Goodell announces league plans to play eight international games next season

Great news. Looking forward to the Dublin game.

There was also talk of a game in Dubai within the next couple of years.
Expensive advertising.
There is never going to be an international division of the NFL
anyone believing that is a moron
There simply is not enough interest overseas to make it worthwhile

those being fooled about attendance at ONE OFF games are just plain DUMB

NFL Europe NEVER CAME CLOSE to making money let alone enough to make it work

American Football is a curiosity over there and nothing else

The REAL FANS that you would need to support a division is SIMPLY NOT THERE

IN the US the generational interest and foundation is what supports the NFL in the end

THAT is what keeps bad teams going


and it cannot be built in this modern age of such short attention spans
Expensive advertising.
There is never going to be an international division of the NFL
anyone believing that is a moron
There simply is not enough interest overseas to make it worthwhile

those being fooled about attendance at ONE OFF games are just plain DUMB

NFL Europe NEVER CAME CLOSE to making money let alone enough to make it work

American Football is a curiosity over there and nothing else

The REAL FANS that you would need to support a division is SIMPLY NOT THERE

IN the US the generational interest and foundation is what supports the NFL in the end

THAT is what keeps bad teams going


and it cannot be built in this modern age of such short attention spans
I assume this post is a wind up?

I live in Europe.
Have you ever been to.a domestic game in Europe?
Its been a few years ago but once again ONE Game does not matter.
You really think that there are tens of thousands of fans to match what you see here?
I would ask have you lived in the US over the last twenty years or so.
Its been a few years ago but once again ONE Game does not matter.
You really think that there are tens of thousands of fans to match what you see here?
I would ask have you lived in the US over the last twenty years or so.
There are thousands of games played across Europe each year. As welcome as NFL games are, they are only a small % of the sports footprint and not key to its development. Next time you're in Europe, try and see a domestic game in one of the better leagues. You'll be surprised at the interest.
There are thousands of games played across Europe each year. As welcome as NFL games are, they are only a small % of the sports footprint and not key to its development. Next time you're in Europe, try and see a domestic game in one of the better leagues. You'll be surprised at the interest.
I just do not see the support a NFL team will need when its having a bad season. Football - AMERICAN STYLE - will never be more than a minor sport in Europe. and that simply will not be enough to support a whole division and also make the rest of the owners willing to subsidize it which IT WILL NEED. Not to mention no matter what the Union leaders might think, the players will be against it.
I just do not see the support a NFL team will need when its having a bad season. Football - AMERICAN STYLE - will never be more than a minor sport in Europe. and that simply will not be enough to support a whole division and also make the rest of the owners willing to subsidize it which IT WILL NEED. Not to mention no matter what the Union leaders might think, the players will be against it.
I disagree. NFL has been selling out poor games in Europe for years e.g. the Jags in London. Did you see the atmosphere in Munich yesterday for 2 teams whos season is over! No chance that game sells out in Carolina. They even have to run lotteries for tickets due to the demand. How many Cowboys fans in Texas will fly a couple of hours and stay overnight to see a Jags versus someone else game?

I would argue that the fans in Europe are much more committed than the average US fan. They'll attend any NFL game, not just their favorite team. The core fan base in Europe is also made up of people who have been involved in the sport in Europe over the past 40 odd years - people who've played football or are otherwise involved in local amateur teams. European NFL games have become a great way for football people to meet their peers and network. Note that people who play in Europe have to pay, fundraise and run their own clubs. A lot harder and takes more commitment than playing for a high school or college where everything is provided.

In the end, it come down to money. NFL has a significant income from overseas including TV contracts. The paying customers want to see live games, the NFL needs to provide them or risk its income.
I disagree. NFL has been selling out poor games in Europe for years e.g. the Jags in London. Did you see the atmosphere in Munich yesterday for 2 teams whos season is over! No chance that game sells out in Carolina. They even have to run lotteries for tickets due to the demand. How many Cowboys fans in Texas will fly a couple of hours and stay overnight to see a Jags versus someone else game?

I would argue that the fans in Europe are much more committed than the average US fan. They'll attend any NFL game, not just their favorite team. The core fan base in Europe is also made up of people who have been involved in the sport in Europe over the past 40 odd years - people who've played football or are otherwise involved in local amateur teams. European NFL games have become a great way for football people to meet their peers and network. Note that people who play in Europe have to pay, fundraise and run their own clubs. A lot harder and takes more commitment than playing for a high school or college where everything is provided.

In the end, it come down to money. NFL has a significant income from overseas including TV contracts. The paying customers want to see live games, the NFL needs to provide them or risk its income.
how much are they paying to go to games now; and then think of what they would be charged for season tickets.

Real easy to get people to come to games when its almost free or close to it.

The Market value of American Football in Europe is around $500 million with $90 million revenue

You could not support a single NFL team for that.
how much are they paying to go to games now; and then think of what they would be charged for season tickets.

Real easy to get people to come to games when its almost free or close to it.

The Market value of American Football in Europe is around $500 million with $90 million revenue

You could not support a single NFL team for that.
Ticket prices in Europe are similar to those in the US - they"re not "free". Tickets are way oversubscribed.

Not sure where you got the market value figures - dont seem right. The quoted value in the Irish press for the annual single college game in Dublin is in excess of $100m. NFL games are bigger. And then you have the value of the domestic sport - 1,000s of clubs/teams, 100,000s of active members, which dwarfs any of these single events.
Ticket prices in Europe are similar to those in the US - they"re not "free". Tickets are way oversubscribed.

Not sure where you got the market value figures - dont seem right. The quoted value in the Irish press for the annual single college game in Dublin is in excess of $100m. NFL games are bigger. And then you have the value of the domestic sport - 1,000s of clubs/teams, 100,000s of active members, which dwarfs any of these single events.
google it dude and you claim they are similar- similar to NFL prices?

your attempt to claim the value of football in Europe being anything close to the us is such a joke
I guarantee you not a single NFL coach, crew, etc. enjoys those international games. It's a logistical nightmare.
I think it's a stupid idea, and it probably is a logistical nightmare. It'd have to be harder on the players, and I don't see any worthwhile reason for it. It's an American game, play it in America.
A Significant % of the leagues income now comes from overseas TV rights, merchandise etc. If the NFL went US only, the salary cap would be lower due to the loss of income. Overseas is the biggest growth area for the league in terms of income and any professional league has to be responsive to its fanbase.

Note the signs are that college football is going the same way. Already an annual game in Dublin. There is talk of additional NCAA games in various European cities. Where its most notable is with TV coverage. Europe has gotten the same schedule of NFL games broadcast live as are broadcast in US markets for years. This year there has been a huge upswing in the number of NCAA games/coverage - with 4 games now being broadcast live each Saturday.

Note that most NFL and NCAA games are in prime TV slots in Europe - peek viewing time at weekend evenings. TV companies would not be broadcasting these games it they werent getting big audiences.

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