I thought it was alright.
Stuff I liked:
The gist of the story and fair amount of the script. It had it's weak points, but there was a goal in mind and the story held up it's end of the bargain on that.
The editing and camera work seemed well done. The shots seemed to fit together and if the camera had been a higher dollar one, it would have looked pretty professional.
Direction, from what I can tell, seemed solid.
Stuff I didn't like:
The acting. Pretty much anyone outside of the prisoner and the reporter was terrible. The prisoner seemed really flat and didn't evoke the emotional response that I think the story was going for, but he didn't make me cringe at any point. The reporter was pretty up and down. He had moments where he seemed somewhat natural, but other moments where it definitely made me cringe. He also smokes cigarettes in a very strange manner.
The music felt like it was straight outta the 80s.
The reporter guy's talking to himself between the interviews seemed really forced. Maybe there's a better way to show what the reporter is thinking?
The voice-over at the end about the life lesson that the reporter had learned was waaaay over the top. He kind of had a Stuart Smalley staring into the mirror thing going.