Happy Birthday BrownSugar


The Duke
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Your private message box is too full to accept any more messages. Have a great day and enjoy.

BrownSugar I tried to send you a birthday greeting and your PM was full.

Anyway, Happy Birhtday to you! Hope your are having a wonderful 31st.

Happy birthday.....and many more to the young lady.
Thanks, Hos, Brian, David, Roy, Duane, and Yeager!!! I'm sorry my box was so full, I went and deleted quite a few messages, so it should be ok for a while. I kicked my b-day weekend off on Friday night and had a party on Saturday, so I spent most of today and yesterday trying to recover.

Anyway, thanks for the Birthday wishes, and btw, that was my 25th b-day and don't believe anything my mother might say ;) ..

BTW, thanks adbutcher for kicking with us at my party!!
BrownSugar said:
Thanks, Hos, Brian, David, Roy, Duane, and Yeager!!! I'm sorry my box was so full, I went and deleted quite a few messages, so it should be ok for a while. I kicked my b-day weekend off on Friday night and had a party on Saturday, so I spent most of today and yesterday trying to recover.

Anyway, thanks for the Birthday wishes, and btw, that was my 25th b-day and don't believe anything my mother might say ;) ..

BTW, thanks adbutcher for kicking with us at my party!!

So Adbutcher finally made it down to texas.

If you see him tell him I said Hi and best wishes.
BrAinPaiNt said:
So Adbutcher finally made it down to texas.

If you see him tell him I said Hi and best wishes.

I'm still trying to figure out what happened to our invites. I guess my dog ate them ;)
Yeagermeister said:
I'm still trying to figure out what happened to our invites. I guess my dog ate them ;)
:D , didn't think anyone would make the trip all the way to TX for lil' ole me. Ad actually relocated to my home town this past weekend, he and some of his frat brothers (one of which I knew from my hometown) came through.

If I knew that you all would have came through, I would have definitely given you an invite, there were a ton of people there....
BrownSugar said:
:D , didn't think anyone would make the trip all the way to TX for lil' ole me. Ad actually relocated to my home town this past weekend, he and some of his frat brothers (one of which I knew from my hometown) came through.

If I knew that you all would have came through, I would have definitely given you an invite, there were a ton of people there....

For you of course we would :D
It was my pleasure. Just remember to keep my name high on the invite list for all of your parties. :)
BrownSugar said:
Thanks, Hos, Brian, David, Roy, Duane, and Yeager!!! I'm sorry my box was so full, I went and deleted quite a few messages, so it should be ok for a while. I kicked my b-day weekend off on Friday night and had a party on Saturday, so I spent most of today and yesterday trying to recover.

Anyway, thanks for the Birthday wishes, and btw, that was my 25th b-day and don't believe anything my mother might say ;) ..

BTW, thanks adbutcher for kicking with us at my party!!
Good looking out Brain. I made it here all safe and sound. Also, I must say Tyler is very cool so far. It would be cooler if you didn't have to drive to the line for alchohol :( but all in all I am really digging it.

BrAinPaiNt said:
So Adbutcher finally made it down to texas.

If you see him tell him I said Hi and best wishes.
No need to apologize to Yeagermeister. Besides you probably did him a favor because he probably doesn't have the restraint I possess. I mean with all of the beautiful ladies there, there is no telling what Yeagermeister would have done. :D

There has to be something in the water in Texas, because the last time I congregated in a place with that many absolutely stunning women was on my college campus and that was with a 12 to 1 ratio in our favor. I am glad I am married because I would have never made it back to Tyler.

BrownSugar said:
:D , didn't think anyone would make the trip all the way to TX for lil' ole me. Ad actually relocated to my home town this past weekend, he and some of his frat brothers (one of which I knew from my hometown) came through.

If I knew that you all would have came through, I would have definitely given you an invite, there were a ton of people there....
adbutcher said:
Good looking out Brain. I made it here all safe and sound. Also, I must say Tyler is very cool so far. It would be cooler if you didn't have to drive to the line for alchohol :( but all in all I am really digging it.

That part does suck ad... I pick it up in Big Sandy on my way down... as I will do this Friday... ;)
trickblue said:
That part does suck ad... I pick it up in Big Sandy on my way down... as I will do this Friday... ;)
We went to Fat-Daddy's right on the other side of Lake Palestine (not sure what town it is in). It is not a bad trip but you guys could have told me, lol.
.....but belated birthday greetings, young lady. May you have many , many more!!

happy late birthday then. and since this is the OT forum...damn brownsugar you are gorgeous!

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