Happy Birthday CB

Happy Birthday Cbz. Hope you have a great one.

If anyone gives you any crap about your age just tell them the story about the time you ate dinner with the carpenter and his his 12 buddies :D
Happy Bday cbz. I know it would seem hollow without my aproval, so I did you the favor of congratulating you...
K19 said:
Happy Birthday Cbz. Hope you have a great one.

If anyone gives you any crap about your age just tell them the story about the time you ate dinner with the carpenter and his his 12 buddies :D

Actually that's not accurate....Cbz catered it.

If you look real closely at the painting, you can see Judas eating pea salad...
Juke99 said:
Actually that's not accurate....Cbz catered it.

If you look real closely at the painting, you can see Judas eating pea salad...

Actually........that was the Sermon on the MT.........Those peas went along way.

Oh Lord it's getting cloudy outside. :eek:
Happy Birthday CBz, I will try not to trip over your garden nome, when I am setting up the BBQ in your lawn, so the rest of us young'uns can party on your lawn in honor of your birthday.

We will even hold tradition and have a moment for your old pals Adam and Eve. :D

:cheers: Happy Birthday CBz :toast2: :gent:
Hey, did anyone send in CBZ's birthday to Willard Scott yet? :D

Happy birthday and many more CBZ40! :dance2:

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