FCC Finalizes US Net Neutrality Rules


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We shall see how this gets before the greedy corporations derail it.


Get ready, America—net neutrality finally comes to the Internet on November 20, 2011.

That's the plan, at least. The FCC has just filed its final "open Internet" rules (PDF) with the Federal Register, which will publish them tomorrow and make them official. The rules go into effect on November 20, nearly a year after they were passed over Republican opposition on a 3-2 vote. (One of the FCC Commissioners who voted against the rules now works for Comcast.)

But the plan will likely be derailed by lawsuits. Two, by Verizon and MetroPCS, were filed earlier this year but tossed because the rules had yet to be finalized. With tomorrow's printing in the Federal Register, the litigation floodgates will be thrown open and and complaints about the government overstepping its authority can start pouring in.

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The biggest "greedy corporation" on the planet is the US govenment. One of the least effiecent too.
Some is trying really hard to see if we can break a closed thread record. :banghead:
So will I be able to get certain apps blocked by Apple on my iPad now?
DFWJC;4132224 said:
So will I be able to get certain apps blocked by Apple on my iPad now?

They can already block them. Net Neutrality is supposed to prevent companies from blocking things at their own will.
Sam I Am;4132239 said:
They can already block them. Net Neutrality is supposed to prevent companies from blocking things at their own will.
Comcast did something somewhat similar to what this probably aims to stop a few years ago with Sandvine.
tupperware;4132245 said:
Comcast did something somewhat similar to what this probably aims to stop a few years ago with Sandvine.

They are still doing things like this. Comcast is one of the biggest perpetrators of this type of crap.
Sam I Am;4132258 said:
They are still doing things like this. Comcast is one of the biggest perpetrators of this type of crap.
I use Comcast, but it used to be really bad. Resetting torrent connections completely :(


It's not so bad now anymore, I just wish there wasn't a 250GB cap, though I hardly ever reach it, there have been times I've had to specifically NOT do things to avoid going over it.
ISPs being content providers is a clear conflict of interest.

They'll probably stall, if nothing else to keep the gravy train running for X number of years. Litigation Wars! If they play their cards right they can keep it up in the air till they can get a 'favorable' crew to rubberstamp things.
DFWJC;4132224 said:
So will I be able to get certain apps blocked by Apple on my iPad now?
Sorry, I meant to say "un-blocked".


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