Mock Draft Contest - Let's Make Some Bets!


The Dog that Saved Charleston
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So here's what I'm thinking to liven up the draft in April:

Let's have a pool, maybe $5 to enter. The person with the most accurate mock draft will take home all the winnings (maybe we'll have 2nd and 3rd place winners, who knows). By accurate mock draft, I mean who correctly picks the most first round picks. Where they go and to what team isn't important; the fact that they go in the first round is.

One of the Mods like Hos or BP can act as a third party so we can basically have a 'escrow-like' fund and they can hold the money in their Paypal account. On the day of the draft, we'll have a deadline as to when your mock draft is due (probably 12:00 EST) as I believe that's when the draft begins. All entries must be received at that time or your $5 entry fee will be refunded and you will not be in the contest.

It's early of course, but I think this would be a cool way to claim one of us the mock draft king and also make a little money on the side without spending much at all.

Let me know what your feedback is but I believe this would be a cool thing to do for the forum.
Avery said:
So here's what I'm thinking to liven up the draft in April:

Let's have a pool, maybe $5 to enter. The person with the most accurate mock draft will take home all the winnings (maybe we'll have 2nd and 3rd place winners, who knows). By accurate mock draft, I mean who correctly picks the most first round picks. Where they go and to what team isn't important; the fact that they go in the first round is.

One of the Mods like Hos or BP can act as a third party so we can basically have a 'escrow-like' fund and they can hold the money in their Paypal account. On the day of the draft, we'll have a deadline as to when your mock draft is due (probably 12:00 EST) as I believe that's when the draft begins. All entries must be received at that time or your $5 entry fee will be refunded and you will not be in the contest.

It's early of course, but I think this would be a cool way to claim one of us the mock draft king and also make a little money on the side without spending much at all.

Let me know what your feedback is but I believe this would be a cool thing to do for the forum.
This is probably not considered legal and thus couldn't be conducted via the website. It would have to take place via email or somesuch.

I participate in many things such as super bowl pools, that are much like this tho and if an email list were to come together I wouldn't be opposed to helping out in many ways.

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