Monday Overreaction: Cowboys vs Eagles Edition


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Nightcap with Unc and Ocho
Shannon Sharpe:
One team 3 of 5 in Red Zone. One team was 3 of 3 in Red Zone. Which team won? The one that could get TDs in Red Zone. Philly at 3 for 5. You can't live off FGs in Red Zone. The game was there for Dak to take and shut people up, and he stepped out of bounds. They don't pay you for effort.

The Volume with Colin Cowherd & Jon Middlekauf
Colin Cowherd:
I thought Dallas outplayed Philly. This is one of those rare "great losses." This is the kind of game Dallas never wins and Philly always wins. Dak holding on to the ball a step too long is the difference.

Chris Simms Unbuttoned
Chris Simms:
The story for this is simple. Eagles always find ways to win. Dallas in big moments is always short. It's almost as if Dallas has to play perfect to win. They can't make those few plays to win the game, or can't be ahead in the big games. Dallas can come away from game though knowing that when Philly comes to their place, they can beat them. Dak Prescott was best player on field today. Most his big plays were him escaping the pocket and finding someone open.

Around the NFL
Mark Sessler: Cowboys had so many shots to steal this game. Schoonmaker not making the TD. 28-23, Dak races to end zone, and his foot goes out of bounds. Eagles fumble but they recover. 5 penalties. 4th down and Dak makes one of his rare bad throws in game to CeeDee. Felt like Eagles invited the Cowboys to take the game away in final minutes but couldn't do it.


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Ryan Clark:
We learned Dak can show up in Championship moment and won't be the reason they lose. He has played unbelievable last few weeks. Rest of Dallas Cowboys need to step up and help him get there.
Marcus Spears: Championship teams figure out ways to win championship games. Philly did. Dallas is in this crazy space where Dak is playing to win. They give you a DPI, a personal foul, get to 6 yard line and end up taking your last play away from the 30 yard line. Championship teams don't do that. If that was San Fran or Philly, are we celebrating their win this morning? Yes. Late in the game, I put it on the Coach and QB. But plethora of reasons. You on the 6 yard line, and don't score a TD, can't be because what we did.
Rex Ryan: If you're going to blame head coach, it's time clock. But the RT gave up the sack. False start on the player. As a Coach I would take every damn bullet. Best thing that happened in that game though was Dak Prescott was unbelievable. He will never play better than that. Dak has never been the problem. This is the best version of Dak we've seen in last 3 weeks since the injury. He's using his legs. CeeDee Lamb monster game. I still want to see the second best receiver on your team get involved.

Mike Fisher on SI
Mike Fisher:
There was so much good that came out of this, it doesn't have to be viewed as a disaster. That's how players are looking at it. Almost guarantees you won't win NFC East. Makes gauntlet about to go through all the more important. I think they are a Playoff team, and I know they think they are. But for the moment... I'm not a big choke guy.. I used the word unsavory. You start with ball on your own 14 yard line and no way you're going to win. And Dak Prescott leads you quickly and efficiently in one of his very best games. But can you go clutch, clutch all way down field? 1st and 5 from the 6. And end up being accused of.... choking? How do you get a delay of game?

Greg Olsen:
Dak Prescott in his own right was pretty special tonight too. He just ran too short, and seems to be story of the game.
Dave Helman: Finally we get a game of the week that delivers. What a chaotic way to bring that game to a close. That flight back had to be brutal for the Cowboys. Looked like a meltdown from the Eagles and were about to hand it away. DPI, Roughing Passer, and in blink of an eye Cowboys are at Philly 6 yard line with 26 seconds. Next 3 plays Cowboys counter with a meltdown of their own. False start, RT Steele gives up a sack and struggled all game, rather than spike and give themselves time, Dak says screw it, incomplete, 3rd and 21. Pass to CeeDee Lamb eventually falls short. This game defines why coaches say it's a game of inches.


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The Cowboys did outplay the Eagles for 3 quarters. But the Eagles cleaarly outplayed the Cowboys in 1 quarter and that was the difference. Giving up thos 2 TDs on successive drives was awful for this defense. I still think the defense is missing a player either on the DL or in the secondary.

But consider this. The Cowboys committed only 2 penalties in the 1st two quarters. They committed 8 in the second half. The Eagles and Cowboys each committed 10 penalties, which is too many. The refs need to stop being the story in these games. Penalties are going to happen, but 8 in a half is way too many and the presnap penalties are the worst and should never happen. Illegal formation, delay of game at the end of the game, these are bad penalties that are easily avoided.

Which reminds me, the illegal formation penalty was because Chuma Edoga came in as an extra linemen. Supposedly Dak reported him as an elligible receiver so he could ine up on the LOS outside the tackle. Pollard scored on the play but it was called back because of the penalty. I don't know if he reported or not, but if he didn't that is just an awful stupid mistake that should never happen.


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Ryan Clark:
We learned Dak can show up in Championship moment and won't be the reason they lose. He has played unbelievable last few weeks. Rest of Dallas Cowboys need to step up and help him get there.
Marcus Spears: Championship teams figure out ways to win championship games. Philly did. Dallas is in this crazy space where Dak is playing to win. They give you a DPI, a personal foul, get to 6 yard line and end up taking your last play away from the 30 yard line. Championship teams don't do that. If that was San Fran or Philly, are we celebrating their win this morning? Yes. Late in the game, I put it on the Coach and QB. But plethora of reasons. You on the 6 yard line, and don't score a TD, can't be because what we did.
Rex Ryan: If you're going to blame head coach, it's time clock. But the RT gave up the sack. False start on the player. As a Coach I would take every damn bullet. Best thing that happened in that game though was Dak Prescott was unbelievable. He will never play better than that. Dak has never been the problem. This is the best version of Dak we've seen in last 3 weeks since the injury. He's using his legs. CeeDee Lamb monster game. I still want to see the second best receiver on your team get involved.

Mike Fisher on SI
Mike Fisher:
There was so much good that came out of this, it doesn't have to be viewed as a disaster. That's how players are looking at it. Almost guarantees you won't win NFC East. Makes gauntlet about to go through all the more important. I think they are a Playoff team, and I know they think they are. But for the moment... I'm not a big choke guy.. I used the word unsavory. You start with ball on your own 14 yard line and no way you're going to win. And Dak Prescott leads you quickly and efficiently in one of his very best games. But can you go clutch, clutch all way down field? 1st and 5 from the 6. And end up being accused of.... choking? How do you get a delay of game?

Greg Olsen:
Dak Prescott in his own right was pretty special tonight too. He just ran too short, and seems to be story of the game.
Dave Helman: Finally we get a game of the week that delivers. What a chaotic way to bring that game to a close. That flight back had to be brutal for the Cowboys. Looked like a meltdown from the Eagles and were about to hand it away. DPI, Roughing Passer, and in blink of an eye Cowboys are at Philly 6 yard line with 26 seconds. Next 3 plays Cowboys counter with a meltdown of their own. False start, RT Steele gives up a sack and struggled all game, rather than spike and give themselves time, Dak says screw it, incomplete, 3rd and 21. Pass to CeeDee Lamb eventually falls short. This game defines why coaches say it's a game of inches.

At first I was gonna complain why the hell are there so many podcasts. I actually like Shannon and Ocho's show I saw it last night it was pretty good stuff. You put me on to some people though I didn't know Helman had his own stuff I understand why he had to get the hell off of Speak that show is ridiculous even though James Jones is good on there.


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The Cowboys did outplay the Eagles for 3 quarters. But the Eagles cleaarly outplayed the Cowboys in 1 quarter and that was the difference. Giving up thos 2 TDs on successive drives was awful for this defense. I still think the defense is missing a player either on the DL or in the secondary.

But consider this. The Cowboys committed only 2 penalties in the 1st two quarters. They committed 8 in the second half. The Eagles and Cowboys each committed 10 penalties, which is too many. The refs need to stop being the story in these games. Penalties are going to happen, but 8 in a half is way too many and the presnap penalties are the worst and should never happen. Illegal formation, delay of game at the end of the game, these are bad penalties that are easily avoided.

Which reminds me, the illegal formation penalty was because Chuma Edoga came in as an extra linemen. Supposedly Dak reported him as an elligible receiver so he could ine up on the LOS outside the tackle. Pollard scored on the play but it was called back because of the penalty. I don't know if he reported or not, but if he didn't that is just an awful stupid mistake that should never happen.
Yeah the defense does seem to be missing one guy. Maybe its Diggs....

Bell is making plays. I really wanted to see how he'd play against a bigger team....he didn't look out of place.


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The Carton Show
Craig Carton:
Dak played his $*#$# off. Was not the reason they lost, EXCEPT he may have been the reason they lost. Cowboys played well enough to win. Dallas was in it and had opportunities. Eagles shot themselves in foot more than I've ever seen in 4th quarter. I hate to say they were lucky when they're 8-1, but Eagles got a little lucky winning that game.


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The Carton Show
Craig Carton:
Dak played his $*#$# off. Was not the reason they lost, EXCEPT he may have been the reason they lost. Cowboys played well enough to win. Dallas was in it and had opportunities. Eagles shot themselves in foot more than I've ever seen in 4th quarter. I hate to say they were lucky when they're 8-1, but Eagles got a little lucky winning that game.

Isn’t Carton the tool who thinks no team would want Dak as their quarterback except Dallas and Atlanta?


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Skip Bayless:
Cowboys showed they were better than Eagles. Did everything but BEAT the Eagles.
Michael Irvin: Don't listen to Cowboys haters. Everyone saying something good came out of this. Oxymoron. Good and Dirty Bird! It's not armaggedon, not end of world. We found out what we needed to know - Dak Prescott shows up big! Cowboys will get 'em when they see them again!
Richard Sherman: Cowboys played a very good game. Ferguson another guy who played a great game. Should have been some holding calls. That defense that has been causing so many turnovers didn't get them when they needed them. Fumbles bounced right way for Eagles and sometimes that happens. No moral victories, they lost game and are 5-3.
Keyshawn Johnson: There were certainly some good things that came out. This team came out to play. But they didn't win, they fought hard. CeeDee Lamb, Ferguson showed up. Micah Parsons showed up. When you really need all of them though to buckle down in last 5 sequences of plays, they choked. RT beat entire game. They still couldn't get to Dak. But they zeroed in on him in last minutes. LT was holding his own. Tip your hat to Dak Prescott.


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One team 3 of 5 in Red Zone. One team was 3 of 3 in Red Zone. Which team won? The one that could get TDs in Red Zone. Philly at 3 for 5. You can't live off FGs in Red Zone. The game was there for Dak to take and shut people up, and he stepped out of bounds. They don't pay you for effort.

Crappy call on Kearse, no call on the Schoonmaker play. There's your redzone difference.

john van brocklin

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The Cowboys did outplay the Eagles for 3 quarters. But the Eagles cleaarly outplayed the Cowboys in 1 quarter and that was the difference. Giving up thos 2 TDs on successive drives was awful for this defense. I still think the defense is missing a player either on the DL or in the secondary.

But consider this. The Cowboys committed only 2 penalties in the 1st two quarters. They committed 8 in the second half. The Eagles and Cowboys each committed 10 penalties, which is too many. The refs need to stop being the story in these games. Penalties are going to happen, but 8 in a half is way too many and the presnap penalties are the worst and should never happen. Illegal formation, delay of game at the end of the game, these are bad penalties that are easily avoided.

Which reminds me, the illegal formation penalty was because Chuma Edoga came in as an extra linemen. Supposedly Dak reported him as an elligible receiver so he could ine up on the LOS outside the tackle. Pollard scored on the play but it was called back because of the penalty. I don't know if he reported or not, but if he didn't that is just an awful stupid mistake that should never happen.
Stupid penalties are a staple of this team.
There is just no excuse.


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The Cowboys did outplay the Eagles for 3 quarters. But the Eagles cleaarly outplayed the Cowboys in 1 quarter and that was the difference. Giving up thos 2 TDs on successive drives was awful for this defense. I still think the defense is missing a player either on the DL or in the secondary.

But consider this. The Cowboys committed only 2 penalties in the 1st two quarters. They committed 8 in the second half. The Eagles and Cowboys each committed 10 penalties, which is too many. The refs need to stop being the story in these games. Penalties are going to happen, but 8 in a half is way too many and the presnap penalties are the worst and should never happen. Illegal formation, delay of game at the end of the game, these are bad penalties that are easily avoided.

Which reminds me, the illegal formation penalty was because Chuma Edoga came in as an extra linemen. Supposedly Dak reported him as an elligible receiver so he could ine up on the LOS outside the tackle. Pollard scored on the play but it was called back because of the penalty. I don't know if he reported or not, but if he didn't that is just an awful stupid mistake that should never happen.
It’s Chuma’s job to tell the white hat. Dak or a coach can’t do it for him.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Interesting takes by the sports talking heads. It would appear that most thought Dallas and, in particular, Dak played well... they (Dallas) just didn't have the "drive" to secure the win - as you would expect championship-caliber teams to do.


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Interesting takes by the sports talking heads. It would appear that most thought Dallas and, in particular, Dak played well... they (Dallas) just didn't have the "drive" to secure the win - as you would expect championship-caliber teams to do.
Yep. Pretty much the summary. Dak played strong, along with most of stars. RT was horrible. In end, team just choked.


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Yep. Pretty much the summary. Dak played strong, along with most of stars. RT was horrible. In end, team just choked.
The Gallup drop was enormous. I assume that’s why we are bringing in Bryant for a try out. The dude needs to ride the pine.


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The Gallup drop was enormous. I assume that’s why we are bringing in Bryant for a try out. The dude needs to ride the pine.
Can find a good choke play from every single injury rehab player. Lewis blew coverage on key play. Steele was just there for moral support I guess. Gallup did his usual key drops. And Pollard was underwhelming on the run.

Just need a new GM to build this team. 30 years, I give up. Time for new blood. But of course that won't happen. Best we'll ever get is a guy like Parcells who won't take crap from anyone. Him building that 3-4 defense and getting Spears, Ware, Ratliff, Burnett, MB3, etc all physical tough players in one draft is just a good example. Big Mac did a little of it but not enough.


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Can find a good choke play from every single injury rehab player. Lewis blew coverage on key play. Steele was just there for moral support I guess. Gallup did his usual key drops. And Pollard was underwhelming on the run.

Just need a new GM to build this team. 30 years, I give up. Time for new blood. But of course that won't happen. Best we'll ever get is a guy like Parcells who won't take crap from anyone. Him building that 3-4 defense and getting Spears, Ware, Ratliff, Burnett, MB3, etc all physical tough players in one draft is just a good example. Big Mac did a little of it but not enough.
They keep resigning players over and over coming off major injuries. It’s crazy!


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"Game of inches" is so cliche but in this case it's true. The Cowboys outplayed the Eagles, IMO, but they put themselves in a position to lose by not paying attention to details. Dak, don't step out of bounds before making that leap for two points, Schoonmaker, go a step deeper in your route so that you're in the endzone before you make the cut outside to make the catch. Eliminate those two mistakes, and that last drive isn't a factor. The Cowboys did this to themselves.

Overall it was a great effort where we just fell short. This is not the end of the world. I feel good about this team. I think we should hold our heads up high knowing we can beat the Eagles and we play them again. Learn from the mistakes, get better, and win going forward. I love my Cowboys!


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Dallas is a perinneal loser. accept it, the rest of us has. until the franchise changes at the top, nothing is going to change. they want money, not the lombardy.
Who wouldn't want Lombardy?
