Micah Parsons has been getting more work at linebacker early in TC


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Zim is coaching him and not just sending him every play, like Quinn. That will make him more effective and hopefully, keep him healthier.
They will send him almost every play, but just not from the end spot. Zim loves the Double-A gap blitz. Here I think he'll use a variation of it on early downs where Parsons lines up at SLB and then comes up into one of the gaps or even outside a DE before the snap. At times, it will be a bluff and Parsons will drop into coverage. Most of the times, Parsons will be coming to either shoot the gap and disrupt the run or get to the QB. During those times, it might be a blitz or we may drop a lineman into coverage. This keeps the defense from just calling a play to run at Parsons on the line or even double him against the pass. They will have to adjust for wherever Parsons ends up and they won't know if he's coming (but will assume it) or who will be in coverage instead.

That is the most effective way to use him. Line him up at DE all the time and you just invite offenses to target him and wear him down. On clear passing downs, he'll move to end, though.


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Zim is coaching him and not just sending him every play, like Quinn. That will make him more effective and hopefully, keep him healthier.
Been saying it the last 2 years. Stop running the guy into tackles constantly. Hes actually a stellar run defender at least he was in college.