1. What's the sickest you've ever been? When I was about 8 and we were at my grandparents house in Ft. Stockton, Texas. They actually were going to hospitalize me for IV fluids but we had to head home after my uncle was killed by lightning. I lost nearly 10 pounds in 4 days and it took me 2 months to regain my strength. They had to give me a shot so that I could sleep in the car on the way back to New Mexico. I don't even remember the trip home. I just remember waking up like 12 hours later and throwing up some more.
2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way? Both. I can go years without even a sniffle and then one year I will swear my kids are going to Typhoid Mary School of Infectious Diseases and I catch everything.
3. Do you suffer from allergies? Oh man, do I ever. Today is a bad day. I want to attach sandpaper to my eyelids so when I blink they will scratch my itchy eyes.
4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw? Stripes. We snuck in to see it instead of another movie we paid for. I laughed my rear end off.
5. Plans for the weekend? Swimming, golf, and visiting Mama in the hospital. Oh, and I'll celebrate a little Father's Day.