Enjoy the Journey


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Thats what Romo said on the inside the huddle show last night. to enjoy the journey, so i think all us cowboys fans should just take one second and think back to 2000-2006 I know some of its hard to do but think back of this crazy journey we have been on since troy left to where we are now, and appriciate it. Appriciate the journey so come this Febuary in Arizona it will feel that much sweeter. because I have a feeling this 2007 sqaud is special.


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I certainly agree that this years squad can be special. The team has certainly shown enough over the past 9 weeks to dictate a change in expectations. While many would have been happy, or at least content, with a playoff victory, others are thinking Superbowl, including myself.

We're fans of the Dallas Cowboys. The Dallas Cowboys. Anything less than a trophy is a losing season. Winning a playoff game in the wildcard round, then losing the next week is no different than not going to the playoffs in the first place. Which is the most significant difference between us and, say, fans of the rest of the NFC.


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Good post. More and more, I see this team and season as a nice combination of the '91 and '92 years, just to cite recent memory. I know we're not supposed to compare and it's completely different eras and personnel, but I'm talking about circumstantially more than anything else.

They're a bit too good to just have that feel of that "do we really belong in the playoffs" that the '91 season had, but they're not at the level of elite that the '92 team was either.


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The comparisons to 91 and 92 are sentimental, but think about how deep those squads were. I'm not sure we can compare at this point.

But then again, the NFL is much more watered down now. We have something special going on ... but still have a long season to contend with.

We believed in 05 and 06, only to see things crash and burn around us.


Regular Joe....
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If you can remember the early 60s up until we won our first one in 71, then you probably appriciate things way more at times like this. Not saying you can't appriciate it if you were not around then but those folks who do remember those years endured the worst of it as a Cowboy Fan, IMO. Those were hard years to be a fan of the Dallas Cowboys.


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jmac;1750253 said:
Thats what Romo said on the inside the huddle show last night. to enjoy the journey, so i think all us cowboys fans should just take one second and think back to 2000-2006 I know some of its hard to do but think back of this crazy journey we have been on since troy left to where we are now, and appriciate it. Appriciate the journey so come this Febuary in Arizona it will feel that much sweeter. because I have a feeling this 2007 sqaud is special.

Well I'm enjoying the journey in a slightly different way. I am enjoying the 07 regular season. I am not about to take things for granted and get angry if we dont win the super bowl. I miss division titles, what has it been 10 years? I miss playoff wins, also 10 years. I miss seeing 11 victories or more. I miss a playoff game at Texas Stadium. So I am enjoying this ride. Anything less than an NFL conference championship appearance would be disappointing at this point. But if we dont win the show or just miss making it I will still smile when I think of other things we may have accomplished for the first time in a while (as I outlined above). Also, I keep smiling when I think 7-1 and I need to because nearly everything else going on this year is pissing me off. The Giants, Commanders, Browns, Packers and especially Patriots are really pissing me off this year. Whenever they bother me I just say "7-1" and smile.

Hey at least the 49ers, Raiders and yes even the Eagles suck this year, that's good too.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
fiveandcounting;1750639 said:
Well I'm enjoying the journey in a slightly different way. I am enjoying the 07 regular season. I am not about to take things for granted and get angry if we dont win the super bowl. I miss division titles, what has it been 10 years? I miss playoff wins, also 10 years. I miss seeing 11 victories or more. I miss a playoff game at Texas Stadium. So I am enjoying this ride. Anything less than an NFL conference championship appearance would be disappointing at this point. But if we dont win the show or just miss making it I will still smile when I think of other things we may have accomplished for the first time in a while (as I outlined above). Also, I keep smiling when I think 7-1 and I need to because nearly everything else going on this year is pissing me off. The Giants, Commanders, Browns, Packers and especially Patriots are really pissing me off this year. Whenever they bother me I just say "7-1" and smile.

Hey at least the 49ers, Raiders and yes even the Eagles suck this year, that's good too.

Wow. Those couple of sentences in bold. basically sum up the first half of this season for me. If the Cowboys stay focused, we can beat any team in the league, including the Pats. I just hope we don't have any of those "lay an egg" type games. And the road win streak - KEEP IT GOING! I might be going to the Detroit game, we'd better not take the day off like we did last year against them.