Hypothesis: The media is trying to sabotage Parcells


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Ok, I've been thinking it long and hard, and without any real direct proof, it seems to me that the media may be be trying (conciously or subconciously) to sabotage Parcells. I suspect this may be so because Parcells has taken such a hard line with the media that now some members of the media have made it thir mission to "take down" Parcells because they can't handle the fact that they've lost the information-power-struggle.

All we're hearing is things like "the fans want to know Parcells' stance on TO" when in fact we're not the ones moaning about it like some media-members are. And in response to fans' rebuttal, we're hearing things from the media like "if we get Parcells to go on record that he wanted TO, then if it does not work out with TO in Dallas, and if Parcells quits after this season, then he cannot use the 'I never wanted TO' excuse as the reason for leaving". I mean, Please! :rolleyes: There are alot of IFs that line of arguing, and stements like that only imply that these media-members are either trying to create controversy where it does not exist, or perhaps are trying to manufacture a false information-power-struggle victory over Parecells if the aged coach does decide to retire (which would entirely be his perrogative, and he would not have to justify it to any media-member, by the way).

Some of these media-members just need to grow up and take their losses. As long as Parcells is head coach of the Cowboys he's decided to control the information coming out of Valley Ranch; and I for one can support that because it's worked out just fine up to now.



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A hypothesis is a testable proposition.

Perhaps you should title this "Speculation about Media Motivation"


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No, the media wants Bill to act his age, do his job, and not run away from them like a girl runs away from a spider. Not asking too much.


Hawaiian Cowboy
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abersonc said:
A hypothesis is a testable proposition.

Perhaps you should title this "Speculation about Media Motivation"

It also has an "If.....then...." statement. So it should be,
If Parcells has a press conference, then the media will blow out of proportion anything he says.

Then we can test it.
Sorry, 5th grade teacher


Well-Known Member
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Ok, I've been thinking it long and hard, and without any real direct proof, it seems to me that the media may be be trying (conciously or subconciously) to sabotage Parcells. I suspect this may be so because Parcells has taken such a hard line with the media that now some members of the media have made it thir mission to "take down" Parcells because they can't handle the fact that they've lost the information-power-struggle.

All we're hearing is things like "the fans want to know Parcells' stance on TO" when in fact we're not the ones moaning about it like some media-members are. And in response to fans' rebuttal, we're hearing things from the media like "if we get Parcells to go on record that he wanted TO, then if it does not work out with TO in Dallas, and if Parcells quits after this season, then he cannot use the 'I never wanted TO' excuse as the reason for leaving". I mean, Please! :rolleyes: There are alot of IFs that line of arguing, and stements like that only imply that these media-members are either trying to create controversy where it does not exist, or perhaps are trying to manufacture a false information-power-struggle victory over Parecells if the aged coach does decide to retire (which would entirely be his perrogative and would not have to justify to any media member, by the way).

Some of these media members just need to grow up and take their losses. As long as Parcells is head coach of hte Cowboys he's decided to control the information coming out of Valley Ranch and I for one can support that, because it's worked out just fine up to now.


I think it is a one way battle if that is the case. I really don't think Bill cares what a journalist (I use the word lightly) thinks about him or their view on the game of football. Bill has been in this business long enough to know that what they write really has no effect on him or the team, it is their opinion with little knowledge behind it.


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Doomsday101 said:
I think it is a one way battle if that is the case. I really don't think Bill cares what a journalist (I use the word lightly) thinks about him or their view on the game of football. Bill has been in this business long enough to know that what they write really has no effect on him or the team, it is their opinion with little knowledge behind it.

Parcells also has to be careful to no compromise his own credibility. If he were to cave into the media's rants for the sake of caving, or just because they're ranting, then how can he look into the faces of his own staff members and players and tell them not to talk or cave into the media? I really do believe that Parcells is taking a hard stance here because he's been burned in hte past early in his career and he's learned that the more you say to the media the more hangman's-rope you potentially give away to them. Because so much of the media have been critical of the TO signing before a game has even been played, I can't say I blame Parcells for taking a silent/protective stance about hte matter.



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Parcells also has to be careful to no compromise his own credibility. If he were to cave into the media's rants for the sake of caving, or just because they're ranting, then how can he look into the faces of his own staff members and players and tell them not to talk or cave into the media? I really do believe that Parcells is taking a hard stance here because he's been burned in hte past early in his career and he's learned that the more you say to the media the more hangman's-rope you potentially give away to them. Because so much of the media have been critical of the TO signing before a game has even been played, I can't say I blame Parcells for taking a silent/protective stance about hte matter.


I think Bill looks at many in the media for what they are "Idiots" who are reporting on a topic they really have no clue about and if they had to run a team would not know what to do. I agree that Bill has learned over the years not to feed the animals as the sign says at the zoo. :laugh2:


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Ok, I've been thinking it long and hard, and without any real direct proof, it seems to me that the media may be be trying (conciously or subconciously) to sabotage Parcells. I suspect this may be so because Parcells has taken such a hard line with the media that now some members of the media have made it thir mission to "take down" Parcells because they can't handle the fact that they've lost the information-power-struggle.

All we're hearing is things like "the fans want to know Parcells' stance on TO" when in fact we're not the ones moaning about it like some media-members are. And in response to fans' rebuttal, we're hearing things from the media like "if we get Parcells to go on record that he wanted TO, then if it does not work out with TO in Dallas, and if Parcells quits after this season, then he cannot use the 'I never wanted TO' excuse as the reason for leaving". I mean, Please! :rolleyes: There are alot of IFs that line of arguing, and stements like that only imply that these media-members are either trying to create controversy where it does not exist, or perhaps are trying to manufacture a false information-power-struggle victory over Parecells if the aged coach does decide to retire (which would entirely be his perrogative, and he would not have to justify it to any media-member, by the way).

Some of these media-members just need to grow up and take their losses. As long as Parcells is head coach of the Cowboys he's decided to control the information coming out of Valley Ranch; and I for one can support that because it's worked out just fine up to now.


I think Bill is sabotaging his own reputation by leaning too heavily on players who used to play for him or whose fathers used to play for him or players who remind him of players who used to play for him. The NFL is constantly evolving and one must evolve with it, not try and cling too strongly to the past, lest we get left behind. His tight end fixation is over the top. There is no team that wins consistently with their tight end as a primary receiver. Tight ends are complimentary receivers. We were told the reason we drafted Witten because he has the potential to be a dominant blocker and receiver. He has not been a dominant blocker, that's why we drafted Fasano. We have not drafted a receiver on day one, a OL on day one that was any good or an DL on day one that is a dominant player. Spears is just okay. The primary focus for Bill has been on LB's and TE's and those are not the primary building blocks of good teams.


I've got moxie
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These media types aren't used to having to work for a story. Instead of getting off their tails and doing something, they are all deciding to whine and blame Parcells.

There are people on here that do a better job. Get a paper to hire Vela, he'd probably be near the top of the stack from Day 1.


Salty *******
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The media is unconsciously sabotaging Parcells.

They want controversy. They want a story. Conflict is a story. If the conflict isn't there, they try to make it.

So even if Parcells isn't thinking about retiring, and isn't struggling with Jones, and isn't having problems with T.O., the media still wants their conflict. So they keep asking the same questions over and over and over in hopes that the blind squirrel will find a nut and they will stumble across some admission of conflict.

The net result of all these questions is that Parcells gets sick and tired of dealing with them. If he decides to ignore them, the mediots (like some of the idiots here) assume that must mean that BP has conflict. If he allows them to be answered, he subjects himself to redundant and annoying questions.

Like any normal person, after being asked if he has a problem with TO 1,000 times, he will eventually have a problem with TO: he will be angry with TO because he has to answer questions about him all the time. Thus, a conflict is generated by sheer annoyance. Same with retiring. "Are you retiring?" "No. I like my job." "Are you retiring? No. I said I like my job." (After being asked 50 more times...) "Are you retiring? Yes..... I'd rather put a bullet in my head than spend one more moment up here listening to you people ask me questions about whether I am going to retire."

The media, in the never-ending quest for controversy, becomes so damn annoying that they generate controversy even if there isn't any.

So I don't think the intent or mens rea is to hurt, annoy or sabotage BP. The intent is to get conflict. You get conflict by doing those things. So their actions are a means to an end, and that end is to get THEM a story.


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I have a hard time being to critical of the media. Are they perfrect? Of course not. Are some better than other? Sure.

However, think about this for a second. How many regular to semi regular posters are on this board? I do not know, but lets go with a couple thousand.

Think about how many "casual" Cowboy fans there are in Dallas alone and not to mention all over the world.

We are the hard core of the hard core fans. We are beyond the TO ordeal. The casual fan is probably not over it. I am guessing here that the casual fan wants to hear about TO.

It is aggrevating sometimes to think that the media should be doing this or that, but the reality of it is we "hard core" fans are in the minority I suspect.

The media is for the masses, the message board is for us. I do not blame the media at all. Not excusing every lame/stupid/idiotic/lazy/biased article or interview some media member might have performed. For the most part I think they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

Of course because this is my opinion, I do not pretend that mine is the right one. I know most feel differently.


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I think Bill looks at many in the media for what they are "Idiots" who are reporting on a topic they really have no clue about and if they had to run a team would not know what to do. I agree that Bill has learned over the years not to feed the animals as the sign says at the zoo. :laugh2:



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junk said:
These media types aren't used to having to work for a story. Instead of getting off their tails and doing something, they are all deciding to whine and blame Parcells.

There are people on here that do a better job. Get a paper to hire Vela, he'd probably be near the top of the stack from Day 1.
This is so true. If you listen to Galloway, Hansen, etc., they often mention how easy it was when Jimmy, Campo, Gailey were here.

big dog cowboy

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kartr said:
I think Bill is sabotaging his own reputation by leaning too heavily on players ....... whose fathers used to play for him
Gimme a break. JJ and Ireland both said that had nothing to do with the Carpenter pick. It wouldn't have mattered if Santa Claus was his father he was the perfect pick for us.


I've got moxie
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kartr said:
I think Bill is sabotaging his own reputation by leaning too heavily on players who used to play for him or whose fathers used to play for him or players who remind him of players who used to play for him. .

So that must be why Lofu Tatupu, Thomas Howard, Ran Carthon and Chris Simms are all Cowboys?

Hey, wait....