Little top Circus in full blown implosion


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If I were any other fanbase I'd be LMAO....Now we got family members running their mouths-trashing Dak. Trashing Micah...Thrashing CeeDee. You can't make up this crap on how dysfunctional this Little Top Circus is....And I'd bet you anything ole Gilligan Jones is loving it. Any other owner would be trying to put this fire out immediately. He's like a Jack in the Box on everything else-yet silent here. Funny story....I don't know if any of you are familiar with the song Mr. Jones from Counting Crows? That used to be one of my all time favorite songs. I'd listen to it 10 times a day sometimes. Now I hate that damn song. Every time I hear it now it reminds me of Jerry!! That's what I hate most about our fans. We go back and forth at each other. Dak sucks. Defense sucks. McCarthy is the real one that sucks. No -you left out Quinn. No :facepalm: The one that really Sucks-As Counting Crows Mr. Jones.........
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The idea that CD's mom talking about Dak is because it's the Cowboys is stupid lol

Imagine if he was playing for the Jets.