Is it possible??


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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Does anyone think that after allll the media and everyone else saying the Boys will get their heads handed to them this Sunday That maybe ,just maybe, the gints are reading their press clippings and looking by this game.
I know we're hated rivals ,but it's human nature to think your better than you are when everyone builds you up.

I know if the situation was reversed I would be a little bit nervous.

Just a thought;)

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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sandtrapp;2387334 said:
Does anyone think that after allll the media and everyone else saying the Boys will get their heads handed to them this Sunday That maybe ,just maybe, the gints are reading their press clippings and looking by this game.
I know we're hated rivals ,but it's human nature to think your better than you are when everyone builds you up.
Yeah, I definitely think that. Last year a ton of their motivation came from the "Nobody gives us a chance"/"They have all the Pro Bowlers"/"They get all the attention" angle. Now, things are reversed. They're coming off a big win on the road and everyone is telling them how great they are and how they should put us out of our misery this week.

The clincher was when Tuck said he wished we had all our players healthy for this game. The unsaid part of that is "so when we win there are no excuses".

Doesn't mean we'll win, but I do think they'll be a little overconfident.


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sandtrapp;2387334 said:
Does anyone think that after allll the media and everyone else saying the Boys will get their heads handed to them this Sunday That maybe ,just maybe, the gints are reading their press clippings and looking by this game.
I know we're hated rivals ,but it's human nature to think your better than you are when everyone builds you up.

I know if the situation was reversed I would be a little bit nervous.

Just a thought;)

No I think the Giants understand this is a divisional game and I'm sure they will want to bury us. I do think many are selling the Cowboys short around here, no doubt we are the underdog going in but according to some we may as well not even show up to the game


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Doomsday101;2387349 said:
No I think the Giants understand this is a divisional game and I'm sure they will want to bury us. I do think many are selling the Cowboys short around here, no doubt we are the underdog going in but according to some we may as well not even show up to the game

We may as well not even show up for the game with bj at qb

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Chocolate Lab;2387347 said:
Yeah, I definitely think that. Last year a ton of their motivation came from the "Nobody gives us a chance"/"They have all the Pro Bowlers"/"They get all the attention" angle. Now, things are reversed. They're coming off a big win on the road and everyone is telling them how great they are and how they should put us out of our misery this week.

The clincher was when Tuck said he wished we had all our players healthy for this game. The unsaid part of that is "so when we win there are no excuses".

Doesn't mean we'll win, but I do think they'll be a little overconfident.

You are exactly right. Those comments let you inside the Giants' heads. Tuck used the word 'we' when he made some of those comments. Ross was laughing on the radio today at Brad Johnson .

A couple of days later, Tuck did a 180, and he was throwin 'love' and roses at the Cowboys'.

You are exaclty right.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
On any givin' Sunday......

That's why they play the game......

The ball bounces in funny ways......

Have faith, anything can happen. I going into this game rooting for them as I do every win....


Mick Green 58
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No. I think Tom Coughlin will definately have his team ready to play and part of it is that the Cowboys did Coughlin's job for him.

1) Wade Phillips saying the best team didn't win after they beat us in the Playoffs

2) Jerry Jones supposedly handing out tickets to the NFCCG the week of the Divisional Game

3) Dallas Cowboys sending 13 players to Hawaii and the Giants only sending 1

4) Everyone plays the Cowboys hard especially when they think they are soft, have no heart and are severly overrated


Cowboys Forever
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I'd like it if they looked past this game,but I seriously doubt the Giants blow this game off.I expect a great game from BOTH teams.

and a WIN from us,of course!:star:


Kane Ala
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I think they will be a little too cocky. Whether or not that means anything I guess we'll see. If they play as well as the Bucs game then we'll be in it as long as we don't turn it over. The Giants defense may be rated higher than the Bucs but I think the Bucs are better overall.

If we can run on them then they will at least have to play it more st8 up. Brad has got to get it downfield some in that case and then it'll be a ballgame.


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Its just natural that in a situation like this where you're favored to win you play down to the competition. I expect this game to be close. I actually think the score will be in the 20's. I think Brad Johnson performs well this game. Everyone looks at Brad's past games and determine that he will suck in the 3rd game. I look at it as if he's improved since game 1 to game 2 and I expect him to do even better in game 3. Giants have a decent secondary. Its beatable. I guess it matters how they come at the Cowboys. Brad can get that ball away pretty fast if they decide to blitz their linebackers. I just hope Garrett and Brad have plays where there are some quick slants involved. Especially for TO. And for the life of me I still don't understand why we don't put TO in motion anymore.