My son is being recruited/have questions


America's Team
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guys I am wondering if anyone here has gone through the whole recruitment process.

We are about to head out on a busy month of June,with one day camp invites and school camps.

I think I have some basics down,but I still could use some help with the process. Thanks


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My son is only 6 so I haven't experienced this but from one father, to another, congrats on your son being able to go through a process like this. That has to be a fun, albiet stressful, time for him.

Good luck.


The Duke
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diehard2231;2096172 said:
guys I am wondering if anyone here has gone through the whole recruitment process.

We are about to head out on a busy month of June,with one day camp invites and school camps.

I think I have some basics down,but I still could use some help with the process. Thanks
My favorite memory form being recruited was the RBs coach at Texas Tech.

I asked, "why do I want to come to Texas Tech?"

He said, "son, no one ever graduated from Texas tech a virgin."

Now that's salesmanship!

In all honesty it is often hard to enjoy the recruitment process if there is heavy competition. The other schools are going to get dissed and you may hear stuff that just opens your eyes to things you did not want to know. It can get kind of petty and even vicious if the schools are rivals, which given geographic areas often is the case. Don't ask about under the table benefits.

You'll be fed well and you'll see great highlights videos of the shining moments.

The best advice I have is just enjoy it the best you can. If you have a favorite school try and go there first. Then use it as the basis of comparison to the others.


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diehard2231;2096172 said:
guys I am wondering if anyone here has gone through the whole recruitment process.

We are about to head out on a busy month of June,with one day camp invites and school camps.

I think I have some basics down,but I still could use some help with the process. Thanks

It is an awesome time!!!

I had all my letters taped to my wall and it was so cool to have a lot of letters from schools far and near, big and small.

Enjoy it first and foremost but do not let it become a job. Let coaches know what times they can and can not call. They are better now about using text messaging but they used to call early to catch you before school or late to catch you after practice and my mom and sister hated it.

Just sit down to define the key factors and then rate schools accordingly. Once you get a short list then you can really focus on the trips.

Trips are often not a really good representation of the day to day school life however so advise your son not be too hot or cold based purely on the trip and visit.

Make sure the school has a decent program in your son's area of academic interest.

Check how they handle his position in his sport.

My recruiting process was very wild. I had free trips to topless clubs where guys just paid dancers to dance for us and other assorted nonsense. It made a huge impression at 18 but is a stupid reason to choose a school that will affect you for the rest of your life.

Another issue to consider is life in the town. This will be home for 4, 5 maybe 6 years. You want to make sure you do not hate the city.

I went to Tech but hated Lubbock(sorry to anyone who loves it!) I was a big city kid and Lubbock was very small and generally ran by a group of senior citizens. It was a weird contrast of this old-fashioned conservative environment and this crazy college town of wild party goers. I would have enjoyed Austin and the recreation on Lake Travis a lot more.


America's Team
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thanks for the input guys,he is still in his junior year and it has been hectic so far:

the short list of colleges interested:BC/Syracuse/Maryland/Hofstra/Rutgers/Monmouth/Lafeyette and so on.

his preference right now is to stay close to home,so Monmouth would be his first choice since the campus is 25 minutes from home.

I was told not to have him go to camps wanting us to pay absurd amounts of money,stick with the invites:

however the Maryland Coach calls him yesterday and asks him if he is coming to their camp(300.00) so I am undecided what to do! I mean if we tell them it is a conflict in scheduling will it deter them?

his measureables for those who care:

5"11 175 4.42/40 3.98 short shuttle 10yd time I dont remember but it's fast

305 bench press
255 x6 clean
425 squat
455 deadlift

he is a workout warrior,chisled, which is what the people who have come seen him love as well as his speed,he's an animal on the field and never quits

I am little off guard at the schools interviewing him so far,but his coach says he can play anywhere.

hoping this experience works out well,considering the team may have a down year this year.

But the same I am proud of him,he has listened to me tell him since he has been 12 that hard work will payoff


...Abbey someone
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diehard2231;2097099 said:
thanks for the input guys,he is still in his junior year and it has been hectic so far:

the short list of colleges interested:BC/Syracuse/Maryland/Hofstra/Rutgers/Monmouth/Lafeyette and so on.

his preference right now is to stay close to home,so Monmouth would be his first choice since the campus is 25 minutes from home.

I was told not to have him go to camps wanting us to pay absurd amounts of money,stick with the invites:

however the Maryland Coach calls him yesterday and asks him if he is coming to their camp(300.00) so I am undecided what to do! I mean if we tell them it is a conflict in scheduling will it deter them?

his measureables for those who care:

5"11 175 4.42/40 3.98 short shuttle 10yd time I dont remember but it's fast

305 bench press
255 x6 clean
425 squat
455 deadlift

he is a workout warrior,chisled, which is what the people who have come seen him love as well as his speed,he's an animal on the field and never quits

I am little off guard at the schools interviewing him so far,but his coach says he can play anywhere.

hoping this experience works out well,considering the team may have a down year this year.

But the same I am proud of him,he has listened to me tell him since he has been 12 that hard work will payoff

how the heck do ya discipline a kid who can beat the tar out of ya? :)

Congrats. This must be an exciting time.


Will the Thrill
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lol. The only school who wanted me to play football for them was Trinity University down in San Antonio. Unfortunately, they are Division III.


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Dawgs0916;2097575 said:
lol. The only school who wanted me to play football for them was Trinity University down in San Antonio. Unfortunately, they are Division III.

If you are good enough the scouts will find you.

big dog cowboy

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diehard2231;2097099 said:
his preference right now is to stay close to home
I work with a guy who has a son that is a junior also. Rivals has him ranked as a two star player so he isn't getting attention from the big schools. Too short for a LB. Anyway he keeps me up to date on all the trips and camps. Sounds like a cool time but it's time consuming and not as much fun as it sounds.

The thing he is stressing to his son is the time and $$$ committment for the patents to attend games and the ability to "come home" for a weekend or whatever without planning a cross country trip. The fact your son has already made it known that staying close to home is important to him is a pretty big deal to me.

My only advice is remember to pick a school for the academics as much as the football program. Good luck!


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Hostile;2096667 said:
My favorite memory form being recruited was the RBs coach at Texas Tech.

I asked, "why do I want to come to Texas Tech?"

He said, "son, no one ever graduated from Texas tech a virgin."

Now that's salesmanship!

Yeah, but did you ask him about the girls?


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I wish, to this day, that I could have taken part in a process like this. Two things stopped me from being able to do so.

#1: I had a serious aversion to the weight room. I'll admit it I was a lazy ***, stupid, kid who didn't think that I needed to work out. I just loved playing football. All i did, during weight lifting hour and offseason, was go out on the field with a bunch of other guys and play football.

Big mistake. That never did endear me to the new coach we got at the end of my 8th grade year. He honestly hated me, cause I refused to work out like I should. But he got his wish by the time my sophmore year had begun...I quit.

#2: Sex. Yep. Started having sex my freshman year in high school and, the stupid kid that I was, got my girlfriend pregnant. We immediately married (Another bad decision because I knew that I wasn't in love with her, but had convinced myself that this is what a man does. Takes responsibility).

Then I decided, that spring after we got married that I'd take my football more serious and try and get a scholarship out of it. So I went to my coach, told him I knew I was a screw up, but that I wanted to switch positions on offense and I'd work really hard if I could.

At the time I played WR on offense (where I went to school we didn't throw a whole lot so WR really meant you were another blocker and you were in like a 8 kid rotation of WR's) and on defense I started at DE. Occassionally I'd play FS and I was on all the special teams packages.

Anyway I wanted to move to QB because I had a pretty darn good arm. I could chunk a ball 60 in the air, at the time, with fairly good accuracy and I thought I was just fast enough (Cause I wasn't fast to be honest) to be able to run the sweeps and stuff needed in the more run based offense.

Anyway, rambling here, he finally agreed and told me if I would come to all the spring stuff, work hard, and do all the summer workouts and such that come two a days next August I could move to the QBs and switch positions.

I was stoked. I made all the spring drills, worked on my passing into the net, with recievers, the whole deal till the end of school. Then summer started and for the first 2 weeks I made it to the weight room at least 3 days a week, without fail, and really put in the effort.

Then, of course, i got lazy again. Staying at home, in bed, and having sex was more important than going to the gym and lifting. I missed the remainder of the workouts that summer and then when two a days rolled around I showed up to play football but found that the coach was dead serious about me having to show up all summer to move positions. He promptly put me back at WR. I went through the 2 weeks of practice, before school started, and then just as the school year started I quit.

I've regreted that every since. I'm not going to jerk anyones chain and say that I had a real shot of being a big shot player, in a big shot college program, and certainly not a really huge shot of making the pros or anything, but if I had dedicated myself, as I should have, I do believe I could have been good enough to get recruit by some schools and at least got a great 4 year education out of it.

So, yeah, make sure your boy enjoys every possible moment of this.


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Hostile;2096667 said:
My favorite memory form being recruited was the RBs coach at Texas Tech.

I asked, "why do I want to come to Texas Tech?"

He said, "son, no one ever graduated from Texas tech a virgin."

Now that's salesmanship!

In all honesty it is often hard to enjoy the recruitment process if there is heavy competition. The other schools are going to get dissed and you may hear stuff that just opens your eyes to things you did not want to know. It can get kind of petty and even vicious if the schools are rivals, which given geographic areas often is the case. Don't ask about under the table benefits.

You'll be fed well and you'll see great highlights videos of the shining moments.

The best advice I have is just enjoy it the best you can. If you have a favorite school try and go there first. Then use it as the basis of comparison to the others.

I chuckle.
Lubbock ranks pretty high up the list for STDs for college towns.:laugh2:


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diehard2231;2096172 said:
guys I am wondering if anyone here has gone through the whole recruitment process.

We are about to head out on a busy month of June,with one day camp invites and school camps.

I think I have some basics down,but I still could use some help with the process. Thanks

I was recruited for football and baseball coming out of high school. What do you need help with in particular?

If you want you can email me also:


White and Nerdy
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just get yourself a DVD of Johnny B. Goode....starring Anthony Michael Hall and Robert Downey Jr.

That will give you all the heads up you need about college recruiting....especially for football.