Julius in Seattle... and beyond


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It is that time of year....no games, endless speculation about how rookies will do in the upcoming season, few injuries ("everyone will be healthy, at last!")...

So, time to watch old games:

Last night, I watched the first half of Dallas at Seattle in 2004. Julius' first carry: 53 yards, explosively through the hole and down the right sideline. Wow! And he finished the first half with a 9 yard shot into the endzone on 3rd down. Not bad getting 120 yards in the first half, alone.

With this recent "trade Julius" talk that swirled around during the draft I found myself thinking about this game...perhaps that is why I am watching it again (second half, tonight).

Look, when this kid is healthy (yes, yes, I know, "when...") he is the real deal. His speed to the line, explosiveness, and the little juke steps he throws in--at high speed--leaving linebackers frozen, well, it is something special.

I, for one, am really glad we didn't trade him. He certainly hasn't been healthy every game or even most of last year, but when he is, this guy is really special.


Cowboy for Life
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I dont think anyone doubts wut he can do on the field. hes got speed, vision, jukeness mostly everything. I think if he cannot stay healthy this season, we will be seein some changes @ RB. maybe trade, who knows. Wishing the best for JJ this season to come.


Dem Boyz
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no doubt J.jones is an explosive back ever since his days in notre dame. but man hes always gettin injured. i hope this year he can stay healthy and have a good year 4 us..


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what exactly does JJ have to do to not get injured? I subscribe to the school that most injuries at the NFL level are bad luck.

He broke a shoulder, and tore ligaments in his ankle I am not sure how he prevents that.


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Took a while for his brother to really amount to anything. Julius I think has more than Thomas though. He needs a healthy season, but without running timidly...and Barber should/will spell him. I would have been upset if we traded him.


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This team will not play to its potential unless Julius stays healthy and runs with the aggressive attitude he showed in 2004.

Julius of 2005 looked to be indecisive and too worried about losing yards or fumbling even before he was injured.

I think it would have been foolish to trade him for anything less than a first rounder and am glad we held onto him. I think now that Allen is gone, Adams is back and Johnson is bigger, this should be the best OL he has had to run behind.

The only thing is that I'm not sure the two-TE offense will be to his advantage. He seems to run better out of the 1-back and 3-WR set.


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kenai said:
It is that time of year....no games, endless speculation about how rookies will do in the upcoming season, few injuries ("everyone will be healthy, at last!")...

So, time to watch old games:

Last night, I watched the first half of Dallas at Seattle in 2004. Julius' first carry: 53 yards, explosively through the hole and down the right sideline. Wow! And he finished the first half with a 9 yard shot into the endzone on 3rd down. Not bad getting 120 yards in the first half, alone.

With this recent "trade Julius" talk that swirled around during the draft I found myself thinking about this game...perhaps that is why I am watching it again (second half, tonight).

Look, when this kid is healthy (yes, yes, I know, "when...") he is the real deal. His speed to the line, explosiveness, and the little juke steps he throws in--at high speed--leaving linebackers frozen, well, it is something special.

I, for one, am really glad we didn't trade him. He certainly hasn't been healthy every game or even most of last year, but when he is, this guy is really special.

I'm glad we didn't trade him too. I'm really pulling for him to put it all together this year.

Portland Fanatic

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I agree 100%...if you have tape of the Giants game as well...that was another good game to watch.