Minneapolis City Council establishes "Women Only" parking lot...


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded parking lots, especially during evening hours, the Minneapolis City Council has established a "Women Only" parking lot at the Mall of America..

Even the parking lot attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable and safe environment is created for patrons.

Below is the first picture available of this world-first women-only parking lot in Minnesota.

Hey....now those women were trying to be the first to .....

Buy Bread and milk because there was a snow storm scheduled later and we all know that you must have milk and bread, even if you have no lunch meat or cereal to go with the milk and bread....

They wanted to be the first at wal-mart during a great sale that starts in the morning...they wanted to be their first before it got too crowded...too bad all the others were thinking the same thing....meanwhile later in the day a guy shows up after the morning crowd subsides and has no trouble.

They had to make sure and get the all new (insert product name here) that is on sale....never mind they have no need, and probably never will have a need, to use it....hey..IT'S ON SALE!!!
I just have to say, I've never hit another car and left a dent in my life. Now my tires may have hit a few curbs and I may have lost a few hubcabs (rim covers) over the years, but that's about it. So there... All women are not bad drivers.

Woody'sGirl said:
I just have to say, I've never hit another car and left a dent in my life. Now my tires may have hit a few curbs and I may have lost a few hubcabs (rim covers) over the years, but that's about it. So there... All women are not bad drivers.

Just all Texas women drivers.....I married one so I know :D

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