Mindset in Dallas when it comes to players


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The Cowboys more than any organization showcases how important it is to fail fast. Failure is going to occur, draft picks and FA's won't pan out. The point is how do you evaluate fast and move on fast. This org doesn't do that, instead they look at where the person was select in the draft and hang on to him because they are afraid of failure. Contrast that win a org like the 49-ers, they don't hold on to the guy and are much more willing to churn the roster and improve or discard that which needs to be discarded. They sacrificed 3 first round picks for Lance but were perfectly fine walking away from him when they saw they had a better option with Purdy. No one sat there and said - well we pick this guy at X so we can't lose him - that's failing fast, that's embracing failure because some degree of failure is inevitable. What should not be tolerated is wasting time and that is what you end up doing with this "we like our guys" approach.