Hostile;3954689 said:
Ahh dry ice. I remember one year when I was in High School, a few of my friends helped with the church halloween party. They had a bunch of dry ice for making smoke on the floor and there was a sizable chunk left over after the party.
We took the chunk home and broke it into smaller chunks and put it in a plastic two litter coke bottle. Then we took it out in the back, put some water in the coke bottle, screwed the cap on tight, and stood it upright. After a minute or so the bottle began to creak, and then there was a huge BOOOOOM. Sounded like a freaking cannon. Neighborhood dogs all went crazy, and my mom woke up and asked what the hell happed. We played dumb of course.
When thing settled down, we went looking for the bottle. It was now a perfect cylinder. At the top of the bottle were it curves in for the cap, it had been blown into a perfect tube.