green Bay and Arizona).

This should be interesting to watch...​


Well-Known Member
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The Eagles went down to the cross roads. Sold their soul for T.O. and a Superbowl. Didn't read the fine print.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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joseephuss said:
The Eagles went down to the cross roads. Sold their soul for T.O. and a Superbowl. Didn't read the fine print.

Sung to the tune of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia"... :D