My take on Dallas in 2022


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1. The FO took a dump in a paper bag, wrote the word “offseason” on it, lit it on fire, rang the fanbase’s doorbell and ran away laughing.

2. Last night was a new low point in the continuing decline of this once proud franchise. Talent issues, execution issues, discipline issues, coaching issues, gameplan and game management issues etc… The flaws were on display for all the world to see and mock

3. Arrogance + Pride + Stubbornness = No hope for change. It is impossible to dispel ignorance when arrogance is in the way. And this FO is ignorant, incompetent, broken, dysfunctional, and delusional.

4. Forecast: I gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought they would actually come to play last night and win. I figured this team for frontrunners again, and saw them fading after a decent start to a 9-8 or 10-7 finish.

Now? After that display of impotence and ineptitude? This team would be fortunate to win 7 games this year. Last night was a mercy killing… Dak is not good enough. The WRs are not good enough. The OL is not good enough. The coaches are not good enough. TB just saved us a lot of time and put us out of our misery early.

Will anyone in the franchise have the courage to see the handwriting on the wall? Will anything change? I am expecting a year of “woe is me” excuse making after the Dak injury, and for MM to be the scapegoat and we get a new puppet next year to play with.

The product on the field is not worthy of the Star. This franchise has lost it’s heart and soul.

Rant over