Jimmy Carter RIP


Died at 100 years old

Is he the 1st president to hit triple digits?
Taft was over 300 pounds.

Oh, you meant years. j/k

RIP to a man who gave his life to service for this country. Naval Academy graduate, Governor of Georgia, President of the United States, founded the Carter Center, and was the face of Habitat for Humanity. While his impact as President can be certainly debated, his love of this country and his service in honor of it cannot. RIP for a long, full and extraordinary life.
oy vey!

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I knew this was coming once I heard that President Carter was put into hospice care. He was truly a compassionate and decent human being. I always admired the work he did for Habitat for Humanity. In about 2017 or '18, I narrowly missed the chance to speak with him on the phone. I was working in a call center doing tech support calls. I took my lunch at 12PM, which was my normal lunch time, and when I was supposed to take it, if possible. However, I wish I had forgotten to take it or a coworker had switched with me. When I was at lunch, my coworker got a call from none other than James Earl Carter, 39th President of the United States. I was so bummed when I found out. I would have loved to have met him, even if only over the phone. I had seniority over my coworker, and so the call probably would have been routed to me if I had been on phones. I did get a call from some dude who claimed that his security cameras were picking up Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck sneaking onto his property. (No kidding -- he really claimed that.)

RIP, President Carter. You will always be missed.

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