Video: Jordan Love won't Practice until New Deal - Same Agent as Micah Parsons


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NON-STORY Nothing to see here... parsons camp say anything? nope...2 years left on a deal and 1.2 MIL per GAME! 5th year option part of if. Right hold out fines, that kind of dough per game missed lmao umm ok..

Mr. Luv , mR 1 year wonder, bench rider 3 years now wants more before backing his sole year? Meh.. BTW this only effects maybe TUa and possibly Dak not MP.


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I think he’ll quit well before he retires.
I have the same sentiment. During the draft I didn't want Parsons because he sat out a year but I was mistaken because it was to take care of family.
But Parsons has always marched to a different beat. Stephen Jones will get destroyed by Micah in a contract negotiation....


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Who cares about Love and his contract situation.
Micah will be fine, 1st TC practice is in a few days.
Those of us who actually listen to Stephen Jones has been saying :laugh: :laugh:

Or you think Love’s contract won’t affect the overall market??


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Your happy go lucky attitude towards every situation on this team won’t make the problems in this organization go away.

You know that, right?
I don't allow the negativity from fans to ruin my days.

Yes there are problems, we know what they are. However there are some fan made up issues, that are not really issues.

I look at the field and the play. I don't get into all the cap and contracts. Even though, yes, I know there are crippling contracts. But I do not, nor cannot control that.
So I do not waste any time on it. Other to respond on here once in a while.

I just want no new deals other than possibly CeeDee, and let the season play out.