JJ: I am successful.
Media: You didnt get the right hire.
Media: What do you have to say for yourself?
JJ: Nothing, i am successful, you are behind me. You keep talking like this is football. McDonalds was not in the fast food business. I am NOT in the football business.
Media: Nope, 2 plus 2 is still 22.
JJ: 29 years you still dont get it, thats a YOU problem. I got out of it what i was building. You re looking for lombardis, not the game i was in. You are not in the sports game. your money comes from other sources. do you stop revenue because you limit it to your field? No, you ll take money wherever it comes from, if a terrorist rolled up and threw money at you, you would strip down, oil yourself in honey and catch as many dollar bills as you could. WE are the same. WE are both not in our respected businesses. I make money year round and have you fools talking about a franchise that has done squat in 29 years. I AM SUCCESSFUL
Media: But you arent primed to win a SB.
JJ: Fools.