I knew this was coming once I heard that President Carter was put into hospice care. He was truly a compassionate and decent human being. I always admired the work he did for Habitat for Humanity. In about 2017 or '18, I narrowly missed the chance to speak with him on the phone. I was working in a call center doing tech support calls. I took my lunch at 12PM, which was my normal lunch time, and when I was supposed to take it, if possible. However, I wish I had forgotten to take it or a coworker had switched with me. When I was at lunch, my coworker got a call from none other than James Earl Carter, 39th President of the United States. I was so bummed when I found out. I would have loved to have met him, even if only over the phone. I had seniority over my coworker, and so the call probably would have been routed to me if I had been on phones. I did get a call from some dude who claimed that his security cameras were picking up Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck sneaking onto his property. (No kidding -- he really claimed that.)
RIP, President Carter. You will always be missed.