1. What’s your earliest Birthday memory?
I was 12. Mom said I'm finally gonna get my drumset. I did. It was on top of the cake. Not funny.
2. Best birthday gift you ever gave someone?
I made my mom a little mountain scenery thingy out of bark, piece of a pine tree and clay when I was in the 4th grade. She cried........... I thought Christmas was gonna be gravy!!!
3. Best birthday gift you've ever received?
My son spent his only dollar on this plastic car he really liked. He gave it to me for my B-day. He was 5.
4. Have you ever had concern over turning a certain age? (20, 30, 50, etc)
Nope. I really believe it's just a number. It's how you feel I think. (However I couldn't wait to turn 13 and finally be a teenager. : )
5. Plans for the weekend?
Daughter's 8th birthday. She wants to go to the mall with three of her friends. She's gonna pierce her ears, have lunch and snoop around some.
I really love to watch this little girl grow. I like just watching her, wether it's sleeping or doing her homework. How she moves her hair from one side to the other. Facial expressions. Reactions. It's amazing to see her with her friends and stuff.