ESPN Wickersham Blog: Top Five Mini-Camp Disappointments


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The NFL season is starting to slow down. Teams are finishing up their mini-camps, players are dispersing around the country, coaches are taking time off -- or at least pretending to. Today I thought I'd do a cheap Feldman knock-off by way of a list.

Mini-camps are easier to judge by who's failed than who's succeeded. After all, it's (mostly) non-contact. GMs watch mini-camp with a careful eye but know that, well, it's hard to pull anything useful out of it.

Unless, of course, a player is loafing. Or sucking wind. Or not picking up the basics.

So today, I do the Top Five Camp Disappointments list. (Later this week I'll do the Top Five Surprises list.) I based this list on on-field stuff. If I based it on off-field shenanigans, various Bengals players and Big Ben -- for not wearing a helmet -- would own it.

1. Mike Williams, Jags OT
Jacksonville gave Williams $1.4 million in March after Buffalo cut him, and what does the former first-rounder do? Shows up 30 pounds overweight -- 370 pounds -- so fat he is unable to even practice. "So he can't possibly be competing for a starting job if he's not even practicing," says Jack Del Rio. Now, Williams might not even make the Jags.

2. Ryan Simms, Chiefs DT
The former sixth overall pick was so out of shape at Chiefs camp, he was on a bended knee panting. Defensive coordinator Gunther Cunningham lit into him before the entire team. "That's right! Show 'em you're tired!" he yelled, according to Adam Teicher of the Kansas City Star.

3. Patrick Ramsey, Jets QB
I know first-hand how much Ramsey was looking forward to having a legit chance to start. In New York, all that's in his way is a rookie second-rounder and a former star coming off major shoulder surgery. So why is the buzz in Jets camp about Kellen Clemens and Chad Pennington?

4. Joey Harrington, Dolphins QB
I'm enacting a self-imposed ban on writing about Harrington. I thought he had a shot with Daunte Culpepper coming off major knee surgery. Instead, he got completely pushed aside.

5. Ashley Lelie, Broncos WR
Skipping camp hasn't done anything for him. There were rumors he'd go to the receiver-starved Pats, but Bill Belichick wanted nothing to do with him. Lelie hasn't proved himself a No. 1 receiver so it's no surprise that no team wants to pay him as such. But he's done nothing but hurt his case in Denver, where he's under contract and sinking further on the depth chart every day.

Random Stuff
Jacksonville's two top draft picks -- Marcedes Lewis and Maurice Drew -- are easing in nicely to the Florida humidity, according to the Times Union, even if Drew thinks false allegations of his involvement in a late-night fight at Denny's dropped his draft status. "A lot of people went over me because of the whole thing," Drew told Vito Stellino. "Jacksonville stuck with me. They trusted me."

The Titans are implementing the Pats' "strong middle-class" theory in stockpiling wideouts: David Givens, Jonathan Orr, Drew Bennett, Tyrone Calico, Bobby Wade, Roydell Williams, Brandon Jones, Grant Mattos and Courtney Roby are all vying for spots.

In other Titans news, Vince Young is endearing himself to his new teammates, even as BET cameras trail his every move.

Who are these fans? What kind of people would leave threatening phone calls for a 62-year-old woman whose car Big Ben ran into?

"Because Ben is a celebrity, I'm sure our Steeler fans are behind him, but this was an accident, and we don't get to choose who we get into an accident with," Pittsburgh police Chief Dominic J. Costa told the Tribune-Review. "This type of thing could happen to any one of us, and the female driver feels terrible. Hopefully, our Steeler fans will come through like they always do and pray for both of them."

The Detroit News gives us an inside look at the Lions' weight-training program.

My er, uh, pick for Rookie of the Year last year is finally back at Vikings practice after having a growth removed from his hip.

The price of your name on the new Jets-Giants crib? Try $20 million.



Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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WoodysGirl said:
If I based it on off-field shenanigans, various Bengals players and Big Ben -- for not wearing a helmet -- would own it.

You mean that knuckle head Santonio Holmes wouldn't be in contention?