Friday 5


Suspicious looking stranger
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1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

2. What are you missing right now?

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

5. Plans for the weekend?
  1. The only thing that would, I never smell. That would be the smell of Miller Brewery and Mrs Baird's Bread baking at the same time. That was a crazy *** smell! If you ever drove down i35 West south of the 820 loop, you've probably smelt it before.
  2. My health. I'm sick. :/
  3. 1932 Bolt Action .22 (grandfather), Gold and Diamond ring (grandfather), China from 1940. (Great Grandmother). Grandfather gave me the gun years ago. The others came at time of death.
  4. Food doesn't comfort me.
  5. Shoot people that ask to many questions with my .22. ;)
Signals;4149910 said:
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

2. What are you missing right now?

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. Hamburger Helper :)

2. I'm missing last summer. It was a pretty good summer.

3. I do not, actually. My family hasn't really been much for heirlooms, or for money. My dad is the first member of my family to acquire some amount of wealth, ever.

4. Cheeseburger and fries from Five Guys.

5. Pit stop at the Pentagon for some paperwork, more paperwork for a special position I'm applying for, grocery shopping, and headed to my parents for the weekend.
Signals;4149910 said:
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

2. What are you missing right now?

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. Cut grass. Dunno why, guess its because I spent a large portion of my childhood cutting it.
2.My Wife. She is at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.
3. My Dad's Stetson. He passed last year. Dont know if it qualifies as an heirloom, but its worth more than anything to me.
4. Bad day doesn't equate to food for me.
5. Grandson will spend the weekend with me. We will do "man stuff" change to stainless bolts on one of my motorcycles, take him to the gun range with me, etc...
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood? Greasewood bushes after a rain.

2. What are you missing right now? My Mom.

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession? A collection of pottery and arrowheads that we found out in the desert.

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day? I don't have one but I'll say tacos since I recently joked about it.

5. Plans for the weekend? Church conference and football.
Signals;4149910 said:
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

2. What are you missing right now?

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

5. Plans for the weekend?
1. I used to like to visit Blockbuster / Video World as a kid. I think it was video world, it had this weird smell, they sold popcorn and it was kind of a mixture of butter and plastic in the store. But I still remember that smell, I'd always want to rent games or consoles for a few nights, like the Sega Saturn and.. I dunno, it's hard to explain but I remember the smell 20 years later. Funny how they stick with you.

2. Missing literally or figuratively? If literally, I'm missing a new GFX card even though the one I got is more than capable enough. As for figuratively, I'm probably missing being a kid.

3. Nope..

4. I pretty much turn to to the same stuff all the time. Lasagna is a good one. I also like Chili.

5. Nothing really, just watching the game on Sunday.
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

the morning smell of bacon or sausage or maple syrup

2. What are you missing right now?

my drill loaned it to a neighbor hey in fact I loaned him my level also might have to ask about those when I see the guy again

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

Ha, I come out of a family with 9 kids me being #8 they never did trickle down

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

this Bud is for you

5. Plans for the weekend?

posted this else where but it applys here as well

taking my girls to the Folksfest in Stuttgart saturday...than taking their mother for a dinner and a movie while we leave the kids overnight by their grandma :)

than we will come home and before she thinks we will get smoozie I will remind her it is football season and there are lots of College games for me to watch so I had better get on it or lots and lots of people will be out of work
and than I will get one of these :mad: and I will give one of these :confused: and than I will get to bed late or very early in the morning and I will roll toward her side and she will give me one of these :p: and I will give one of these :laugh2:

than I will pick up the kids on Sunday and they will look like this :( because their grandmother spoiled them again and they don't want to come home where mama and papa say no and than they will run around the house screaming as only little girls can do and I will be like:stop: :shush: :nono2:

they will finally eat and go to bed and :pray: then me and their mama are like this :shake: than I say Football and she is like :bang2: and I am like this:beer1: :nervous: :nolook: :clap: :thumbdo: :beer1: during the game

well that is pretty much how its gonna happen.
1. Grass I cut a lot of lawns in my youth.

2. Rain God it's dry in Texas.

3. A Flag I've got a Japanese flag that my grandfather pulled of a pill box (machine gun pit) at Iwo Jima. It has bullet holes in it and Japanese writing that we believe are signatures.

4. Scotch I like Singletons.

5. Sports My son has an 8:00 soccer game and a 3:30 football game Saturday. There's several good college games on that I'd like to see - Arkansas vs. A&M, Clemson vs. Virgina Tech, Alabama vs. Florida, and Wisconsin vs. Nebraska should be good ones. Sunday the Boys play and I'll probably take my son dove hunting as soon as the game is over.
Sam I Am;4149965 said:
  1. The only thing that would, I never smell. That would be the smell of Miller Brewery and Mrs Baird's Bread baking at the same time. That was a crazy *** smell! If you ever drove down i35 West south of the 820 loop, you've probably smelt it before.
  2. My health. I'm sick. :/
  3. 1932 Bolt Action .22 (grandfather), Gold and Diamond ring (grandfather), China from 1940. (Great Grandmother). Grandfather gave me the gun years ago. The others came at time of death.
  4. Food doesn't comfort me.
  5. Shoot people that ask to many questions with my .22. ;)
Sorry to hear that.
Get well
Signals;4149910 said:
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?
Nothing in particular, but I do recall living across the street from a pickle factory.

We used to go there and beg for fresh pickles. Quite different than what comes in the jars for sure.

2. What are you missing right now?
Time.. Not enough of it.

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?
I don't, but I was responsible for getting a pic of my great-grandmother restored for my Uncle and Dad. The original was created on some sort of cardboard and my uncle put it in storage and accidentally cracked it.

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?
No comfort food for me. I'm more likely to drink wine.. Wine's made from grapes, so does that count? :p:

5. Plans for the weekend?
All-day training, wedding shower, football, and chores.
DFWJC;4150238 said:
Sorry to hear that.
Get well

Thanks. I'm feeling a bit better today than the last few days, though definitely not any where near over it.
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

Baking bread and cinnamon rolls. My maternal Grandmother was a great baker and I spent lots of time at their house.

2. What are you missing right now?

Free time. I never seem to have any. Also: New York. In the fall/holiday season I really miss it.

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

The diamond in my engagement ring was from my paternal Grandmother's engagement ring. My father gave it and one other diamond of hers to me.

I also have quite a few old family photos, back to when my grandparents were young kids.

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

Ice cream

5. Plans for the weekend?

Taking driving school on Saturday in lieu of a speeding ticket. Football on Sunday, although I have a nagging feeling that I'm supposed to be doing something and can't remember what.
1. The smell of dill out in the countryside, North Dakota.

2. I am missing my best friend Charlie, who travels all the time for his job. We have literally known each other since we were infants. About 28yrs now.

3. Don't own any family valuables

4. Sloppy Cheeseburger (no onions, right Tupperware?)

5. Eating BBQ with the family tonight...watching Phife Dawg (from A Tribe Called Quest) perform...Saturday, watching Nebraska game with my GF...Sunday...COWBOYS, of course!!!
Signals;4149910 said:
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood?

2. What are you missing right now?

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession?

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day?

5. Plans for the weekend?

1. Cheesburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper but not in a good way :puke:

2. My mind :laugh1:

3. None

4. Chips

5. Hopefully get over this bug that I have
1. What smell(s) reminds you of childhood? Coffee brewing. I hated it then and still do today.

2. What are you missing right now? Another Lombardi

3. Do you own any family heirlooms? How did they come to be in your possession? Not into that stuff

4. What comfort food are you most likely to turn to when you’re having a bad day? Pizza or Mexican

5. Plans for the weekend? Rest/chores/football/drink chocolate milk

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