Muhast;4601558 said:
They are developing a strain that genetically modifies mosquitos. In the lab test, they took the ability to reproduce out of the male mosquitos, so the mates produce no offspring, and it wiped the entire population of a 1000+ out during testing. They have short life spans,so if they can't reproduce constantly they don't last long.
Think I saw an old B-Movie rerun where the plot was along those lines. Yeah, cheezy early-'60s b&w flick ... scientists messing with mother nature. An all out lab war against offending mosquitoes was waged. Radioactivity was involved, I'm certain of it. Turned out badly, as I recall.
Long story short, the mozzies took over the earth, having morphed into 30-foot long super skeeters. Wasn't enough
OFF! repellant on the planet to keep the mondo-sized bloodsuckers at bay. The military was no match. I kept thinking, "Where's Godzilla when you really need him?"
Same basic sorta thing, Muhast ... Yes, No? No matter. I'm sure the science is much improved now, either way.