CFZ Logical look at this situation


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Okay how about for the positive Micah Parsons didn't let the press clippings go to his head and is playing as advertised.

All the teeth gnashing over Tyler Smith can be put to bed to a degree because he played a hell of a game.

Zeke had 5 yards a carry when they let him run the ball even behind our suspect offensive line.

We got enough pressure on Tom Brady to get an interception which is a rare thing.

Okay now what we expected CD is not a number one receiver he hears footsteps and needs to take the 88 jersey off

We did not clean up the penalties and still have way too many.

Pollard is still not a good blocker and should not be left in to block

We never use a first round pick on a defensive tackle and got pounded by the run our projects are still not quite there yet if they ever will be.

Dak did not benefit whatsoever from being held out of all the preseason games had absolutely no chemistry with any of his receivers.

So everything we didn't attend to hurt us like we figured but the question marks at running back and left tackle seem to be somewhat of a bright spot.

I really don't see Cooper Rush playing any worse than Dak played so game next week let's see what happens he may be better because he had work in preseason who knows.