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Anyone on it and what are your feelings on it? Just got on it today and liking its interface so far. Can't wait to get more of my friends on it. So easy!
I was just reading about this. Facebook kid better pull a Tom Anderson and sell while he on top of the world. I know im not the only one who read my space sold today for only 35 million. Tom sold it for 500 mil im pretty sure. Anyways, how do you get a n invite for this?
JustDezIt;3982841 said:
I was just reading about this. Facebook kid better pull a Tom Anderson and sell while he on top of the world. I know im not the only one who read ******* sold today for only 35 million. Tom sold it for 500 mil im pretty sure. Anyways, how do you get a n invite for this?

my friend invited me. If you'd (or anyone on CZ) like an invite, PM me, I'll do it tomorrow.

My profile is still pretty bare, since I just got on it, but I really like it's interface so far.
VietCowboy;3982842 said:
my friend invited me. If you'd (or anyone on CZ) like an invite, PM me, I'll do it tomorrow.

My profile is still pretty bare, since I just got on it, but I really like it's interface so far.

awesome, im interested to check it out.

some videos about it for those just hearing for the first time

VietCowboy;3982842 said:
my friend invited me. If you'd (or anyone on CZ) like an invite, PM me, I'll do it tomorrow.

My profile is still pretty bare, since I just got on it, but I really like it's interface so far.

I would like 1

all invites sent to those that provided an email (gmail is not required I just found out).

Google Inc. (GOOG), the world’s biggest search engine, shut down the invite mechanism for its new Google+ social network after “insane demand,” said Vic Gundotra, a company executive, on the company’s website.
Google unveiled the service June 28 in a fresh attempt to compete with Facebook Inc.’s site. Google+ looks similar to Facebook, with streaming updates of photos, messages, comments and other content from selected groups of friends, said Bradley Horowitz, vice president, product management. The service, which integrates with Google’s maps and images, seeks to help people organize social contacts easily within groups of friends.
lame, a few people I sent invites to were able to get the invite and join just less than 2 hours ago.
I just don't see the necessity for this when pretty much everyone that would ever join this is already on Facebook.

My space failed because it was hideous, unnavigable, and only for children.
theogt;3982988 said:
I just don't see the necessity for this when pretty much everyone that would ever join this is already on Facebook.

My space failed because it was hideous, unnavigable, and only for children.

Pretty strong points there. Google may have let Facebook get too large before launching this. The reason Twitter caught on is that it works with Facebook and is a different type of social media. Google+ sounds to me like a Facebook knock-off. Anybody have anything that seperates it from Facebook?
CowboyDan;3982999 said:
Pretty strong points there. Google may have let Facebook get too large before launching this. The reason Twitter caught on is that it works with Facebook and is a different type of social media. Google+ sounds to me like a Facebook knock-off. Anybody have anything that seperates it from Facebook?

So far I like the circles function.

Just messed with it for a few minutes but it appears that you can break down people into groups by clicking and dragging.

With each group you can send messages out so only those in that group can see or you can set up a video chat with individuals or a group that only they can see.

I don't know if it will catch on...but it might be nice to have something similar to facebook without all the ads, spam, hackers (similar to what happened with *******) for a time.

As for my facebook...for the most part I have a large number of "friends" that are nothing more than zynga gamers. I play a couple but nowhere near as many as I used to play so I have a bunch of people that I don't really know, don't care about yet i needed to reach certain goals in the games. Instead of having to go through and find all of these people, block them or unfriend them...I can now just start from scratch with some real life friends and people from the forum here.

Again...Don't know if it will take off or not, but willing to give it a try.
I still don't have Facebook and haven't used My space since high school.

All I have is Skype,, and twitter.
This is on Twitter, not sure of the validity of it though:

Gizmo_Fusion GizmoFusion by julesette66

If you want a Google+ invite RT this! We have lots to giveaway!
BrAinPaiNt;3983006 said:
So far I like the circles function.

Just messed with it for a few minutes but it appears that you can break down people into groups by clicking and dragging.

With each group you can send messages out so only those in that group can see or you can set up a video chat with individuals or a group that only they can see.
Funny thing is, about two years ago a friend and I were talking about making something just like Circles. Then we remembered how much we hate writing web apps and blew it off.
theogt;3982988 said:
I just don't see the necessity for this when pretty much everyone that would ever join this is already on Facebook.

My space failed because it was hideous, unnavigable, and only for children.

Maybe because Facebook is now almost hated as much as My Space. (one slot behind them)

Facebook is now the 10th most hated company (My Space, is 9th) beating out companies like Bank of America and AT&T Mobile.
nyc;3983129 said:
Maybe because Facebook is now almost hated as much as My Space. (one slot behind them)

Facebook is now the 10th most hated company (My Space, is 9th) beating out companies like Bank of America and AT&T Mobile.
I guess. But the fact that nearly 1 billion people use Facebook seems to be a pretty solid counter to this argument.

Further, pretty much all of the people that I care to keep in contact with via an online social networking use Facebook, so I have no incentive whatsoever to join until I feel I'd get more benefit out of Google+. They've got a long road ahead of him in that respect.

From everything I'm reading, the Circles function is the only revolutionary thing that it has -- which means that Facebook could pretty much just adopt a similar function if it turns out enough people want it.

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