Meet The New Quarterback Killer - Andre Gurode


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One player's crippling dysfunction that has been seriously overlooked is the snapping problems of Andre Gurode. Not only was he lagging getting the snap off in this game, the snap was going in all kinds of directions.

Romo had to jump up, lean right and even one arm the snap throughout this game. Now put yourself in Romo's position. You have a hell bent Giants defensive front coming at you (and a number of times they drove Gurode back by the way) and Romo has to contend with an unpredictable snap.

Never mind that Romo has to split second read the pass rushers, secondary and get timing with receivers on his passes. Errant snaps also affect passing accuracy because of rushing the throw. This problem with Gurode has gone on throughout the season, it even made the highlight reel along with Romo, correct? This has been a real problem against pressure bearing defenses.

So Sparano has been unable to coach the snapping problem out of Gurode or not put an emphasis on it. How important is the exchange between the center and quarterback? It is highly critical and when done correctly provides a precious second, maybe two.

On one hand I can see why Gurode was voted to the probowl but on the other hand I hope he is not long for the center position as a starter. He reminds me of the NY Mets catcher, Mackey Sasser, of about 15 years ago, who had a throwing mental block getting the ball back to the pitcher. He also had to extra pump before throwing the ball.

Mackey Sasser never quite got over his dysfunction and I believe Gurode may be in the same boat with his snapping problem. Gurode's snapping problem has negatively and tangibly affected Romo as well as some of the other Olineman.