

Unfriendly and Aloof!
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ExtremeSkins is in the process of banning me because I exposed their unethical moderation. They have removed my posting privilages and sent me a message saying explain or be ban.

Here is their message.

Pete said:
You have been placed on read only status for unfounded accusations about the staff

I would like you to supply me, or any staff member with some solid examples of us being unethical. You have made a serious claim against the staff, and while you may not care, your future as a member depends on it.

Extremeskins.com staff

My response.

Absolutely. Look at my access before this. I posted an article about the Commanders that I had NOTHING to do with. What happen? I had my Create Thread access removed. Now, tell me that isn't unethical. Now, you *claim* I made an unfounded accusation. Rather than ask me about it first, you fired the first shot by banning my ability to post.

What gets me even more is the fact that you act as if this isn't a KNOWN FACT! This isn't something new or something that has just happen to me. This board without question is unethically moderated. While I'm not completely sure when it actually started, everyone that I've spoken with that has had this happen to them or know of this type of moderation all seem to agree it began around the time Daniel Snyder took over.

I must note that the article I had posted held the Commanders in a very bad light (including Joe Gibbs), but had no profanity or anything unprofessional in it. At the bottom of the post, I made comments about how it made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, but didn't saying anything that was considered against the rules of the board.

The reason for removing my thread creation access? Causing trouble. :rolleyes:
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those guys are losers..first off most of em are skins fans...enough said. and all of their views that they "allow" on there are mostly bias in favor of the skins.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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I'm not sure why people care so much about being banned over there.

They have a quick trigger finger, but hey, it's a message board... it's not like you have a Constitutional right to post messages there. They should be able to ban whoever they want.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Danny White;1673606 said:
I'm not sure why people care so much about being banned over there.

They have a quick trigger finger, but hey, it's a message board... it's not like you have a Constitutional right to post messages there. They should be able to ban whoever they want.

Who said about caring? As I noted to their mod, I hardly go anyhow after they took thread creation. It's the point, not the fact.

btw, you're ban from this thread ya corn hole. :mad:


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Danny White;1673606 said:
I'm not sure why people care so much about being banned over there.

They have a quick trigger finger, but hey, it's a message board... it's not like you have a Constitutional right to post messages there. They should be able to ban whoever they want.

True, but at the same time any message board that willfully stifles the free exchange of ideas really isn't worth a lot, is it??

Banning trolls is one thing, but those guys will ban their own fans, if they happen to annoy a moderator with what said mod sees as excessive negativity... assuming what NYC says is true about the post he made (which I wonder about, he could easily have quoted the post in question so that we could judge for ourselves), then banning him was just heavy handed fascism...

Which is pretty much the normal modus operandi over there... ES was always a little bit that way, but I honestly believe it has gotten far worse since Danny Boy bought the board... we all know that the Mad Midget has a SERIOUS problem with being criticized...


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Two things.

1. It is their board and they can run it how they want to run it. I think most Cowboys Fans realize how they do things there so they should not go there thinking they will be treated any differently than the other people who have been banned. As I said it IS their board. Anyone that joins are subject to how they moderate their board, whether the moderation is ethical or unethical.

2. I don't get the reason why people go there, get treated unfairly or banned, and then feel the need to come back here and let everyone on this board know about it. If you truly don't care about it than you would either not go there in the first place or bother wasting time talking about it on this board now.

So, people here have heard many MANY stories of them not being fair to cowboys fans. So why in the world go there, post something that you KNOW will garner attention and then come back here and complain about how they are moderating their site...since you say you don't care?


Old bulletproof tiger
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BrAinPaiNt;1673725 said:
Two things.

1. It is their board and they can run it how they want to run it. I think most Cowboys Fans realize how they do things there so they should not go there thinking they will be treated any differently than the other people who have been banned. As I said it IS their board. Anyone that joins are subject to how they moderate their board, whether the moderation is ethical or unethical.

2. I don't get the reason why people go there, get treated unfairly or banned, and then feel the need to come back here and let everyone on this board know about it. If you truly don't care about it than you would either not go there in the first place or bother wasting time talking about it on this board now.

So, people here have heard many MANY stories of them not being fair to cowboys fans. So why in the world go there, post something that you KNOW will garner attention and then come back here and complain about how they are moderating their site...since you say you don't care?

I never go. Wait..I take that back.

When they lose - I do go there to make sure Art has hit the SITE MAINTENENCE button

He has not let me down once. He is a great guy.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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BrAinPaiNt;1673725 said:
2. I don't get the reason why people go there, get treated unfairly or banned, and then feel the need to come back here and let everyone on this board know about it. If you truly don't care about it than you would either not go there in the first place or bother wasting time talking about it on this board now.

Why ask why? Drink Bud Dry.



Well-Known Member
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Troll is defined on Eskins as anyone that portrays the Cowboys in a good light or Commanders in a bad light.


Franchise Tagged
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Very rarely post. I just go over there for the comic relief.


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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I've noticed that if you make a real good point about something being negative on thier team, they will ban you so fast it will make your head spin (ask me, I've had 3 usernames, all banned).

Its ok to go there, and as long as your just acting the fool, they'll keep you around, but the minute you start making great points and showing them just how inept they as a team are, you're gone.

TK is the worst though. Plus he's ugly as hell.


Well-Known Member
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Why post there anyway? I've never understood why Cowboys fans want to post on other team forums.


Well-Known Member
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I'm currently banned on 4 different usernames. I go there soley to throw the truth back in the face of their resident court jester, Tr1. His posts would be pure comedic genious if he wasn't soo delusional to actually belief the crap he spews. All 4 of my current bans are for basically making Tr1 look soo bad and for being soo relentless in doing so that they just couldn't take it anymore.


Outta bounds
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TR1 is the biggest joke on the Internet, IMO (with Art and the other Mods a close second, of course.) I've never seen a guy who is 52 years old act like such a complete idiot. Even the Commander fans tell him he's being stupid and he just calls them Cowboy fans and keeps on going.

Then, a mod (usually Jumbo) will come on there and give his take on how much worse it is to tell a fellow Commander fan they are not giving credit where credit is due, than it is to be just a complete moron and say something completely off base and never listen to logic.

The mod will say that it is his right to say Romo sucks and hasn't played well no matter how much proof there is to the contrary. If TR1 had any brain cells he'd see that the mods were cutting him down by saying things like, "If someone wants to completely ignore logic and not admit Dallas is playing well, then why would other Commander fans call him out on it? He's a fellow fan?"

Of course when the Mods want to ban a "fellow fan"... there's no problem with the slight against a Commander fan. :rolleyes:

It never fails to amuse.