It's Only Week 4 People!! Moving Right Along...


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Look everyone, I was severley pissed yesterday with that loss @ home against the Commanders. You have got to give credit were credit is due. I don't want to hear any bull**** excuses about what we did or did not do..... We lost. The chances of us winning them all is slim to none.

So lets stop all the *****ing about Week 4, because we are getting ready for week 5!!

Congrats Commanders!! (As hard as it is for me to type that)



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BigDinAZ;2295482 said:
Look everyone, I was severley pissed yesterday with that loss @ home against the Commanders. You have got to give credit were credit is due. I don't want to hear any bull**** excuses about what we did or did not do..... We lost. The chances of us winning them all is slim to none.

So lets stop all the *****ing about Week 4, because we are getting ready for week 5!!

Congrats Commanders!! (As hard as it is for me to type that)


I agree. Hell Florida is better than Ol Miss but this weekend they pulled the upset it happens. Dallas went out and got beat I give the credit to the skins and expect the Cowboys to get back to work this week and get ready for the next game


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It always happens from time to time, I rem losing to a bad Rams team at home during one of the superbowl years.

Washington plays us tough and I'm not exactly sure why, they have a good line, and Moss seems to give us alot of trouble. They also seem to confound our offense as well as anyone in the league. I'm not sure if we take them lightly or they just play thier best against Dallas.

My thoughts on the game

The defensive tackled very poorly, and that led to way tooo much YAC and RAC. I thought Pacman played Moss tough and I'd give Moss a very heavy dose of Adam Jones in the rematch.

I thought the Eagles were able to get pressure on Romo without blitzing, both Defensive ends seemed to get upfield and make Romo step up into a decent push and this made him rush some throws and kept his timing off.

The offense had no sense of urgency and I think more than keeping TO from pouting they pushed it to him because no one else seemed to step up and want to make plays. They were just flat, from the ball boy to the coaches.


Optimist Prime
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BigDinAZ;2295482 said:
Look everyone, I was severley pissed yesterday with that loss @ home against the Commanders. You have got to give credit were credit is due. I don't want to hear any bull**** excuses about what we did or did not do..... We lost. The chances of us winning them all is slim to none.

So lets stop all the *****ing about Week 4, because we are getting ready for week 5!!

Congrats Commanders!! (As hard as it is for me to type that)

Give everyone a 24hr window to get all the *****ing outta their system, Big D! After that, week 5 should be the focus. Personally, I hate to lose to the DeadnStinkins (only b/c of their overbearing fanbase after a "SuperBowl" win) but big picture-wise, it's only one L in week 4....hardly something to jump off the nearest bridge over!


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Tobal;2295534 said:
It always happens from time to time, I rem losing to a bad Rams team at home during one of the superbowl years.

Washington plays us tough and I'm not exactly sure why, they have a good line, and Moss seems to give us alot of trouble. They also seem to confound our offense as well as anyone in the league. I'm not sure if we take them lightly or they just play thier best against Dallas.

My thoughts on the game

The defensive tackled very poorly, and that led to way tooo much YAC and RAC. I thought Pacman played Moss tough and I'd give Moss a very heavy dose of Adam Jones in the rematch.

I thought the Eagles were able to get pressure on Romo without blitzing, both Defensive ends seemed to get upfield and make Romo step up into a decent push and this made him rush some throws and kept his timing off.

The offense had no sense of urgency and I think more than keeping TO from pouting they pushed it to him because no one else seemed to step up and want to make plays. They were just flat, from the ball boy to the coaches.

I also remember getting our tails kicked by the Niners at TX Stadium in '95(our last Super Bowl)-it almost costed us HFA...until the Niners lost to the Falcons in the last week. Afterwards, Switzer said how "It was my fault! I'll get them prepared for those Oakland Raiders next week!".

I also remember us having a 2 game losing streak to Atlanta and Miami in late Nov in '93(one of our SB seasons). The latter, BTW, crashed and burnt a good one when all was said and done.


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They had to lose sometime. I'd rather it be during the season than in the playoffs.

Go Cowboys! :p:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think I'm going to have a harder time 'moving on'.

Dallas should have an easy time of it over the next three games and I don't want to get fooled into thinking everything is 'back on track' because we're playing the league's bottom-feeders.

This team has some serious flaws that got exposed yesterday and just because they may beat up on some hapless teams doesn't mean those problems are fixed.


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stasheroo;2295684 said:
I think I'm going to have a harder time 'moving on'.

Dallas should have an easy time of it over the next three games and I don't want to get fooled into thinking everything is 'back on track' because we're playing the league's bottom-feeders.

This team has some serious flaws that got exposed yesterday and just because they may beat up on some hapless teams doesn't mean those problems are fixed.

You wont be fooled, I mean I figure most if not all of you are like me. None of this matters until the playoffs. They could be 16-0 and yea I'd be happy but until this team wins a playoff game I'm just enjoying most of what this team does, but I'm not buying into it yet.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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BigDinAZ;2295482 said:
Look everyone, I was severley pissed yesterday with that loss @ home against the Commanders. You have got to give credit were credit is due. I don't want to hear any bull**** excuses about what we did or did not do..... We lost. The chances of us winning them all is slim to none.

So lets stop all the *****ing about Week 4, because we are getting ready for week 5!!

Congrats Commanders!! (As hard as it is for me to type that)


I would just like to make one point. The Commanders are NOT just week four. No divisional games are only "week (x)". I'm sure if you head over to any Commander board, they will say the same thing.

Losing a game is understandable, losing to a divisional while can be understandable, but is NEVER acceptable.


if you ain't first, you're last
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A Quarter into the Season and we're 3-1, winning what we thought would be a tough game on the road at Cleveland, A tough Monday nighter against the Eagles and going on the Road for our first win in GB, not to shabby.


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nyc;2295862 said:
I would just like to make one point. The Commanders are NOT just week four. No divisional games are only "week (x)". I'm sure if you head over to any Commander board, they will say the same thing.

Losing a game is understandable, losing to a divisional while can be understandable, but is NEVER acceptable.

I agree you hate to lose games in the division but that is what has made this a rivalry. Washington played us tough and made a few more plays than we did. Cowboys do have more work to do but what seems to get lost in all of this is the fact the Cowboys are a good team and most around the NFL who cover the NFL understands that, it seems many around here do not.


The Duke
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In the days after a loss the fans should vent. I would be shocked if they didn't vent. In fact, I'd be concerned.

The team needs to immediately put it behind them and move on to preparing for week 5. The fans don't. The fans need to clean their spleen and to get stuff off their chests.

I get tired of the whining after a win. After a loss, I understand it, I expect it, I even welcome it.

Vince Lombardi said, "If it doesn't matter who wins or loses, then why do they keep score"

That loss matters. Who wins the NFC East could hinge on that game.


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Hostile;2295939 said:
In the days after a loss the fans should vent. I would be shocked if they didn't vent. In fact, I'd be concerned.

The team needs to immediately put it behind them and move on to preparing for week 5. The fans don't. The fans need to clean their spleen and to get stuff off their chests.

I get tired of the whining after a win. After a loss, I understand it, I expect it, I even welcome it.

Vince Lombardi said, "If it doesn't matter who wins or loses, then why do they keep score"

That loss matters. Who wins the NFC East could hinge on that game.

I agree of course it matters I want to go 16 and 0 even thought I understand that is not going to happen and like anyone very upset over the loss what I disagree with is people who over react. The NFL season is made up of 16 games and at the end of 16 we will see where we stand.

Since I have been watching the Cowboys dating back to 65 we have lost games where we should have won and we have won game that we should have lost but this non-sense of over reaction is almost comical it is as if some have never watched the game of football before.

If people sit back a second and use their heads instead of this over the top emotional responses they may be able to see this is a good team who lost a game, it happens


05 & 09 Pick a Winner Champ
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You know, I was as pissed as anyone yesterday but last years team was 6-0 at one point and 12-1 also. We were good early. Not so good late. Lets try being good late even if there are bumps in the road early. Got That?


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3-1 after 4, I'll take it.

Just make the playoffs and hit stride, regardless of record. If we go 1-3 in December again then I'll start to worry.

The only thing that bugs me about fans is how every week is an indication of everything, which it is not. Teams evolve throughout the year and have peaks and valley's, welcome to the NFL.


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I guess one thing I can say...

Our "hurry-up offense" is the ****!!!

I think we should go no huddle every play!!!!


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i think as fans, after a loss we should be able to vent. but yes, its only game 4, i hope you guys didnt think we would go undefeated. this loss was good in a way that the thing that the problems on defense finally cost us a game and now maybe they will be addressed. anyone else tired of teams going on 6-10 minute drives just shoving it down our throats?


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BigDinAZ;2296333 said:
I guess one thing I can say...

Our "hurry-up offense" is the ****!!!

I think we should go no huddle every play!!!!

it wouldnt be a bad idea to do it once a game when the offense has been sitting and is out of sync. god knows out offense has been sitting waaaay too much this season, waiting for our SOFT defense to make a stop.


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BigDinAZ;2296333 said:
I guess one thing I can say...

Our "hurry-up offense" is the ****!!!

I think we should go no huddle every play!!!!

I do agree it is good but you can't do it all the time. Part of why it works is the other team is changing their cover schemes as to not give up the 1 big play so they allow things to go underneath.

I do like hitting teams from time to time with no huddle but it is not something you want to do all the time