1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?
the morning smell of bacon or sausage or maple syrup
2. What are you missing right now?
my drill loaned it to a neighbor hey in fact I loaned him my level also might have to ask about those when I see the guy again
3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?
Ha, I come out of a family with 9 kids me being #8 they never did trickle down
4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?
this Bud is for you
5. Plans for the weekend?
posted this else where but it applys here as well
taking my girls to the Folksfest in Stuttgart saturday...than taking their mother for a dinner and a movie while we leave the kids overnight by their grandma
than we will come home and before she thinks we will get smoozie I will remind her it is football season and there are lots of College games for me to watch so I had better get on it or lots and lots of people will be out of work
and than I will get one of these

and I will give one of these

and than I will get to bed late or very early in the morning and I will roll toward her side and she will give me one of these

: and I will give one of these :laugh2:
than I will pick up the kids on Sunday and they will look like this

because their grandmother spoiled them again and they don't want to come home where mama and papa say no and than they will run around the house screaming as only little girls can do and I will be like:stop: :shush: :nono2:
they will finally eat and go to bed and

ray: then me and their mama are like this :shake: than I say Football and she is like :bang2: and I am like this:beer1: :nervous: :nolook:

:thumbdo: :beer1: during the game
well that is pretty much how its gonna happen.