Jimmy ROH induction may have lifted the Jethro Jinx


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This is entirely too much magic in less than 24 hours. Something we could have probably not have anticipated or counted on before. It’s more than just good fortune or pot luck . This is magic of different proportions.

Even Jethro last night said he almost died 3 times. That alone is worth some thanks. This sure feels different Cowboy fans. The football gods might be finally looking down on us.

Maybe they haven't forgiven Jethro for all of his devious selfish ambition actions in last 3 decades but finally biting the bullet for Jimmy was enough to grace us with some magic.

First we were granted a game by Dumb Dan and the Lions that only wanted a heart and then the 3-12 Cardinals dominate the defending NFC champ Egirls with their Boobird fans in disbelief in their own house with the division and 2nd seed on the line.

We must send gifts to the Desert and Philthy. I’d suggest some Jimmy Johnson ROH t-shirts to the jail below the Linc and bottle of our best Texas bourbon to each player, coaching staff and front office personnel in Cards organization with complimentary owners booth to our playoff game to our own Texas native Murray and his family in Dallas.