mosquito control


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Man, I hate these things. They are all over our back yard & I don't know why. We don't have any ponds or standing water... yet, if you walk out back you will be swarmed within about 5 minutes. Has anyone tried a mosquito control method that actually works?
That is one part of living in Tx that I don't's way to dry here to have that problem, I mean our humidity in the summer is like 2-4% most days.
Wimbo;4601361 said:
Man, I hate these things. They are all over our back yard & I don't know why. We don't have any ponds or standing water... yet, if you walk out back you will be swarmed within about 5 minutes. Has anyone tried a mosquito control method that actually works?

I have a propane powered mosquito trap that seems to work well. It releases Co2 to draw bugs in and then zaps them.
JBond;4601372 said:
I have a propane powered mosquito trap that seems to work well. It releases Co2 to draw bugs in and then zaps them.

We get several different versions of the little buggers every summer. The a/n raps work really well. In late July, depending on humidity, we get some really huge mosquitoes that are particularly nasty. Muskol, Deep-Woods Off and the strips made to go over a flame in a lamp all seem to keep them away.

I have a battery powered badminton racket-thing that zaps them when you swat them. They sizzle when you make contact, so doing it at night is more fun. :D
They are developing a strain that genetically modifies mosquitos. In the lab test, they took the ability to reproduce out of the male mosquitos, so the mates produce no offspring, and it wiped the entire population of a 1000+ out during testing. They have short life spans,so if they can't reproduce constantly they don't last long.
Those are the only things I miss about living in Texas, those darm skeeters. Out here in SF, if anyone sees one it is a rarity.
2cap fills of 'skin so soft' in your bath water works for me. Living in Central Texas for 39 years now. That stuff keeps the skeeters off me and the chitlins.
Muhast;4601558 said:
They are developing a strain that genetically modifies mosquitos. In the lab test, they took the ability to reproduce out of the male mosquitos, so the mates produce no offspring, and it wiped the entire population of a 1000+ out during testing. They have short life spans,so if they can't reproduce constantly they don't last long.
Think I saw an old B-Movie rerun where the plot was along those lines. Yeah, cheezy early-'60s b&w flick ... scientists messing with mother nature. An all out lab war against offending mosquitoes was waged. Radioactivity was involved, I'm certain of it. Turned out badly, as I recall.

Long story short, the mozzies took over the earth, having morphed into 30-foot long super skeeters. Wasn't enough OFF! repellant on the planet to keep the mondo-sized bloodsuckers at bay. The military was no match. I kept thinking, "Where's Godzilla when you really need him?"

Same basic sorta thing, Muhast ... Yes, No? No matter. I'm sure the science is much improved now, either way.
Has to be standing water somewhere nearby. I'd try to find that and either empty it or spray a thin film of oil on it if appropriate. All the other methods work for those that hatch.
You know the Mosquito is the Alaska state bird, right? Seriously, they are as big as your thumb here and hairy and will suck a child dry in under an hour.

Disgusting insects.

Foggers work great around the house. Those and the torches.

Go to Lowes and buy a propane powered fogger and fog everything in site.
Trees, shrubs, every inch of your lawn and it will take care of most of them. Been down that road a few times myself.

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