Friday 5


Suspicious looking stranger
Reaction score
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?
Signals;3436600 said:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. When Jimmy was fired and Switzer was announced as HC.

2. I don't pick up everything but I'm definitely not healthy.

3. Thankfully no

4. Bubba Ho Tep - turrible turrible movie

5. Same as every weekend little as possible
1. Allergic reaction to medicine. Well, that and when Switzer was announced as HC.
2. Pretty dang healthy
3. Yes, ragweed every fall
4. Don't remember
5. Work/chores
I have to agree with You Yeager and big dog, Ferry Switzer was one of my most annoying moments in Dallas Cowboys history. Didn't like him from day one.
Signals;3436600 said:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. Dysentery while in the field in Korea...probably caught it from a woman from Craigs list.

2. I have picked up women from craigs list that has had the sniffles.

3. I was once allergic to a woman... I met from craigs list.

4. Maybe Carrie...or maybe that is just a name I remember from Craigs List.

5. Craigs List.
Signals;3436600 said:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. The hangover i had the day after my 48 hour 21st birthday bender :laugh2:

2. Normally don't get sick never had anything serious the flue every 3-4 years is about as bad as i have had it

3. Pollen and some fruit

4. Blood sport when i was like 8

5. none, just the way i like it
Signals;3436600 said:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?

  1. Right after I quit smoking, I got a lung infection that almost collapsed my lung. The doctor said, my lungs were in shock when I quit smoking and that is probably what caused it.
  2. I'm generally healthy. I do notice that I get sick more often (2 maybe 3 times a year) now that I quit smoking than when I was smoking. (once to twice a year) The difference is congestion lasted 4-5 months when I was a smoker rather than the 2-3 weeks now.
  3. No.
  4. First R rated movie in a theater was DC Cab. On cable, I think it was Boarding School
  5. Hopefully have my whole house fan replaced. Date night with the wife in the city, relax a bit and break out the new telescope if the skies are clear at night.
nyc;3436636 said:
  1. Right after I quit smoking, I got a lung infection that almost collapsed my lung. The doctor said, my lungs were in shock when I quit smoking and that is probably what caused it.
  2. I'm generally healthy. I do notice that I get sick more often (2 maybe 3 times a year) now that I quit smoking than when I was smoking. (once to twice a year) The difference is congestion lasted 4-5 months when I was a smoker rather than the 2-3 weeks now.
  3. No.
  4. First R rated movie in a theater was DC Cab. On cable, I think it was Boarding School
  5. Hopefully have my whole house fan replaced. Date night with the wife in the city, relax a bit and break out the new telescope if the skies are clear at night.

:laugh2: I remember DC Cab. You know you can catch a lot of the 80's movies on HBO (or other pay channels) and of course on regular cable channels.

Nothing to see Fast Time at Ridgemont High or other of these types of movies.

But you rarely ever see DC Cab. I think I only remember seeing it once on TV since I seen it at the theaters.

It is not a great movie by any stretch, but it was far better than many other movies of similar genre for it's time.
BrAinPaiNt;3436637 said:
:laugh2: I remember DC Cab. You know you can catch a lot of the 80's movies on HBO (or other pay channels) and of course on regular cable channels.

Nothing to see Fast Time at Ridgemont High or other of these types of movies.

But you rarely ever see DC Cab. I think I only remember seeing it once on TV since I seen it at the theaters.

It is not a great movie by any stretch, but it was far better than many other movies of similar genre for it's time.

Phoebe Cates :D
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

Probably any of the times I got sick from drinking too much. The older I get the worse it is for me trying to recover. I might have a drink or two, but I just can't get drunk anymore.

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

Generally healthy, aside from chronic back issues.

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

I have some sinus pain and pressure that hasn't gone away in a few months. My doctor said it might be relevant to allergies, but I've never had any that I know of.

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

Prizzi's Honor

5. Plans for the weekend?

Work, not work
BrAinPaiNt;3436637 said:
:laugh2: I remember DC Cab. You know you can catch a lot of the 80's movies on HBO (or other pay channels) and of course on regular cable channels.

Nothing to see Fast Time at Ridgemont High or other of these types of movies.

But you rarely ever see DC Cab. I think I only remember seeing it once on TV since I seen it at the theaters.

It is not a great movie by any stretch, but it was far better than many other movies of similar genre for it's time.

Yeah, my favorite line in that movies was when they were in the cab driving down the rail road tracks and that guy yells, "If I die, I'm gonna kick your ***!" :laugh2:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been? When I was about 8 and we were at my grandparents house in Ft. Stockton, Texas. They actually were going to hospitalize me for IV fluids but we had to head home after my uncle was killed by lightning. I lost nearly 10 pounds in 4 days and it took me 2 months to regain my strength. They had to give me a shot so that I could sleep in the car on the way back to New Mexico. I don't even remember the trip home. I just remember waking up like 12 hours later and throwing up some more.

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way? Both. I can go years without even a sniffle and then one year I will swear my kids are going to Typhoid Mary School of Infectious Diseases and I catch everything.

3. Do you suffer from allergies? Oh man, do I ever. Today is a bad day. I want to attach sandpaper to my eyelids so when I blink they will scratch my itchy eyes.

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw? Stripes. We snuck in to see it instead of another movie we paid for. I laughed my rear end off.

5. Plans for the weekend? Swimming, golf, and visiting Mama in the hospital. Oh, and I'll celebrate a little Father's Day.
What's with all the medical history questions this week?

1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

I try not to be sick. Ever.

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

I try not to be sick. Ever.

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

I try not to have allergies. Ever.

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

Beats me.

5. Plans for the weekend?

Try not to get sick or have allergies.
Signals;3436600 said:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. Staph infection when I was injured in Somalia. (That was the first time I had staph)

2. Used to never get sick .... older I get more I get sick.

3. No

4. Sleepaway Camp ..... freaked me the hell out.

5. LOTRO and playing with my kids.
1. Twice, by food poisoning from raw clams.

2. Healthy.

3. Only penicillin.

4. The Omen.

5. 3 Day weekend! Paint, shoot a Revolutionary war reenactment, go to a huge dual birthday party on Sunday and lay around on Monday.
zrinkill;3436689 said:
1. Staph infection when I was injured in Somalia. (That was the first time I had staph)

2. Used to never get sick .... older I get more I get sick.

3. No

4. Sleepaway Camp ..... freaked me the hell out.

5. LOTRO and playing with my kids.

That movie ending was a big shocker. Way before the crying game.
Signals;3436600 said:
1. What's the sickest you've ever been?

2. In general, do you keep healthy or find yourself picking up every sniffle that comes your way?

3. Do you suffer from allergies?

4. What's the first R-rated movie you ever saw?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. I don't recall. I've been pretty fortunate.

2. I generally keep healthy.

3. Not really.

4. "Hustle," starring Burt Reynolds.

5. Helping my dad with wheat harvest. We got rained out last night, so I have a little time to do this.

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