G-men: most unlikeable team in NFL


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I know I am biased but my God that is one collection of apparent a-holes

From Shockey the drama queen
it seems he is literally dragging himself of the field with a life threatening injury at least once a game so everyone will think "what a warrior"
add in his past history and he gets an A plus in the a hole department

Then you got Strahan who gives a new meaning to "playing a one gap defense" - sorry cheap shot about his teeth
nice melt down at the end of the game where he started acting like my five year used to when things didnt quite go his way

Burris: who has a million dollar body and 10 cent brain (courtesy of a great Michigan State education)
I know he is hurt and all, but show at least a tiny bit of effort every now and then

The next great Manning: that look on his face when things are going poorly is priceless
you know, the pouty sneer that screams "it isnt my fault"

Giblets Wilson--jump shots, and a variety of machinations out on the field when he makes a play--no where to be found when he blows a coverage

Pierce--his Washington Commander pedigree adds to his dislike factor
fits in very well with all the histrionics around him

Osi: a hero when he is lighting up the human turnstile Justice (who reminds me of a human pylon--there will be a post football career in traffic management when football is over
didnt see much of Osi today so I can really come up with a rip

BRANDON JACOBS (capitilized because he is such a load!!) never saw a 270 lb running back fall back like he was shot with a 45 after the little love tap he suckered Brady into
I have to think his constant antics is what pushed our guys into alot of the taunting and posturing we fell into

add a coach that even his players hate in "5 minutes early means your late" Tom Caughlin who generally looks like he either ate a bad prune or he is about to literally spontaneously explode

am I forgetting anyone?
please feel free to add to the list


Active Member
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Dont forget about colonel coughlin. He alaways has that deer in the headlights look after every play that goes wrong for the midgets. He's always on the sidelines crying like a little girl.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Someone put it best last season when we won with the late Grammy FG. "They're a bunch of ballin' beyotches."


New Member
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For all the delay of game penalties the Gnats got, you'd think Coughlin would be ripping either Manning or Gilbride a new exit strategy.

Let the filters have fun with *that*. :D


New Member
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I can't stand Jacobs, Shockey or Burress.. Don't really have much problem with anyone else, and I like some of their guys like Toomer, O'Hara, Tuck (ND!), and Feagles (How could you not love Feagles?)..


Well-Known Member
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The Giants are a bit whiny (helped, or perhaps coached, by the NY media) and seem a bit more odious right now than the others in the NFC East but I can't forget how the Eagles rubbed things in earlier this decade. The Commanders don't seem worthy of dislike....just pity by continuing to pursue a failed strategy of free agency in a pathetic attempt to buy a championship.

The top of my list for "dislike" these days is the Cheatriots led by Belicheat. They're ugly and smell bad.

I actually thought Shockey looked reasonably sportsmanlike out there tonight.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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It reminds me of the early 90's...

We swept the NYFG and one of their LB's said right after the game we swept them in: "If they say they are better than us, they are lying"...

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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dirt;1758618 said:
I know I am biased but my God that is one collection of apparent a-holes

From Shockey the drama queen
it seems he is literally dragging himself of the field with a life threatening injury at least once a game so everyone will think "what a warrior"
add in his past history and he gets an A plus in the a hole department

Then you got Strahan who gives a new meaning to "playing a one gap defense" - sorry cheap shot about his teeth
nice melt down at the end of the game where he started acting like my five year used to when things didnt quite go his way

Burris: who has a million dollar body and 10 cent brain (courtesy of a great Michigan State education)
I know he is hurt and all, but show at least a tiny bit of effort every now and then

The next great Manning: that look on his face when things are going poorly is priceless
you know, the pouty sneer that screams "it isnt my fault"

Giblets Wilson--jump shots, and a variety of machinations out on the field when he makes a play--no where to be found when he blows a coverage

Pierce--his Washington Commander pedigree adds to his dislike factor
fits in very well with all the histrionics around him

Osi: a hero when he is lighting up the human turnstile Justice (who reminds me of a human pylon--there will be a post football career in traffic management when football is over
didnt see much of Osi today so I can really come up with a rip

BRANDON JACOBS (capitilized because he is such a load!!) never saw a 270 lb running back fall back like he was shot with a 45 after the little love tap he suckered Brady into
I have to think his constant antics is what pushed our guys into alot of the taunting and posturing we fell into

add a coach that even his players hate in "5 minutes early means your late" Tom Caughlin who generally looks like he either ate a bad prune or he is about to literally spontaneously explode

am I forgetting anyone?
please feel free to add to the list

They got theirs today, though.


Well-Known Member
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Thanks to Dallas they'll likely be on the road in Wildcard match up they'll be lucky to survive against Seattle or Tampa and go to Green Bay to get pounded again.


Well-Known Member
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I actually don't mind Shockey too much. The guy is just tough, and I can respect that. I think, nowadays, he's a far cry from the immature kid who slung the slurs at Parcells.

Plaxico and Jacobs just annoy the hell out of me. How can you trash talk that much when you've lost 3 straight to Dallas? I'm not a fan of trash talk, period, (It kind of annoys me to see Crayton dishing so much out lately) but at least do it when the scoreboard backs you up.


Well-Known Member
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Pabst;1759985 said:
I actually don't mind Shockey too much. The guy is just tough, and I can respect that. I think, nowadays, he's a far cry from the immature kid who slung the slurs at Parcells.

Plaxico and Jacobs just annoy the hell out of me. How can you trash talk that much when you've lost 3 straight to Dallas? I'm not a fan of trash talk, period, (It kind of annoys me to see Crayton dishing so much out lately) but at least do it when the scoreboard backs you up.

I feel the same way. I'd rather have Crayton not say anything at all, but at least he's backing up his words with his play. They just need to continue it.