Video: Footsdaking on this loss


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Foots is my dude on is perspectives. Foots is right on point about this soft team. It's over. The RKGs need to hit the road. Complete rebuild.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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Foots is my dude on is perspectives. Foots is right on point about this soft team. It's over. The RKGs need to hit the road. Complete rebuild.

I like this guy. He's usually right, but it's more than that. He has a relaxed way about his presentation that helps me to worry less about the team. Instead of flipping out and ranting like some Youtubers do, he just spells it out, "Okay, here's what this organization has to do to build a better team." I always feel a bit better after listening to Foots. He's a great guy. I'd love to meet him and thank him in person.

Reverend Conehead

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I wrote a Youtube comment on Footsdaking's video. Here's what I wrote:

Bradley, Footsdaking, these are tough times for Cowboy fans. Even in times like this, or maybe even especially in times like this, I'm grateful for your videos. You're the best Dallas Cowboys Youtuber. You always understand what's going on and articulate it amazingly well. You have a way of putting things into perspective instead of going off on a rant like some guys do. I like your approach better, even when fans could feel that an angry rant would be justified. After watching your videos, I feel better about my choice to be a Cowboys fan. I became a fan of this team as a kid in 1971, which was probably before you were born, and my parents became fans in the inaugural 1960 season, attending games at the Cotton Bowl. Fandom for this team in my family is a tradition. We experienced the early years together watching Landry build the first really good Cowboy teams.

I just wanted you know know what an asset you are to other Cowboy fans. I wish I could have watched videos by you during the frustrating decline of the 80s, and then during the thrill of its rise in the early 90s. You have a way helping me know there's hope for better days even when the team is down. You have an excellent understanding of the game and the gift of the gab for talking about it. I don't think I could make videos as good as yours if I tried. You're a leader among Cowboy fans. Thank you for the work you do. It's my hope that together we'll be able to get excited about a championship caliber Cowboys team. Take care.​