
Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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I'm surprised the anti-TO contingent hasn't started their own campaign yet. It's clear that he impacts their lives so negatively on a daily basis that his exodus from the team would bring their collective equilibriums all back in line.


Romo to TO in 07. Get ready for plenty of it engineered by your new Dallas Cowboys OC Jason Garrett. ;)

Big Dakota

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As an old Mets fan, G.R.O.T.E.(get rid of terrell eldarado) would have been catchy;) but ya prolly don't remember Jerry.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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To be honest I think the whole G R O (insert next letter here) thing is silly.

I don't like TO, wish he was never a cowboy, wish he would not come back...but you will never see me with a sig or title with GROTO.

I just personally think it is stupid...to each his own I guess but that is not my thing.


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despite the dumb things that comes out of his mouth, TO's a savvy guy. That's why he was the one in contact with Romo the most in the offseason so far. He knows where his bread is buttered.

Big Dakota

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We don't have a ready replacement and in reality the TO Glenn thing might be a one year deal so i'm fine with it for 2007. Both cold be gone after next year for different reasons.


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Bleu Star;1337034 said:
I'm surprised the anti-TO contingent hasn't started their own campaign yet. It's clear that he impacts their lives so negatively on a daily basis that his exodus from the team would bring their collective equilibriums all back in line.


Romo to TO in 07. Get ready for plenty of it engineered by your new Dallas Cowboys OC Jason Garrett. ;)

I'm not TO fan but I'm not going to pull the same crud some did over Zimmer. I do express my feelings and thoughts but I see no need in having a campaign to get people to see things as I do. You like TO I have no issue with that I don't like TO and no one should have an issue with that. TO brings this out in people.


This is a house of learned doctors
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How about GROTOV (Get rid of T.O.s voicebox)? He would be everyone's favorite player on this board if he were a mute!


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It's not the player, it's some of his fans..

And it's not just TO. Some people latch onto a player, a topic, a theme, a whatever, and just push their opinion into every thread, whether it was relevant or not. And it becomes annoying.

TO is who he is...and I can accept that about him. But when his fans run around here setting him up as a victim of circumstance in everything, it gets old real fast.

Big Dakota

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Joe Rod;1337124 said:
How about GROTOV (Get rid of T.O.s voicebox)? He would be everyone's favorite player on this board if he were a mute!

:lmao2: I'd like to see ESPN cover him with sign language.


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BrAinPaiNt;1337110 said:
To be honest I think the whole G R O (insert next letter here) thing is silly.

I don't like TO, wish he was never a cowboy, wish he would not come back...but you will never see me with a sig or title with GROTO.

I just personally think it is stupid...to each his own I guess but that is not my thing.


I think its silly as well and although I think TO is a jerk and a loudmouth who has accomplished nothing but stats in his career. I think the people obsessing are the one that fall to there knees defending someone who has in essence won no rings nor been a team leader on any roster he's been on.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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WoodysGirl;1337126 said:
It's not the player, it's some of his fans..

And it's not just TO. Some people latch onto a player, a topic, a theme, a whatever, and just push their opinion into every thread, whether it was relevant or not. And it becomes annoying.

TO is who he is...and I can accept that about him. But when his fans run around here setting him up as a victim of circumstance in everything, it gets old real fast.

His fans have to counter the incredible juggernaut of dislike that comes from the other direction. We're grossly outnumbered. I'm a Cowboys fan first and foremost but I will make it known that I also love me some TO. For every thread that pushes a BSPN agenda what is wrong with a thread of support?

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Next_years_Champs;1337132 said:

I think its silly as well and although I think TO is a jerk and a loudmouth who has accomplished nothing but stats in his career. I think the people obsessing are the one that fall to there knees defending someone who has in essence won no rings nor been a team leader on any roster he's been on.

This line of thought is strange to say the least. For a team that hasn't won (or participated in) a Super Bowl since the early nineties you would think we would have a sincere appreciation for "talent" regardless of whether or not said talent has rings. By your line of thinking jerry Rice would be a better addition right now. :rolleyes:


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Bleu Star;1337141 said:
This line of thought is strange to say the least. For a team that hasn't won (or participated in) a Super Bowl since the early nineties you would think we would have a sincere appreciation for "talent" regardless of whether or not said talent has rings. By your line of thinking jerry Rice would be a better addition right now. :rolleyes:

Think what you like I will as well, The fact is I don't spend my time bashing TO never have and I never will. TO is a player on the Cowboys who as you say haven't won a championship since 95, he was also a player on the 49ers who haven't won one since 94, he was also a player on the Eagles who have never won a Super Bowl.

Is he talented sure, is he a team leader no. That sums up my thoughts about Terrell Owens a talented player who brings nothing more to the table than stats.


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WoodysGirl;1337126 said:
It's not the player, it's some of his fans..

And it's not just TO. Some people latch onto a player, a topic, a theme, a whatever, and just push their opinion into every thread, whether it was relevant or not. And it becomes annoying.

TO is who he is...and I can accept that about him. But when his fans run around here setting him up as a victim of circumstance in everything, it gets old real fast.

But you'll find that this site is 100-1 in the other direction. For very person who defends Owens to no end, there's a hundred people who'll bash him for anything and everything.

Look at the post where Romo said Owens called him and is a good teammate. Tons of posters chimed in the Owens was only looking out for himself and started bashing him for no reason.


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Get rid of all the drama and catch the ball when it's thrown to him and I have no problem with him.


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StanleySpadowski;1337175 said:
But you'll find that this site is 100-1 in the other direction. For very person who defends Owens to no end, there's a hundred people who'll bash him for anything and everything.

Look at the post where Romo said Owens called him and is a good teammate. Tons of posters chimed in the Owens was only looking out for himself and started bashing him for no reason.
I don't doubt there are those who hate Owens to the nth degree. It's pretty obvious on here that if it's a slow day, start a TO thread. For or against, his supporters/defenders latch on to each side like dogs with a bone.

What bugs me... I've seen random articles about a player on defense go sideways because someone just had to mention, "well, if TO had said that, then this board would go crazy" TO had nothing to do with the original topic and nobody had mentioned him to that point. That kinda thing drives me nuts.

I said this before. I can criticize and support Owens equally. I don't have a personal investment as to his role on the team. He's just another player.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Yeagermeister;1337200 said:
Get rid of all the drama and catch the ball when it's thrown to him and I have no problem with him.

I have strong reason to believe he will at the very least do the latter with two healthy hands in 07. About the former, it doesn't bother me. He's not out raping, pillaging, shooting anyone, snorting anything, none of that is happening. He just simply likes to talk. Why some take such issue with that?? I will never know.


The Duke
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Bleu Star;1337034 said:
I'm surprised the anti-TO contingent hasn't started their own campaign yet. It's clear that he impacts their lives so negatively on a daily basis that his exodus from the team would bring their collective equilibriums all back in line.


Romo to TO in 07. Get ready for plenty of it engineered by your new Dallas Cowboys OC Jason Garrett. ;)
Can I change your avatar title to "TO Character Defender?"

My gosh man, you're like Senator McCarthy looking for Commies everywhere.

Even if there's no bashing of TO going on you feel the need to start a thread (which is only going to invite it) and stir up crap.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Hostile;1337223 said:
Can I change your avatar title to "TO Character Defender?"

My gosh man, you're like Senator McCarthy looking for Commies everywhere.

Even if there's no bashing of TO going on you feel the need to start a thread (which is only going to invite it) and stir up crap.

Sure. Feel free. ;) My name is Bleu and I fully endorse this campaign. I'm easy. There has been plenty of bashing going on in lots of threads since Tuesday. I'm holding the dike together with my one little tendon worn finger.