How cute, you took the time to think this makes a point, fact is the analogy stands, Mississippi State plays more ranked teams than A&M did in that time frame and with less whiny political clout that A&M bounces about.
Ultimately talking sense to Aggies is pointless, you guys need hugs, great big hugs and special olympic medals, perhaps that's a conference where you can feel like a winner and not get hurt when someone points out you're not so special as you think you are.
Afterall your bosom buddy compadre just spent long winded posts gabbing about how triumphant A&M's miniscule funded program has done wonders, I guarantee you they have more cash than Miss St so really your apples and oranges attempt at redeeming a not so incredulous comparison is void of the nuances of the differing programs and schedules; another irony as your compadre also spent gabs of air begging one not to be simplistic with approaching A&M's "successes". But here you are trying to think a non contextualized group of numbers as a case closed home run that A&M wasn't anything more than the Miss State of the Big 12.
I wanna show you a really interesting stat though, Aggy: Goose Egg SEC: 7 in the 21st Century, here you come, roarrrrr!
PS you have an attitude problem that causes a coaching problem, Slocum wasn't good enough for you guys after he gave respectability back from the cheating days of Sherrill, Francione was supposed to be a savior stolen from Alabama, Sherman is now supposed to win the Big 12 and roar into the SEC, you aren't realistic with the good guys / hire bozos in reaction to them not meeting unreasonable demands and over estimated talent levels.