Humor: The real story of the T.O./Chad J. flight


Blogging The Boys
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Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson recently shared a flight together and discussed the new TD celebration rules instituted by the NFL. But I have inside sources from the flight crew and this is what happened.

Once T.O. checked in at the gate, he immediately tore down the Delta logo behind the counter, stood on it with out-stretched arms and declared loudly that "United Airlines rules!" Needless to say Delta officials were not amused.

Once the duo boarded first class, Johnson started a fight with Owens, proving that his last season locker room fisticuffs with a teammate was no aberration. Owens responded by writing a million-dollar check to Johnson, exclaiming "Look, now you got paid, you should be on your best behavior for the rest of the flight." If only it was so easy.

Owens then stirred up the whole flight by stating over the intercom that the co-pilot was actually the better pilot, and that he should be running the plane. In fact, he said that if the co-pilot was flying the plane, "they would've landed hours ago." The co-pilot immediately radioed the home office and asked for a raise. Roughly half the crew was now openly backing the co-pilot, causing a deep rift among the flight crew, resulting in crappy service for the rest of the flight.

Once Johnson and Owens were served their meals, T.O. finished his meal well before Johnson. This prompted Owens to jump up and use a Sharpie to sign a flight attendant's forehead. Not to be out-done, Johnson dropped to one knee and asked the flight attendant to marry him. She declined, stating sharply that she was a Cleveland Browns fan.

Johnson then produced a list that had every flight attendants name on it and exclaimed "None of these people can keep my seat belt buckled, there's no one in the whole airline industry who can keep my seat belt buckled!" To prove his point, he jumped up, grabbed a serving tray and putted a pack of peanuts down the aisle.

By this time, Owens was in a frenzy, he grabbed the intercom again and told everybody that the "pilot was gay". He then said that Delta was the cheapest organization on the planet and had disrespected him by not serving him dessert. Johnson agreed, then decided that the passengers needed some entertainment and led everybody in a version of the "Electric Slide".

Soon after, the flight landed at its destination. Johnson and Owens were seen in the airport terminal taking a phone call. It was Joe Horn, he finally found his cell phone.

Other than that, it was reported that the flight went smoothly.


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Haha wow...Cowboys and Skins fans can laugh together...what a great world.


Eagles Fan Liaison
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Grizz said:
Terrell Owens and Chad Johnson recently shared a flight together and discussed the new TD celebration rules instituted by the NFL. But I have inside sources from the flight crew and this is what happened.

Once T.O. checked in at the gate, he immediately tore down the Delta logo behind the counter, stood on it with out-stretched arms and declared loudly that "United Airlines rules!" Needless to say Delta officials were not amused.

Once the duo boarded first class, Johnson started a fight with Owens, proving that his last season locker room fisticuffs with a teammate was no aberration. Owens responded by writing a million-dollar check to Johnson, exclaiming "Look, now you got paid, you should be on your best behavior for the rest of the flight." If only it was so easy.

Owens then stirred up the whole flight by stating over the intercom that the co-pilot was actually the better pilot, and that he should be running the plane. In fact, he said that if the co-pilot was flying the plane, "they would've landed hours ago." The co-pilot immediately radioed the home office and asked for a raise. Roughly half the crew was now openly backing the co-pilot, causing a deep rift among the flight crew, resulting in crappy service for the rest of the flight.

Once Johnson and Owens were served their meals, T.O. finished his meal well before Johnson. This prompted Owens to jump up and use a Sharpie to sign a flight attendant's forehead. Not to be out-done, Johnson dropped to one knee and asked the flight attendant to marry him. She declined, stating sharply that she was a Cleveland Browns fan.

Johnson then produced a list that had every flight attendants name on it and exclaimed "None of these people can keep my seat belt buckled, there's no one in the whole airline industry who can keep my seat belt buckled!" To prove his point, he jumped up, grabbed a serving tray and putted a pack of peanuts down the aisle.

By this time, Owens was in a frenzy, he grabbed the intercom again and told everybody that the "pilot was gay". He then said that Delta was the cheapest organization on the planet and had disrespected him by not serving him dessert. Johnson agreed, then decided that the passengers needed some entertainment and led everybody in a version of the "Electric Slide".

Soon after, the flight landed at its destination. Johnson and Owens were seen in the airport terminal taking a phone call. It was Joe Horn, he finally found his cell phone.

Other than that, it was reported that the flight went smoothly.

The Next Episode ...

…Without anyone knowing it, the Co-pilot, furious that TO had exposed his early departure from the “closet” set a new course for Philadelphia without anyone ever knowing it. A few minutes later, the co-pilot made an announcement on the intercom …"pleath make sure you check the monitors to make your connections out of “Philadelphia!”

TO went crazy! He panicked and ran full speed into the lavatory and locked the door. After some coaching from Chad Johnson, TO came out and ran directly into the cockpit. “I’m taking over the plane Chad – are you with me?” Chad immediately reached into his duffle bag and pulled out an Eagles cap …does this answer your question he replied!? [sidebar note: it seems as though Chad carried NFL caps for every team in the league, for just such occasions]

At that point, TO knew he had to do something quick! Something that has always worked before whenever he was under such pressure and turmoil …he immediately dropped to the floor and started doing sit-ups!

Just then, a bull horn cut through the air like someone passing gas in a library
“ …TO, this is Donovan McNabb and Jeff Garthia – we know you’re in there--Chad Johnson told us. Come on out with with your Sharpie in your left hand.” TO replied “NEVER …I want the plane refueled and safe passage to Dallas.” To make a Long story short, eventually, a deal was made with TO agreeing to release all of the passengers for a one-way flight to Dallas.

Oh, the Co-pilot got his raise, and made up with TO before they departed Philly. Chad Johnson became a Cleveland Browns fan and married that flight attendant he had earlier proposed to. Delta Air, McNabb and Garcia put out a million dollar reward for the return of the plane; and a $5 dollar reward for TO!


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T.O. arrives in Dallas and Jerry picks him up at the airport. Along with the 10 million T.O. has it written in his contract that Jerry flys him everywhere he goes from now on and makes sure that his wing numbers can no longer be tracked!

Also on every flight Jerry's jet must spell T.O. in the sky, and twice for every TD he scores!!


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Phoenix-Talon said:
The Next Episode ...

…Without anyone knowing it, the Co-pilot, furious that TO had exposed his early departure from the “closet” set a new course for Philadelphia without anyone ever knowing it. A few minutes later, the co-pilot made an announcement on the intercom …"pleath make sure you check the monitors to make your connections out of “Philadelphia!”

TO went crazy! He panicked and ran full speed into the lavatory and locked the door. After some coaching from Chad Johnson, TO came out and ran directly into the cockpit. “I’m taking over the plane Chad – are you with me?” Chad immediately reached into his duffle bag and pulled out an Eagles cap …does this answer your question he replied!? [sidebar note: it seems as though Chad carried NFL caps for every team in the league, for just such occasions]

At that point, TO knew he had to do something quick! Something that has always worked before whenever he was under such pressure and turmoil …he immediately dropped to the floor and started doing sit-ups!

Just then, a bull horn cut through the air like someone passing gas in a library
“ …TO, this is Donovan McNabb and Jeff Garthia – we know you’re in there--Chad Johnson told us. Come on out with with your Sharpie in your left hand.” TO replied “NEVER …I want the plane refueled and safe passage to Dallas.” To make a Long story short, eventually, a deal was made with TO agreeing to release all of the passengers for a one-way flight to Dallas.

Oh, the Co-pilot got his raise, and made up with TO before they departed Philly. Chad Johnson became a Cleveland Browns fan and married that flight attendant he had earlier proposed to. Delta Air, McNabb and Garcia put out a million dollar reward for the return of the plane; and a $5 dollar reward for TO!

I almost peed myself when i said that aloud:lmao2: