John was on there with his perm-a-truck set up like Franklin used to have before going brick and mortar. But they're both on the new and hot list that they've recently added.
I like BBQ, it is not my favorite and no way I am standing in a freakin' line for hours just to get some. The last time I did that, my older son talked me into it at John's truck set up and we stood in line for 2 hours watching them cross items off the menu as we got closer. And the city stopped them from setting up complimentary Bloody Mary/Screwdriver bars so I get my Q out of my own smoker. Is it as good? No, but it's close enough that standing in line isn't worth it.
Tell ya Greg, getting older and curmudgeon like (I have a paper card,b not the plastic full time one) has me at a point of not waiting in line for anything. I am very close to being that "you kids, get out of my line!" guy.
At the end of my life, I will lay there lamenting the time spent waiting for a table in Dallas restaurants.