Jerry Jones & Tony Romo: The future Abbott & Costello


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Did you all watch the press conference this afternoon?

I was rolling on the floor laughing sooo hard. Jerry Jones & Tony Romo were so hilarious.

1. When the reporter asked Tony Romo:

"Tony, you were talking about sleeping, waking up, sleeping, waking up and thinking about it and besides the money and all that, now is this a situation where you go, 'Is this change in me, or do I need to stay the same'. How are you staying focused here?"

Tony Romo's Response:

Well, I think definately I'm a better person now because I have more money! (media laughing and Romo smiling ear to ear) http://img.***BLOCKED***/albums/v130/newcster68/SMILIES/thumbsup.gif

2. Reporter asked Tony Romo:

"Tony, not to put extra pressure on you... but does this contract officially end your dream on going to the PGA Tour?"

Tony Romo's Response:

(Tony snickering and smiles) "Next question?" (laughing again) "That dream died a long time ago."

and here is the best part of the interview....

3. Female Reporter asks Romo:

"Tony how do you respond to the reports that you were with Britney Spears this weekend?"

Wade Phillips comments:

"Now we're getting to the real thing here."

Tony Romo Responds:

Naah, I was telling the guys yesterday that I think sometimes that what goes with this position is if uum, being the quarterback of this team, if your at the same place with someone else, people just run with it now, uum and it's happened a few times, on 2 or 3 times where people just say you know, 'Your dating whoever, Jessica Simpson' last year you know, so it's just, I've learned to uuh.. just goes with the position I guess in some ways.. and you just learn that ... and uuh .. shake your head once in awhile and move on."

Jerry Jones comes back with:

Tony I'll tell you this uum, Tony sometimes they can smell fresh cash!

Reporters, Wade Phillips, and Tony Romo start to laugh and crack up over Jerry Jones comment.

30 second later Tony smiles, turns to Jones and says:

"That was pretty good"

This conference was so hilarious.....