Fan Pics...


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Hey Fellas,

Here are some pics from this past week.

Halloween evening….

I’m a blind man with my seeing eye dog…. Lucy.


Da Wife….


This past Sunday, I went to a Sports Cards show in San Antonio to get Jay Saldi to sign my Helmet. This helmet only has players from the 77-78 Super bowl XII team.





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Nice pics, but why would you put a Cowboys jerseys on a couple of rats?


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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anava;1748326 said:
Nice pics, but why would you put a Cowboys jerseys on a couple of rats?

Hey now !!!!!

I gots me a chihuahua too !!!!

Best damn dog there is. And pound for pound the meanest/toughest organism on the planet !!!


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CowboyWay;1748328 said:
Hey now !!!!!

I gots me a chihuahua too !!!!

Best damn dog there is. And pound for pound the meanest/toughest organism on the planet !!!

Pound for pound? Do they even weigh a pound? :laugh1:


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DA Fan seriously, do you own anything that does not have some kind of Dallas theme on it?


Dem Boyz
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anava;1748326 said:
Nice pics, but why would you put a Cowboys jerseys on a couple of rats?

Now that's kinda messed up.. them lil dawgs are pretty kool to have.. anyways nice pixs bruh thanks


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anava;1748326 said:
Nice pics, but why would you put a Cowboys jerseys on a couple of rats?

LOL... Lucy is a great little dog, even if she resembles a rat...hehe

CowboyWay;1748328 said:
Hey now !!!!!

I gots me a chihuahua too !!!!

Best damn dog there is. And pound for pound the meanest/toughest organism on the planet !!!

She is quite a guard dog, she grawls at anyone that gets close to our front door.

anava;1748330 said:
Pound for pound? Do they even weigh a pound? :laugh1:
HA!! Believe it or not, she weight 3.4 pounds. hehe


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Viper;1748356 said:
DA Fan seriously, do you own anything that does not have some kind of Dallas theme on it?
LOL... It's become on obession. You can blame my wife for it. hehehe


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CowboyWay;1748328 said:
Hey now !!!!!

I gots me a chihuahua too !!!!

Best damn dog there is. And pound for pound the meanest/toughest organism on the planet !!!

Apparently you've never seen a Jack Russell in action.... Pound for pound that is the toughest dog alive!!! I've had both and a Jack Russell will eat a Chihiahua for breakfast!!

At 3:00 this morning my two Jacks took care of a cat that found it's way over the fence. It only took about 5 minutes after she got the cat by the neck for it to all be over!:eek:


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Thanks for sharing the pics Da Fan......

Did you hear Madden mention that Rich Dalrymple brought him a Stubb this past weekend?

Stubbs = :bow:


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Funny history about the Chihuahua. They're a native animal of Mexico yet there are no drawings of domesticated Chihuahua's in Aztec history.

This leads canine historians to believe that the natives of Mexico didn't even realize the Chihuahua was a dog ... but rather, an odd rodent.

Saw this on one of the nature or history channels. Interesting stuff.


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1fisher;1748726 said:
Thanks for sharing the pics Da Fan......

Did you hear Madden mention that Rich Dalrymple brought him a Stubb this past weekend?

Stubbs = :bow:

No.. I missed it. That's too funny. I bet he ate more than one... LOL

Man, can't wait to get back there for another one.

Eddie;1748743 said:
Funny history about the Chihuahua. They're a native animal of Mexico yet there are no drawings of domesticated Chihuahua's in Aztec history.

This leads canine historians to believe that the natives of Mexico didn't even realize the Chihuahua was a dog ... but rather, an odd rodent.

Saw this on one of the nature or history channels. Interesting stuff.

My wife was telling me about this. Weird... I also can't see how these little dogs survived in the wild.


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DA FAN;1748752 said:
My wife was telling me about this. Weird... I also can't see how these little dogs survived in the wild.

Next up on TLC: see a wild pack of Chihuahua's bring down a Wilderbeast. :)


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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1fisher;1748720 said:
Apparently you've never seen a Jack Russell in action.... Pound for pound that is the toughest dog alive!!! I've had both and a Jack Russell will eat a Chihiahua for breakfast!!

At 3:00 this morning my two Jacks took care of a cat that found it's way over the fence. It only took about 5 minutes after she got the cat by the neck for it to all be over!:eek:

I used to have a German Sheppard Callahan Cowdog mix. She look like a stubby German Sheppard with a thick body.

Anyhow, there was a nasty Rottweiler that lived down the street that was easily twice the size on my dog. One day, I was walking her and the Rottweiler had gotten out and started trying to attack her. Mitzie was trying to run away, but I had her leash and the Rott got a hold of her neck. I punted the Rott right in the ribs and it let go and attacked me instead. Once it attacked me Mitzie went bullistic and right for the Rott's throat and clamped on. I have never seen Mitzie even growl at someone except when playing. Anyhow, the Rott at first tried to attack her, but just couldn't do anything and tried to run dragging Mitzie down the street. The Rott got back to his own yard with Mitzie still attached trying to get away and after awhile just collapsed. Only after it collapsed did Mitzie let go and come back with blood all over her face. The owner called the Police because Mitzie killed his dog, but all the witnesses told them what happen and the Police ticketed the Rott's owner.

It's amazing how such a friendly lighthearted dog who always drops her tail between her legs when big dogs threaten her can become insanly vicious and protective in the blink of an eye.


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nyc;1748768 said:
I used to have a German Sheppard Callahan Cowdog mix. She look like a stubby German Sheppard with a thick body.

Anyhow, there was a nasty Rottweiler that lived down the street that was easily twice the size on my dog. One day, I was walking her and the Rottweiler had gotten out and started trying to attack her. Mitzie was trying to run away, but I had her leash and the Rott got a hold of her neck. I punted the Rott right in the ribs and it let go and attacked me instead. Once it attacked me Mitzie went bullistic and right for the Rott's throat and clamped on. I have never seen Mitzie even growl at someone except when playing. Anyhow, the Rott at first tried to attack her, but just couldn't do anything and tried to run dragging Mitzie down the street. The Rott got back to his own yard with Mitzie still attached trying to get away and after awhile just collapsed. Only after it collapsed did Mitzie let go and come back with blood all over her face. The owner called the Police because Mitzie killed his dog, but all the witnesses told them what happen and the Police ticketed the Rott's owner.

It's amazing how such a friendly lighthearted dog who always drops her tail between her legs when big dogs threaten her can become insanly vicious and protective in the blink of an eye.

Amazing indeed.... My two Jack's are not scared to take on a 2000 pound cow!!! I let them out one day and they went straight to the barn where we had at least ten cows. Within minutes Lucie was chasing a cow all over the lot. The cow was kicking at her but she's so nimble she was dodging every kick while at the same time nipping at the other hoof..... It was funny and scary at the same time!


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DA FAN;1748673 said:
LOL... It's become on obession. You can blame my wife for it. hehehe

See, know I'm beginning to believe you had Star tattoos stamped onto your children.


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1fisher;1748851 said:
Amazing indeed.... My two Jack's are not scared to take on a 2000 pound cow!!! I let them out one day and they went straight to the barn where we had at least ten cows. Within minutes Lucie was chasing a cow all over the lot. The cow was kicking at her but she's so nimble she was dodging every kick while at the same time nipping at the other hoof..... It was funny and scary at the same time!

My brother-in-law had a Jack, named Jack. He was a terror. If I remember, my bro had to get the cable move/replaced around 4 times cause Jack kept cutting through it. He also had to nail a board all along the bottom of the house cause he kept chewing on the bottom of it. LOL

Viper;1748865 said:
See, know I'm beginning to believe you had Star tattoos stamped onto your children.

Well, I don't have kids and if I did, I don't know about the tatoos, but I know they would have Cowboys related names. :D


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I have three Chihuahuas...Oscar, the dad, Shasta the mom, and Tresa the daughter. We had two litters of three pups each and sold 5 of them for $500.00 each and kept one girl. So, now I have 4 doorbells, because when someone even looks like they are coming to the door, I know it before they even ring the doorbell!! :eek:

Noisy little bastids, but they are a cool little dog, and very caring and protective, thinking they can whip any other dog that come around! Good thing I have them fenced in because they probably would hae been eaten by now...



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5Stars;1748956 said:
I have three Chihuahuas...Oscar, the dad, Shasta the mom, and Tresa the daughter. We had two litters of three pups each and sold 5 of them for $500.00 each and kept one girl. So, now I have 4 doorbells, because when someone even looks like they are coming to the door, I know it before they even ring the doorbell!! :eek:

Noisy little bastids, but they are a cool little dog, and very caring and protective, thinking they can whip any other dog that come around! Good thing I have them fenced in because they probably would hae been eaten by now...


When I got our chihuahua, I meant for it to be an outside dog, but she was so small that we decided to make her an inside dog. At 3.4 lbs, don't think she would survive outside. LOL.. Glad we keep her inside though, makes it fun. Like having a live toy to play with.