Friday 5


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1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

5. Plans for the weekend?
Signals;3857769 said:
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

5. Plans for the weekend?

  1. Europe, in Italy specifically.
  2. Firefox and Chrome. (used to use Opera, but ever release is pissing me off more and more)
  3. My wife. Staying up way later than I should on a work day.
  4. President of the United States.
  5. Car shopping. (my wife is having second thoughts about the one she already picked out!)
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose? -


2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

Firefox - Chrome

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

Im a grown man. I do not get scolded. I am also not married. :)

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

Astronaut@ Launchtime because I would def get more than just 1 day at the wheel. :)

5. Plans for the weekend?

Fur Rondy begins this weekend. We will be out enjoying all of the festivities throughout the city.
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose? Africa.

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet? Firefox.

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for? My wife. Speeding.

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose? President.

5. Plans for the weekend? Campaigning for a friend and Church.
Signals;3857769 said:
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. That's a tough one...I'll go with Asia. It offers the most versatility assuming I'm allowed to roam said continent.

2. Safari or Firefox

3. My fiance'...for not "letting her be right, even when she's wrong". Something about "Being able to vent".

4. Delta operator in forward operating position

5. Clinicals, then a 24 hour shift on Sunday.
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose? Australia

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet? Google Chrome

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for? My wife, it's personal

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose? NASCAR driver

5. Plans for the weekend? Work/Chores
Signals;3857769 said:
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. South America specifically Brasil

2. Firefox

3. Probably my boss

4. Hugh Hefner nuff said

5. As little as possible
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

Europe, in England or Italy.

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?


3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

My dad gave me a passive-aggressive scolding for not emailing more often.

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

Lounge singer :D

5. Plans for the weekend?

The usual errands, Sunday night I'm doing some cat trapping in a parking lot nearby for a few hours. We're trying to get as many cats as possible TNR'd before kitten season.
Signals;3857769 said:
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose?

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet?

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. Europe I want to go vist Germany since i was born their

2. Firefox

3. I do not remember probably my wife if I have to guess

4. No clue

5. This week has sucked so bad and I am still working now hopefully a hole lot of nothing. (yea one of those weeks at work man i hate when major things break and other people dropped the ball and you pay for it)
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose? Europe, British Isles

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet? Firefox

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for? My wife, for my closet, it's a complete disaster. Went through it today and I have three gigantic bags of clothes that I'm dropping off at Goodwill tomorrow. I had no idea I had so many pants.

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose? NFL Owner, so I can see what's up with the CBA talks. Probably get a good meal too.

5. Plans for the weekend? Dropping off the Goodwill stuff, catching up some DVR'd stuff, Church Sunday morning and preparing for the work week since I was on vacation this past week.
1. If you could live on another continent for 1 year, which one would you choose? Ireland

2. Which browser do you use to surf the Internet? Fire Fox

3. Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for? Wife, and for being a man :D.

4. If you could experience someone else’s job for one day, what type of job would you choose? Comic book artist, just to see what I passed on.

5. Plans for the weekend? Rest and relaxation. Maybe take the kids to the park. Supposed to get 30 mile an hour wind might fly kites.

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